Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1226: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (489)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

It ’s better to ask everyone to soak in the hot spring. It ’s better that A Feng realizes that he ’s offended the boss recently. It ’s a rare survival desire. He wants to take this opportunity to create a little ambiguous space for the boss and Feng Ling. The boss's anger was gone.

Li Nanheng, who understood this meaning instantly, snorted coldly: "I think he is interested."

It's a pity that now it is not a hot spring. Even if Feng Ling is chopped into his arms, she still can't sleep.

The worst thing in this world is the woman's aunt.

It's not too early, it's always the time to come.

Hanging up the phone, Li Nanheng fished with one hand, kept Feng Ling around, and walked straight out.

"Where?" Feng Ling asked.

"Someone specially invited guests to the hot spring to pay for their sins."

"Hot spring? I haven't soaked ..."

Li Nanheng turned around and saw Feng Ling's ignorance and curiosity, grinding his teeth and hating her aunt again.

After eating hot pot, I went to the hot spring. This kind of fairy treatment can hardly be seen in the base for eight hundred years. The newcomers who came out to eat can be considered good luck.

The key is that although these newcomers have been in the base for a month, they are still a little ignorant, after all, apart from knowing the assistant instructor ... Oh no, Li Bo is not easy to provoke and do not easily approach him to offend him. Get together to discuss various new things quietly.

When first entering the hot spring hotel, a group of people nodded in front of Li Nanheng and said that the boss was good. Before they had no idea of ​​Taishan or the like, they were all indifferent to Li Nanheng, so they had to step aside and dare not speak again.

But when they changed their swimming trunks and went to the hot spring pool on the first floor of the hotel, which seemed to be surrounded by rock walls, groups of three or five gangs got into each small pool and whispered.

Han Jin, when they passed through the hole of some Xiaochizi, they could still hear those people talking about Boss Li, who is actually the deputy instructor, and deputy instructor was actually Li Boss's cognition. They haven't tasted it yet. It is said that fortunately, the associate instructor was not directly face-to-face in the first place, otherwise today I am afraid that he will really die.

Feng Ling was the last one to go in. Because she was a woman, she went to the female guest's locker room. Then, because of the physiological period, she bought a pair of waterproof tights with the staff of the hot spring hotel, and then put on just Swimsuit bought with that shorts.

The swimwear she bought was a slightly conservative style. After all, there are so many men in the base ... if she wears various bikinis like the others in this dressing room to go to the hot spring, it is estimated that Li Nanheng will be the first to turn her face green. She shoved it out.

After changing, Feng Ling entered the hot spring side, but here is really a place like a cave, there are all kinds of small ponds, various medicine ponds, rose ponds, and each On the stone walls outside the small ponds are also engraved some small signs that the temperature of the water in each small pond is still effective.

She went all the way like this, listening to the giggles in each of the small ponds, and when she was near a medicine bath, she heard someone talking: "Hey, I just changed clothes in the men's locker room. Did you see Li Bo? "

"No, Li's locker room might not be with us."

"The men's locker rooms are all connected. Even if the world's richest man comes here, he has to walk in from there. Ah Feng they were all just now, Li Bo must be there, but they haven't met."

"What if you meet them? Can you still go up and hug your thighs?"

"I do n’t dare. Mom, did the people in our team talk about the assistant instructor privately in the last few days? Fortunately, I did n’t follow along. Mom. Now I ’m afraid of thinking about it. I ’ll say this assistant instructor. The gas field is different, not to mention the bishop, even the second baseman in the base such as A Feng respects him respectfully. At that time, we didn't dare to think about it. Otherwise, you talk about it. The second baseman is treated so carefully. Then, who else can that be, it should have been known that it was Li Bo, eh ... "

"Ah, let's say that, between our instructor Feng Ling and Li Bo ..."

"Do you still need to say? Those who are not blind can see them, obviously they are a pair."

"I really didn't expect that although the instructor Feng Ling was indeed pretty, but she was so serious and did not have any femininity. I thought that a woman like her would be more attractive to those young fans, and tall and tall Are n’t manly people usually like long hair like loli? ”

"Lolly a ghost, Lolly, I think that the teacher Feng Ling is more flavorful, at least unpretentious, than those little girls who hold their throats all day and yell and yell. Much more attractive ... "


I heard so many words just passing by. Feng Ling thought to herself that Li Nanheng's presence was really enough to destroy her high-cold image. After that, she wanted to put up some majesty again, and I think I would think of other ways.

I was about to continue to move forward, and suddenly I heard another sentence: "Li Bo's nose is so strong and his body is so strong. It is estimated that the size below is not small, ha ha ha ha ... Unfortunately, I didn't see it in the locker room just now, otherwise I can really Go and watch it secretly ... "

Feng Ling, who was already going to leave, heard such a sentence, and decisively and quickly walked away, trying to go as far as possible.

The area of ​​this hot spring room is very large, and it is a strange stone. It is necessary to walk around. There is no way to see which pools are in front.

Feng Lin seemed to be a bit lost after walking for a while, and looked around. Finally, she could only find a place where she could not hear, anyway, it was not convenient for a woman of hers to go to the same pool with other people. People's pool to soak themselves.

Just walking to a quiet place on the other side, she glanced into her head and saw that there was no one in the pool. She was about to walk in, and suddenly a figure came behind her, but she turned her eyes sharply, but still Without seeing the person, she was suddenly pushed against the smoother stone wall next to him. The man lowered his head and kissed him, but she looked with a look of astonishment on the face in front of her. After Li Nanheng, the tight body slowly relaxed a little.

Feeling the tension she had just had, Li Nanheng was not close to her. She looked at her open eyes, smiled and raised her hand and squeezed on her cheek: "Frightened? Who do you think? Who has this? How dare you touch you like this? "

It was because I knew that other people didn't have the courage, so even though he had to lift his leg and kick his life, he still resisted it.

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