Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1257: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (520)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Now they don't even know where people are.

Where does the target place, such a large jungle, hide in any corner, but where can it be hidden in such a sea of ​​fire?

The two gradually separated from the fire rescuers and kept walking forward, because their home was in there, the road in the middle of the jungle was extremely rugged, and it was so rugged that they had walked for six months, but they actually stepped on it Feeling frightened.

The sea of ​​fire was spreading, and the scourge of smoke was nearby. Which kind of fire caught the clothes. Although the fireproof clothing would not burn, it was an open flame after all, it was really hot.

"Can you hold on?" Seeing how far they went, they were still far away from their daily living area. The fire was too big. It was not practical to go in that direction against this fire. When you get there, you will definitely die here.

Feng Ling Cao Cao nodded his head and said nothing.

Li Nanheng's forces made a small effort to force Feng Lin to stop, and turned around to block her. When he lowered his head, he saw the little woman as if she hadn't realized that she had stopped now, and still moved forward mechanically, just because of the collision. He had to stop in his arms.

"Concentrate, don't think about irrelevant things. The house can be rebuilt. We change the route. They don't know where we build the house. According to the normal direction, the first time people who enter the jungle will go first, which side. The road seemed more obvious? I remember there was a small road towards the other side? "Li Nanheng held the person in his arms, trying to distract her while trying to coax.

Feng Ling went back to God. She actually came in to go to Qin Qiu. Of course, it was important to save people.

But when she walked in and looked at the jungle that was being swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire, she always wanted to go back and look at it subconsciously. She didn't know what the overflowing emotions in her heart were just now, but her trembling heart was watching those fires. When swallowing the trees, I thought of the home where she and Li Nanheng lived together, the home he helped build her little by little.

Sad, but not sad.

She nodded in spirit, and answered her voice as calmly as possible: "Yes, there is a great possibility on the road over there."

Suppose now that they are Feng Ling's parents. When they first came to a place like the jungle, they learned that they could n’t drive at all, but they also knew that Feng Ling lived here. What would they do?

Of course, after entering, find a road that looks the most like a road, and then continue to find every place that looks beautiful and safe, and connect them one by one in a safe direction.

Li Nanheng decisively took Feng Ling to the other side, no longer hesitating, no longer searching around.

Returning to the original road and heading to the route that he had probably guessed, in this thick sea of ​​smoke and terrible fire, he finally saw Mr. Feng, who was unconscious, under a tree, and Feng Yuancheng.

I finally saw someone. When Feng Ling saw the person who fell to the ground, he thought it was Qin Qiu, and he hurriedly walked over with the scorching sensation around him and the sweat that had been spit out and roasted, and turned the person over. Face up, she could see clearly that it was a man. She rushed over too quickly, and probably didn't see the outline just now.

Seeing a man, she had a meal, but Li Nanheng came over and whispered at this moment: "Since Mr. Feng is here, it means that Mrs. Feng should also be near here. The couple and the couple are hiding around the source of fire and walking around here, no It will be too far apart. "

Hearing that this man was Mr. Feng, Feng Ling had settled down, and then glanced at the middle-aged man who fell on the ground and wondered how long he had been fainted by heavy smoke.

Li Nanheng stepped forward and lifted the man upright, dragged one of the other's hand on his shoulder, and helped him stand up, but Mr. Feng was obviously in a deep coma and he was unconscious. Perception, even a little bit of reflection, is not there.

Li Nanheng is very clear that these are surrounded by trees, which are flammable and easy to produce a large amount of thick smoke. He and Feng Ling wore heat-resistant clothing with smoke and gas masks, but it was uncomfortable for more than ten minutes, not to mention Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng didn't know how much smoke was inhaled inside.

In a fire, fire is not fatal, and smoke is the real source of fatality.

After Feng Ling finally found one of them, she was in a better state of mind, but because the smoke here was too strong, she hardly had any hope to wonder if Mrs. Feng could still go out alive. The sane person was based on the situation here. I can guess, even if the two are taken out, there is little hope of survival ... almost no.

Her eyes quickly looked around. The heavy smoke affected her sight. Feng Ling narrowed her eyes, her pace was a bit hurried, and she continued to move forward until she saw Mrs. Feng lying there under the tree about ten meters away from the tree just now. In Qin Qiu, she slammed her heartily, hurriedly ran over to help Qin Qiu, Mrs. Feng and Mr. Feng were in the same situation, and the world was unconscious.

Time can no longer be delayed, Feng Ling did not hesitate to carry Qin Qiu back to himself, holding her body with one hand behind, and decisively taking off the mask on his face with one hand will be directly buckled to Qin Qiu's face.

Li Nanheng turned her head to see her, and her cold eyebrows ended directly and severely: "Are you going to die?"

Feng Ling didn't answer, just glanced at him, so he walked away without carrying a person.

When Li Nanheng saw her uneasy in her heart, it was estimated that she couldn't make any sense at all for a while, and did not stop her from doing such a futile stupid thing. Instead, she raised her hand and took off the mask on her face. When she walked over, she could not resist her and brought her. When Feng Ling raised her eyes and looked at him, when she wanted to ask him what to do, she saw the formidable anger in the man's eyes for a while.

"Don't delay, leave." Li Nanheng gave a cold voice, and carried the middle-aged man who had been unable to lean on his side backed up, and Feng Ling quickly carried the person out.

Along the road below the sea of ​​fire, people rushed outwards with their backs swiftly, and from time to time, there was a movement of which tree was burnt and fell suddenly.

It took five minutes for the ten-minute road to rush straight out.

They went in too long. The rescue helicopter that had arrived at the XI base had arrived. Regardless of the opposition of the firefighters, they rushed in to find them. A group of people were deadlocked outside the jungle. They suddenly saw two individuals rushing out of the sea and saw them. Each carrying a person on his back, seeing the two figures rushing out under the tongue of fire, members of the XI base were accustomed to this kind of scene, the first to reflect over, and hurry up to respond.

The members of the fire brigade were shocked and couldn't believe it. They looked at the two people who rushed out, and then looked at the entire jungle that had all been burned. It just seemed incredible!

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