Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1259: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (522)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

In the toilet on the helicopter, everything and facilities are available. The space is small but quiet. After closing the door, you can isolate all eyes from the outside.

He gave her a quiet space to make her cry and let her vent.

But after entering the bathroom, Feng Ling just stuck it in his arms and refused to look up. Li Nanheng locked the door of the bathroom, pressed someone on the door, looked down at her, and forcedly raised her chin to stare at her. Red eyes: "Don't hide. If you are too uncomfortable, cry a lot. After all, people have been rescued from us, haven't they? The harm has been minimized, and everything is left to the doctor. You have nothing wrong. The jungle is the place where you lived when you were very young. You should be thankful that your parents want to come here to pick you up. They have seen the place where you lived as a kid. They are true in their hearts. Love you so much and miss you so much. "

Feng Ling's depressed cry could not stop for a moment, and the tears rolled down. She raised her red eyes and looked at him, burst into tears, and rushed forward into the man's arms, sobbing silently. "Li Nanheng, I'm afraid."

From the first day of her memory, standing in the jungle over there to survive, and then for so many years until today.

For the first time, she said she was afraid.

Li Nanheng hugged the person and let her cry in the bathroom for a while, until the last person was tired, coupled with gastrointestinal discomfort, physical discomfort and weakness, leaning in his arms and no longer snoring, OK After she stopped crying, she opened the bathroom door and led out.

At this time, the helicopter had flown over a large hospital that cooperated with the XI base, and was preparing to land. Feng Ling's eyes were already crying. Several members of the base on the plane saw that she would cry. In the scene where Boss Li rescued people from the sea of ​​fire, although it is not clear what the person who sealed the family had with them, this relationship should not be simple.

Coupled with the fact that Feng Ling is also surnamed, several members of the base did not dare to ask one more question. Only after the plane landed, considering that the wind outside was too strong, Feng Ling's eyes were rare and red. One of the members Passed her a pair of sunglasses.

"Thank you, I don't have to." Red eyes turned red, Feng Ling himself didn't mind.

"Don't wear it. It's windy. I've just cried, and my eyes can't stand the irritation." Li Nanheng took it for her and put her sunglasses on.

He just couldn't stand the look she had just cried. Just now, in the bathroom, she was so distressed that she couldn't wait to dig out her heart. Now there are still a lot of things waiting for them to deal with, and the lives of Mrs. Feng and Mr. Feng are waiting. In the first aid, he needed calm and rational emotions to deal with it, but as long as he saw her crying eyes, he was afraid that he could not keep 100% calm.

Feng Ling didn't resist, she thought of the second old Feng Jia in another helicopter. At this time, they must be more worried. If they see themselves crying like this, it is estimated that the second old emotionally can't be controlled, and the old man is old. , Can not stand too much stimulation.

The plane landed smoothly, and members of the base quickly sent Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng to the hospital emergency center. Feng Ling was about to follow after getting off the plane. Suddenly I heard the door of another newly opened plane opened. Be careful not to fall.

As soon as she stopped, she looked back at the two old men, saw them trembling and eager to get off the plane. Li Nanheng was going to the emergency center to dispatch people. Many things also needed him to do at the moment. He was on Feng Ling's shoulder. On the tap: "Go with the second elder first, and leave the rest to me. The cause of the fire will be investigated as soon as possible, obedient, let's go."

Feng Ling stood in place and saw that Li Nanheng had entered the emergency center. She exhaled gently and gently, then turned to the helicopter and came forward to help.

Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Feng are now anxious like ants on a hot pot. They have been anxious to go to the emergency center to see the situation. Suddenly they see Feng Ling, and the tears of Mrs. Feng stunned all the way down instantly. When she reached out to help her, she quickly grasped her hand backhand: "Feng Ling ... Feng Ling ... My good granddaughter ..."

There is no need to test any blood at all, or any verification, but at first glance when she saw her outside the jungle, she can be sure that this is really the child. The one they sealed off was lost to Wang Yang at the age of one. Poor child in the sea, her most distressed granddaughter.

Feng Ling's face is a bit like Qin Qiu, but her eyebrows are similar to her father, and her whole body is the shadow of her family!

Can't be wrong!

Feng Ling wore sunglasses and blocked her red eyes. From the outside, she felt that she was still indifferent, but her hand was not grasped after being grasped by Mrs. Feng, but Help her, and at the same time nodded to Mr. Feng who came over, and said softly to them, "People have been sent to the first aid. I will accompany you to a rest room in the first aid center. I just caught a lot of smoke. Young people can't stand it after all the troubles, not to mention that you and your oldest are going to rest first. Everything is with us. Don't worry about it. "

Mrs. Feng cried and nodded: "Child, you know who we are, right? Know that we are your ..."

"Let's wait for the news from the emergency room." Although Feng Ling knew that they were her relatives, the people in front of her loved to miss their grandparents, but now is not the time to admit their relatives, and she does not know how to deal with this The feelings interrupted her softly, and the sunglasses blocked all the true emotions leaked from her eyes, and only the members of the base in the helicopter came to help her to join the second family of Fengjia.

Even though Feng Ling seemed indifferent and not very easy to contact, at least she did not let go of Mrs. Feng's hand until she was sent to the rest room. She said to pour two glasses of water for her, Mrs. Feng could see her At this moment, her body was a little tight, and even if she could not bear it, she let go of her hand.

Feng Ling asked someone to accompany them here, then turned around and found two disposable cups to pick up two cups of warm water.

When she went back with the water, she was still thinking about the jungle that was devoured by the sea of ​​fire. The home she and Li Nanheng built by herself must not be able to go back. Fortunately, all the memories are warm and happy, but fortunately they are both. There were no injuries. As he said, the ruined home can be rebuilt, and life is more important.

So how did that fire burn?

She remembered that she had extinguished all the fire sources before she left. She was afraid of causing a fire in the jungle. Fire prevention is very important. She has always been careful, so it cannot be self-igniting from the inside. There must be something outside. factor.

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