Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1245: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (508)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling nodded, feeling what he said makes sense, and at the same time asked, "What should I do now? There are still a few hours before lunch, and I don't need to boil water to cook now. You teach me how These tools, can I help you? "

Li Nanheng stopped the movement in his hand, glanced at her, and saw Feng Ling sitting on the small stool in the room proposed with a few residual wooden blocks and dragging his chin with one hand to see how he looked.

He sighed: "There is nothing I need you to do. If there is nothing to do, why don't you dance for me?"

Feng Ling: "..."

The man raised an eyebrow: "What do you look at me like this?"

Feng Ling put down her hand that would have been under the chin, with a tiger face: "I won't."

He laughed: "Oh yes, you really don't."

Feng Ling: "........."

"Then you hit a set of punches, or the basic moves of the melee combat in the base, and they look good together. Let me see a set?"

"Do not hit."

"You will, why not fight?"

"It's all you who taught me. In front of you, it's called Banmen's axe. If you do something wrong, you will still scold me, I won't do it."

Li Nanheng was happy: "I also scolded you in the years when you first arrived at the base. At that time, you were indeed physically weaker than others, and some basic actions were not standard enough. How many times have you learned your revenge?"

"I'm telling the truth, you didn't scold me less before." Feng Ling said and glared directly at him.

Li Nanheng chuckled, and liked her with less and less emotions: "What then? This feud can't be remembered for a lifetime, as I've been down in the last few days? Let you suppress my arrogance?" "


Feng Ling ignored him, she would not build a house or make a bed, but it was still possible to make a small stool like this. She walked over and picked up a few pieces of wood that had been cut off beside him. Find a few pieces neatly like picking up a treasure, and quickly take it to the side to fight, and get some small stools or other simple gadgets.

When I saw her, it was obvious that I had started to like making small things in recent days, and then looked at her carefully studying there with a few wooden boards, Li Nanheng smiled lowly, and continued the unfinished business at hand.

Creating a bed is definitely not as huge as building a house. The house should pay attention to various details such as waterproof and rainproof, and there should be some boards and other auxiliary things covering the seams inside and outside.

The bed is relatively fast, as long as it is sturdy.

After Li Nanheng built the bed, he placed it in a suitable place next to the wall in the room, and then noticed that there might not be a set of tables and chairs for dinner in this room. Feng Ling also wants to do some small things recently. She can slowly teach her to accompany her, so she can find some interest.

The two people who have lived in the city for many years, in such a quiet life in the jungle without even turning on a cell phone, there is no boring, and even more and more feel that this life is quiet and people can let go of everything outside Resentment and entanglement, so that there is nothing in the world, the mediocre person disturbs it, and the result of Feng Lingjing's heart is that she doesn't mind the things of Feng Jia and Feng Mingzhu.

After all, she hadn't had any connection with the Feng family in the previous 20 years, as if there was nothing more than a blood relationship between her and that family.

Although Feng Mingzhu is extremely extreme and selfish and narrow, the elders of the Feng family are not unconscientious. In this way, the two pairs are compared and offset each other, so that Feng Ling does not have too many complaints or hatred, but also Nothing touched me.

If one day leaves the jungle and returns to the outside, Feng Ling will depend on the situation. If Feng Jia insists, she will go to Feng Jia to take a look at it. She will take down her own spiritual hall and tell them that she is still alive. Thanks for their birth Fortunately, she acknowledged her ancestors and returned to the ancestors, but she only knew each other. She would not stay in the Feng family. She is still the same as Feng Ling, and there is no difference to her.

And if Feng Jia chooses to be quiet without disturbing her, she will silently not tell the truth and keep the status quo, no better.

Feng Ling knows that no matter how peaceful and happy life is in this jungle, one day, she will still go back. They both have something to resist on their shoulders. Can exist in the story of the book, but in reality, they all have a responsibility to bear.

Feng Ling learns things very quickly. Although Li Nanheng has not learned any carpenter's work, men are all action sects. Especially, they have a natural sensitivity to these things. In a house, after she learned how to make those wooden boards, she spent a week to build tables and chairs with him and other small objects.

The wooden house that belongs to them is complete, and there is almost no furniture, so that they can officially live in it. Feng Ling opened the wooden cabinet in the room and took out a clean piece of clothing belonging to Li Nanheng and went out. I heard the sound of water coming before I came to Qingxi.

She leaned her head to look over there, and saw Li Nanheng holding a green grass in his mouth. The tall man stood barefoot, holding the flowing water in Qingxi on his own with one hand and his other hand on his hips. With a grass in his mouth, a copy of Grandpa's stance as the king.

Something seemed to be arching around the man's feet. Feng Ling walked over and saw that it was a small wild boar, but the two pig's hoofs in front of it were tied to the stone by a rope. Lie down and struggle hard.

Looking at the man who was standing beside him taking a bath, he didn't need to know that this little boar was foolishly hitting the meaty man's leather boots, otherwise how could he be **** so miserably here.

She walked over with a smile, crouched down, put the clothes on her hand next to the clean stone, and then picked a pair of small pigs with little wild piglets in her hands.

"There are a lot of birds and beasts that can be found every day in this jungle. We are also considered to have the same nutrition and nutritional content here. What are you tying it to? This is too small, and you have to wait until you want to eat it. Grow up, otherwise I won't be able to do it. "She said suddenly.

Both people came from the base, and their ears have always been keen. Besides living here for so long, Li Nanheng heard that she was here before Feng Ling approached, and he did n’t turn around, but just stood there.撩 Water.

After hearing what she said, the man looked back at her and changed to another woman. It was estimated that he had to hold up and say that he would not be willing to eat or kill, but in her mouth, he had to grow up to eat.

"Then grow up and eat."

"Live? Who raises it?"


"?????" Feng Ling pointed to himself, and then to the little wild boar on the ground: "Li Nanheng, it is enough to raise one of you, and you still want me to raise a pig?"

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