Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1261: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (524)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"What's wrong?" Feng Ling stepped out of the lounge and looked up at him.

Li Nanheng looked down at her, raised his hand and gently rubbed it between her soft hair. He also seemed very tired. The fatigue was not physical, but psychological.

Touching her hair and looking at the light of hope in her eyes, he whispered, "They are not in good condition, so you need to be prepared."

Feng Ling knew that they had inhaled too much smoke, and for so long in the jungle with huge fire, she could not feel her breath while carrying Mrs. Feng. She was really prepared, but she was used to it Sexually believes Li Nanheng, he said let her not worry, everything is left to him to deal with.

However, Li Nanheng is not a big Luo immortal, and a dead person cannot be brought back to life.

That little hope was finally dashed.

Feng Ling didn't say anything, just looked at him with his lips pursed.

Li Nanheng couldn't stand her silent and forbearing glance, glanced at the two old men still in the rest room, glanced under the eyes of a few unseen distresses, and dragged the person directly to the hall where the two old men could not see Press the person against the wall: "It is still in first aid, but the doctor's side is basically in the aftermath. I know you can't bear it, but you can't hide it."

Feng Ling was speechless. Indeed, she thought she was strong enough.

But when this kind of thing happened, she found that she really couldn't bear it.

Leaning against the wall, she felt nothing but a moment.

The mind of Mrs. Qin Qiu who looked at her with excitement and forbearance in the mall was sitting in her mind, sitting in the cafe with her eyes eagerly watching her, in the cafe because of her ambiguous affection with Li Nanheng A gentle smile from time to time ...

She has a mother and a dad. They personally go to the jungle to pick her up and take her home.

She thought that she had never touched her family since she was a child, she thought she looked very pale, but she did not expect that she would be paralyzed with such a strong shock.

Feng Ling leaned against the wall and didn't speak, Li Nanheng stood in front of her, holding her shoulders, giving her time to silence, giving her time to digest and face, and accompany her to silence.

Eventually Feng Ling stretched his arms to embrace his neck, buried his face between his neck and didn't speak, but he felt the warm tears around his neck.

He stroked her head: "My parents were gone when I was very young. At that time, they were too young. They didn't even cry or feel sad. Then they lived with a few grandfathers. I was also numb to family relationships. But I can't deny its existence, crying when I am sad, it really takes time to heal myself. I have been there all the time, with shoulders and chests, all of you. "

Feng Ling hugged him, nodded silently, tears still soaked his neck, and he gently stroked her back, holding people firmly in his arms.


"Xiao Qiu--"

"How can this be ... why is it so!"

Just when Feng Ling was soothed by Li Nanheng, when the two were walking back, they suddenly heard a trembling scream.

That voice was Mrs. Feng.

Feng Ling's expression froze, and she quickly walked over, only to see that Mrs. Feng had already come out. Not far away, the door of the emergency room had been opened, and Qin Qiu's body and face had been covered with white cloth. The doctor just notified the people at the XI base, and then pushed them out. However, I did not expect that there would be two elderly people here. I just encountered the obstacle when I pushed them out, and I could n’t push them anymore. The morgue could only stand there watching the old man crying over him.

I just learned that the news was no longer saved. Now I look at the people who smiled and laughed at themselves once under the cold white cloth. Feng Ling's face was instantly bloodless, and she walked quickly, When Mrs. Feng cried and lifted up the white cloth, and fluttered beside the bed hugging Qin Qiu, she stepped forward and hugged Mrs. Feng.

She couldn't say anything. The words she spoke must be choked. She tried hard to bear all the tears that wanted to burst out, but in this way she looked at Qin Qiu who was pale and motionless, and looked at the tears in her eyes when I didn't know when The tear marks had dried up, and it was estimated that it flowed in the emergency room, but after all, he couldn't get back.

Even if no one was willing to believe that all this was true, the whole family was discussing last night how to send people back. It was clear that the whole family was very happy and excited, but suddenly there was no separation between heaven and man.

But it's just a few hours.

But it was just a fire.

Nobody was burned at all, everything was completely neat and clean.

But people are ... gone.

The old lady burst into tears on Qin Qiu's body who had no temperature, and shouted "Xiao Qiu ... Don't leave ... Feng Ling has just returned ... Your mother and daughter haven't met yet ... Little "Autumn ..." This sounded into words, all in Feng Ling's heart.

Feng Ling had just cried, and now holding back tears stiffly, just holding the old lady Feng with two hands, afraid that she would fall down beside the bed.

Mr. Feng stood beside and closed his eyes, his eyes turned from Qin Qiu's pale face in pain, and finally fell on the medical staff at the end of the bed. Even if he knew that there was little hope, he asked mutely: "There is one more ? My son he ... "

"Old gentleman, the gentleman inside ..." The doctor headed with apology apologized: "He and his wife inhaled a lot of thick smoke, no matter how modern medical technology is, this situation is really weak, but The gentleman's health is a little tougher than his wife's. He had regained some consciousness before, and now he has a breath in ... maybe he can see the last one. "

The doctor tried to be as euphemistic as possible.

However, it was obvious that he was saying that it was just the last side before the man was completely out of breath and could not be saved at all.

As soon as I heard that my son couldn't save him, he stood there for a while, and then he almost stunned. Behind him was a member of the XI base.

The doctor suddenly looked at Li Nanheng who had just walked behind Feng Ling and the old lady: "Mr. Li, the gentleman inside is still dying, but we heard what he said during the emergency and he said he wanted to see you."

meet him?

The man is dying. His daughter and relatives are outside. However, when Mr. Feng knew that he had only one breath, he said he wanted to see Li Nanheng?

Li Nanhengdan glanced at the doctor. The doctor nodded at him, meaning that what he said was true. Mrs. Feng was already crying and fainting at the bed, and Feng Ling hurriedly helped him up. Can be supported by people.

The scene was chaotic, and the doctor was accustomed to this situation, and only told the patient's last words truthfully.

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