Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1200: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (463)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The short gun fell out of her hand and landed on the table in front of the shooting range. The man turned her around. In the early morning of the weekend, there was no slogan and footsteps in the base at this time. The man's kiss is gentle and sloppy, not as thick and direct as usual.

Apparently, the way she stood here and practiced the gun seriously also evoked a lot of his memories. Most men are too lazy to remember what happened in the past, but Feng Ling has this ability to make people like Li Nanheng also retrieve it tenderly. Remembering many years ago, there is nothing better than watching your daughter-in-law grow up in front of yourself. Men are hugged directly by the man, and it ’s hard to tell apart.

I felt that the woman who had just practiced the qi and qi practiced leaning on his arms almost weakly at last. Li Nanheng hooked at the corner of her mouth and kissed at the corner of her mouth. She pinched her chin with one hand, and touched her belly with her fingers. Gently rubbing on the rosy lips, staring at her deeply: "Feng Ling is resting today, accompany the deputy instructor out of the base, find a place outside and have a good discussion, how about it?"

Feng Ling nodded embarrassedly under the men's offensive.

Of course, she understands.

Li Nanheng was satisfied.

"What are you two doing?" Han Jin had heard gunfire here. Everyone in the whole base practiced their guns and vomited. When I heard such a diligent movement, I guess it was Feng Ling. When she was at the base, she used to be Such a person comes to practice, is more serious and diligent than anyone else. The frequency of shooting is similar to that year. I can hear it. After eating a few bites of breakfast, I just want to go out and buy something on the weekend. As a result, I pass by here. Seeing the two men were tired and crooked, I felt that my teeth were about to fall: "Boss, are you really taking the lead to completely change the atmosphere of the base? Are you Feng Ling or the original tomboy, can you take advantage of this opportunity to steal a kiss? Who does n’t know now She's a girl, this is a big crowd, you two are in a relationship and talking about shootings? "

Li Nanheng said lazily, "A big crowd? Where?"

Han Jin, who represents the public with one person's strength: "..."

He couldn't help hissing and let out a cold breath: "Although Xiao Fengling is back, it is indeed gratifying, but don't forget that A Feng's strict control is still there, especially now there are people ... Looking forward to you two God quarreled, and Feng Ling left the base in anger, giving up the position of instructor. "

Han Jin looked at Feng Ling again: "Although the position of the new instructor does not have the position of the assistant instructor at the shooting field, it sounds so powerful, but there are not a few who are staring at you below. Do you know how many people are waiting to catch you now? In terms of hard power, they really can't find any faults that can be discerned in you, but the people of the original three teams, you know, have complained privately about your return, and now they are more often Discuss this matter between you and the boss in private, a little movement can be told stories from various angles, I am also convinced, a group of big men even see so much nonsense ... ... "

Feng Ling knew about her return to the base early on. The people in the three teams who looked at her unpleasantly would certainly not be happy, but after she returned, she never had the opportunity to contact them, so she was unseen and uncomfortable. I usually do n’t listen to others ’private words, and I do n’t even know what they are saying.

Han Jin is also rare to see Feng Ling. After all, she was really too busy a few days ago and has been with the youth training team. When she saw it, she asked her a few words, so that she would be alert in her heart, lest she hear the three teams one day. What horrible words came from the people who were angry again.

Feng Ling said calmly: "When I was asked to come back as a shooting coach, I was really guilty and was not good enough to take such an important position. But the new instructor can afford it. I'm not afraid of their discussion and come to me directly. Fight. "

Han Jin raised his eyebrows and laughed.

It was hard to imagine that Feng Ling could say something arrogant.

Feng Ling is even more arrogant, and nobody is still behind: "Several people may not beat me together. I need to take the word out of this waste?"

Li Nanheng didn't say anything. He only looked at the woman with calm eyes in front of him, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never went down.

The release of Han Jin's words was also to give her a shot, so as not to run into any bad things, she couldn't help herself.

But now Feng Ling is no longer the former Feng Ling. She used to be cautious. No matter whether she is dealing with people or dealing with things in daily life, she is silent and works hard to reduce her own sense of existence and unwilling to offend. Anyone who had always been quiet in the base also impressed her.

Nowadays, although she is not high-profile, but for those who are not worth mentioning, she does not have to get used to them. Now she is tough and steady inside, and her knowledge and experience in the past three years have also made her recover. With a lot of self-confidence and the way to get along with people, he will no longer blindly avoid those right and wrong, but soldiers will come to block the water and cover the soil.

If Feng Ling was once a jadeite waiting to be carved, now she is the finest jade that has been carved, and even emits light.

She is no longer the little Fengling who once needed everyone to drive her emotions to take part in various lively events, nor is she the little Fengling who is working hard every day to wait for the rapid progress in each assessment.

She is now Feng Ling, who has grown up, has her own opinions, and has her own outlook on life.

Of course, Feng Ling didn't know how unworthy his rare appearance was in the eyes of a man. He only stared at Han Jin: "Kang instructor ... oh no, Minister Han."

Han Jin had already been promoted in the base. He was the best team in the base at first. It is said that he had been promoted two years ago.

Han Jin felt that Feng Ling had something to say, and raised an eyebrow at her.

Feng Ling really wanted to say something, remembering that he had accidentally heard Han Jin and Xiao Xu's conversation outside his room at the time. At that time, Han Jin casually said, "It's just a talk about a fruitless love. Don't go too far. "In the heart", although he was just a word of relief to Xiao Xu at that time, but he lingered in her heart for many years, just because she knew that Han Jin was actually facing her, so she now especially wanted to ask him if he had No one likes it.

It was just that she hadn't asked her. Li Nanheng saw that she had been staring at Han Jin, and took her back to her arms without expression: "What time are you wasting with him? Let's go and learn."

Han Jin looked puzzled: "What are you talking about? Where are you going?"

Li Nanheng turned Feng Ling and walked away, waving his hand in the direction of Han Jin: "There is no common topic with the bachelor like you for ten thousand years, explaining that you will not understand."

Han Jin: "??????"


(The meat is already stewed, eat cookies in advance, calm and calm ~ our boss is not really poultry. Shou, we ca n’t always be full of brains, we must always be sweet and sweet ~ )

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