Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1228: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (491)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!


"Old ... male ..."

She was so dumb that she could barely hear the sound, but Li Nanheng's eyes were dull, the water was constantly splashed by the man's movements, and the warmth of the hot spring combined with the touch of Feng Ling's bathing suit, Let the man understand in minutes that he is almost losing his mind.

He took a deep breath and flipped Feng Ling over tightly before he could do anything more crazy, his chest tight against her, a hard and soft collision.

The water vapor erupted from the direction of the spring eye confused their eyes, but the constant temperature and still hot water splashed on the faces of the two who were almost restrained. Feng Ling was taken away by the true emotions and feelings in his heart. Li Nanheng looked at her like this, bowed her head and kissed her fiercely, kissed her hurriedly, kissed her chin, and kissed her lips very hungry, almost violently.

His other hand was gradually lowered, stroking her waist and holding it.

Feng Ling has been in the base for a long time, and no one has actually come into close contact with her. I do n’t know that she is under the toughness of her appearance. In fact, her body is soft everywhere, and her waist is also slender. Press harder into your arms.

Feng Ling felt inexplicably that the movement of the man's hand on his waist was irritating, and she was stimulated to half-close her eyes and hum her neck gently: "I ... now ..."

She wanted to say that it was inconvenient for her period.

But she had only three words to say, and the next voice was sealed between her lips and teeth by Li Nanheng, Li Nanheng hurriedly hugged her more tightly, throbbing across her clothes, rubbing her hands on her body, irritating Now, he tightly hugged the little woman he had loved for many years and felt Feng Ling tremble in his arms. Her trembling satisfied his heart and made him crazy and obsessed.

When the kiss was over, the lips and teeth were still close to each other. Feng Ling was in this hot spring pool. She almost lost herself in such a restraining kiss. She opened her eyes subconsciously and looked down at the man's chest. Seeing his own hand, he didn't know when it started to touch his chest like this ...

With one glance, her scalp was numb and she quickly lifted her hand away.

When Li Nanheng was about to leave her body, she suddenly clasped her wrist, and her big hand pressed her hand down and pressed straight into the water.

Feng Ling was kissed to some red eyes. Now it was moist and steamed by the mist around her. She made a little effort but did not work too hard. The man leaned down while pressing her hand. She kissed her in the ear, and the calm gasping sound was right next to her ear. Sexuality was low. "I know you're inconvenient now, but I can't get out of the water like this and help me."

Feng Ling's hand was pressed so tightly by him, in the warm mist, Feng Ling trembled fiercely because of the low dumbness of the man, even with a bit of enthusiastic voice, and his followers just obediently posted it like this Go up.


Just before the eruption, Li Nanheng suddenly picked up Feng Ling and came out of the water, so as not to stain the water in the spring pool, and at the same time pressed the person heavily in the hidden stone gap in the stone wall, he murmured " If the name of the couple and the reality of the couple are not sitting down quickly, I'm afraid I can't take it anymore. "Then, I couldn't help it anymore, holding her with her cheeks burning red because of her non-stop action. Go up.

Beside, the sound of water in the spring pool is gurgling, the water in the spring's eyes is gradually turbulent, and the white air and sound of water in the room cover up the small space, even if it is not in the water now, and there is no worry about someone passing by. What do you see, because the fog is really too big.

Feng Ling couldn't breathe because of Li Nanheng's kiss. Her lips were slightly swollen. She took a chance to catch her breath intermittently, and then kissed again severely. The spirit of being kissed was a bit loose, her eyes were out of focus, and she hadn't for a while. Understand what he meant by the name of the couple.


In the end, Li Nanheng suddenly bit into the delicate muscles connected to her neck and shoulders. She snorted at the same time. After a while, he hugged her like this, buried her between her neck, and stuck her neck. She just gasped for a long time, and finally fell tenderly on her neck, shoulders, chin, mouth corners, and nose, and finally fell back to her lips, lovingly and kissed again.

"Don't kiss it ..." Feng Ling's face was bloodshot, his hands trembling with sourness: "If this continues, how can I accompany them for shooting training tomorrow? The gun will not be picked up ..."

Hearing Feng Ling's whispering protest, Li Nanheng's eyes grew darker, but it was obviously not enough to explain this time, and he could not fill the vacancies that could not be together these days.

He kissed her cheek and gasped, "Baby, love you."

Knowing that he really loves himself, but with such a straightforward love word, let Feng Ling subconsciously put his head on the man's shoulder socket like this, embarrassed to see him.

Li Nanheng smiled and hugged the person with a contented smile, then lowered his head to see that he was getting messy on her bathing suit, his eyes were darker, and his voice was muddy: "Is there a single bathroom in the back. "


The so-called bath, although this man tried to converge as much as possible, but Feng Ling was inevitably still bullied for a while, hugged and kissed, and did not even take a serious bath under the hot shower. After washing well, she was kissed softly against the wall, and Li Nanheng took the shower down and washed her from head to toe.

After washing, hugging and continuing to kiss, as if you can't do something else, but just kisses have to kiss back the emptiness these days.

People in the other hot spring room Xiaochi have long found that Li Boss and Feng Ling are gone, but they do n’t ask a very tacit word, and even the newcomers who are not too sensible usually guess something, usually Any joke is okay, but at this moment, you do n’t dare to make jokes. After all, if you really say something wrong, your life will be over.

Li Nanheng pressed Feng Ling in the bathroom of a single person and rubbed his ears. Feng Ling was ashamed of his torture. He tried to get away and ran away. He was pulled back and continued to press between his chest and the wall. Her lips The **** were already red and swollen, and now they are kissed and numb.

"Don't, don't kiss anymore ..." Feng Ling whispered as if he heard someone walking outside the bathroom.

Li Nanheng kissed her again on her lips.

He had seen her look like a toss under him.

I've seen her crying so much that she can't restrain herself.

So looking at her who was still sober, he couldn't help it.

He just wanted to hold her, to be one with her mind and body, and never to be separated. He wanted her to like everything about him, to make her comfortable, and to let her lose himself for him alone.

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