Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1198: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (461)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

He bumped so hard in his arms, Feng Ling's expression still barely calmed, but the ears were already slightly warm.

Li Nanheng embraced the circle of people, letting him lean against his chest, and lifted her chin smoothly, letting her face him.

"Clarify the relationship inside the base." Li Nanheng pressed her in his hands, but looked at Wan Ke, who had been shocked to open his mouth: "Do I need to do more?"

Feng Ling leaned on the man's arms. The whole man was surrounded by him with one hand. He could hear the strong heartbeat of the man. She calmed down and suddenly looked back at Vanke. When she wanted to speak, Vanke was surprised. Looked at them: "I ..."

After a long absence, Wan Ke said a little embarrassingly: "Deputy instructor, I am still a newcomer in the base, and I do n’t know so much about the interpersonal relationships in the base. I only admire the instructor Feng Ling, and because she used to It ’s almost the same in the past, and I feel that I have a sense of confidence. Although she usually has a cold temperament and is harsh and stern, I can see that she is actually a gentle person in her bones, so I often ask her all kinds of things. Problem, but didn't expect ... "

He paused, and the embarrassment was more obvious: "I didn't expect to make the assistant instructor misunderstand, I'm really sorry."

Li Nanheng sneered.

Just admired?

Ghosts believe.

admire? Every day during the rest of the training, I kept the "heavy duty" of helping Feng Ling to pour water near the kettle, and I rushed to cook for Feng Ling when I was eating. As soon as I found the opportunity and time, I was tired and crooked beside her. Now dare to let Feng Ling put on his coat in front of Li Nanheng. Is this admiration? It's clear that his mother was trying to dig a corner.

"I didn't expect anything? She didn't expect her to have a man, and her man was at the base, right in front of you, and didn't even give you a chance to drill a hole?"

Vanke: "..."

Feng Ling: "..."

Wan Ke looked at Li Nanheng's expression that was so cold that his back was chilling. He originally relied on a brain that reflected agility. He almost saw at a glance that Li Nanheng's identity should not be so simple. After all, Feng Ling instructor A person who is usually so severe and so cold will actually be overwhelmed by this, not to mention the instructor Feng Ling. Even the head of the base hall, A Feng, is obviously very kind to the assistant instructor.

During the day, Vanke hadn't paid much attention to the assistant instructor. At the time, he was too tired to train to think so much.

But now I see Feng Ling being strongly held in his arms by the man. Although it seems that it is not appropriate, but he has not directly broke away and said nothing, which shows that the relationship between the two of them is harmonious, at least the relationship Absolutely two-way, no one is passive.

Instructor Feng Ling is so beautiful and the person is so good. It is said that the record in the base has always been very high. Such an excellent person is still the only woman in the base a thousandth, but she is mysteriously alone. The deputy instructor has a relationship, indicating that the status of the deputy instructor will definitely exceed his imagination.

"Your Fengling instructor is my girlfriend, not only my girlfriend, but also my daughter-in-law who will spend the rest of my life with me, and will tell the world to marry me as a wife." Li Nanheng looked at the boy: " So, give me a step away from her, you know? "

Wan Ke suddenly woke up. Although he wasn't sure what he was, he still couldn't afford to offend himself, and he didn't dare to have any wrongdoing now: "I see ..."

Seeing that the boy was clever, and after a few words, he knew the advance and retreat in time. Li Nanheng draped his own uniform jacket over Feng Ling's shoulders: "Get it, get out, I have something to tell your instructors."

Wan Ke quickly put on the coat on his body again, and the legs glanced at by Li Nanheng's cold eyes were a little soft and quickly left.

Feng Ling was really annoyed by Li Nanheng's strong possessiveness. Just now, in the face of the newcomer, it was not easy to shave his boss.

When she saw someone go, she turned her head and gave him a sideways glance: "I sat right outside the base hall and talked with him. He didn't move his hands, and I didn't do anything with him. What's wrong with you?"

Li Nanheng glanced down at her: "If I didn't know your temper, I would have kissed you directly in front of him."

Feng Ling: "..."

She knew that he could definitely do it.

Although good-looking, this man scared the people under her, but that ’s okay. Vanke saw it earlier and could take less detours. After all, this person is better at interpersonal relationships than his brain is smarter. There is nothing wrong with climbing up. The world is not fair. Not everyone can climb up smoothly by being honest, especially an orphan who does not have a backing and wants to be among the crowd. Zhongliang eyes, want to have a place in the desired position, or rely on smart minds and means.

She also paid attention to Wan Ke's usual attitude. He was really eager to himself, but in fact, he was 19 years old and it was so easy to get into the base. He didn't have much thought to think about what his children are. If you want to show your ambitions, you want the people above to like him to accept him, and you want to take a good root here, so you are more adept at walking around, and there is nothing wrong with it.

If this Vanke really has a clear emotional trend towards Feng Ling, Feng Ling has avoided people for a long time, that is, because he can see his thoughts, Feng Ling can understand, and does not want to miss such a thing. A person with a sense of purpose and a little skill, hopes that he can develop well in the base after seizing the opportunity.

"He didn't think too much of me, and in my eyes he was still a child." Although Feng Ling was still held in his arms by Li Nanheng, he did not forcibly break away.

"If he dares to have too obvious thoughts, do you think I will keep him to this day?" Li Nanheng sneered, holding her tighter, and bowed her head and kissed her hair: "You have a good sense This group of boys is not very old, but anyway, they have also passed their puberty, especially for a woman like you who can press them, and every day I watch you move in front of them, there is no one who can hold you back. There is something wrong. "

Feng Ling shuddered, "How can I have such a high popularity, and still think of me? Why didn't I see where I was so good?"

The man raised an eyebrow, held her head and kissed her at the top of her soft hair, but his voice was still cool: "You are fine, I have not missed all the choices in this life, especially for you, It ’s even more wrong. Fortunately, the kid is clever ... otherwise he might not even have the chance to touch the newcomer's assessment. ”

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