Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1221: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (484)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng went to the back, knowing that Feng Ling was talking to that Veram in the temporary lounge behind the observation room.

He wanted to knock on the door, but thought that Feng Ling was the bishop of the Youth Training Team. Since he had given this responsibility to her, he could not interfere with any of her decisions in this normal state. When she doesn't need anyone to help her for the time being.

Li Nanheng leaned on the wall at the entrance of the lounge and lighted a cigarette, but heard the conversation inside the door.

He glanced at the time, four minutes before the next test.

"Veram, what do you want?" Feng Ling asked, looking at Veram who was still arrogant after being called in.

Veram put his hands in the pockets of the black uniform and whispered: "What do I want? Although I played really well and pulled down the team's score, after all, there are several other players in the second team that are holding back. It can only be said that the strength of the instructor is in the end, and losing in the end has nothing to do with me. "

Feng Ling looked at him blankly: "This is the result you want after a hard month in the base?"

Veram paused, then glanced at her unwillingly: "Even if he wins in the end, only ten of the twenty people can stay. These ten places are also for you to decide for yourself. Will you stay with me?" Since I have to leave sooner or later, why should I make a wedding dress for others? If everyone loses, let ’s not stay. "

"You want to stay?"

"of course."

"Okay." Feng Ling nodded: "As long as you play normally during the assessment, I will keep you."

Veram's expression flickered. Although he had a lot of prejudice and annoyance towards Feng Ling, the female instructor, she also knew that she was definitely a credible person. As long as she could say this, she could do it, not just flicker. He's that simple.

Feng Ling also said: "I will explain to A Feng and they will be able to talk over the base hall. This simple little thing is easy to solve. If you want to stay, I can help you."

She glanced at the time again: "So the next six games, how do you want to play?"

Veram couldn't reflect it. It felt that Feng Ling didn't say such a compromise because he was threatened, but he couldn't find any other reason.

"I ask you, since you want to stay, you want to come up with a convincing score, so that you can stand firmly even after staying in the base, after all, what people see is strength, and It ’s not an inexplicably won place. ”Feng Ling's expression was always faint, and there was no slight anger and impatience in his tone, but he continued to say in a flat voice:“ But what I want to say is that you have not been in a combat mission in person. Practiced in the middle, you haven't seen which brother died tragically beside you. Do you know what is the most solemn place in front of the base hall? They are all brand names of the base brothers who died in the war. Do you think that in addition to the reputation and money in the XI base? Is there nothing else outside? This is the place closest to the gate of life and death, but if you are not capable enough, taking a step at random is a dead letter. "

Veram: "..."

"I'm tough on you, just because I don't want you to stay? It's only you who will benefit from physical training. Really one day, under the enemy's gun and under the enemy's grenade, at least you have enough. Physical strength and speed to avoid those fatal dangers, you still have the opportunity to fight back, I rashly left you when I can't see your strength, and the foreman in the palace of the King of Yan forced to leave a person to death What's the difference? "

Veram: "..."

Feng Ling took a deep breath: "Did you think from the beginning that you sent a female instructor in the base and didn't pay much attention to you at all? Although I have been patiently following the training, but my heart has always been unbalanced? I am to you You wo n’t be satisfied if it ’s heavy or light, just because I ’m a woman? ”

Veram muttered: "Neither ..."

Feng Ling said indifferently: "That's because you are not confident in yourself and you are too sensitive and extreme when things happen. If it wasn't because you saw your strength and knew you could do better, how could I have called you out alone? Devil training? Do you think I'm targeting you or responsible for your life in the base later? "

Veram nodded, his hands clenched tightly into fists.

"Everyone is the same in my team, but it's the shame to give up on yourself. You feel like you have no hope to pull everyone into the water, but I think we can get full marks in the next five games, we can win, you You can also stay by strength. "Feng Ling looked at him:" You have to be clear, your stay does not affect me very much, you hold my breath, in the end, whether you go or stay is your own business, not because Make decisions that make you regret when you are young, and do n’t let yourself be smashed by the enemy by stepping on your head because of a moment of laziness. "

Veram looked at Feng Ling and didn't talk for a long time ...

Feng Ling glanced at the time, and was about to continue the opening soon. When he was silent, he would go straight out.

Veram suddenly said, "I'm sorry ..."

Feng Ling paused and glanced back at him.

Li Nanheng turned off his cigarette **** and turned to walk outward, his back disappeared at the end of the corridor.

He was too nervous for his little woman.

When everyone steps on the blade and knows it hurts, it's the most appropriate time.

Instructor Feng Ling didn't need comfort, she always stood still.


In the next few games, Veram was like a motor with a new battery, and he was desperately charged. Vanke's strength was not to be underestimated. The two cooperated well and led the other team members to evaluate together. He scored four full points, only changed to other players in the last game, and finally scored four points.

After the total score was calculated, the team of Feng Ling's youth team won by two points, and the gap was not large. The base is said to score extra points based on the performance of everyone on the training ground today. Although the quota is limited, all the hard power pass People will be assessed once more, which will allow them to win more places based on their strength.

This approach of Al-Qaeda soothed the rest of the restless hearts, also boosted morale and calmed down all kinds of remarks in the field.

And Feng Ling at least proved that her hard work this month has not been in vain. The twenty people under her are all excellent. The others must be given a long time to prove whether they can be better.

At this time, A Feng came out of the observation room and suddenly said with a smile: "Boss Li, watching the wonderful discussions of these new people with your own eyes, do you really not plan to evaluate them in person?"

Dozens of new players on the field looked at everyone in the field with surprises, and looked around.

Li Boss?

Is the legendary base boss even on the scene?

Where is it? I haven't seen the boss's deity since I've been here for so long. Is it finally about to show up!


(A small transition, I love you, why?)

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