Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1271: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (534)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When Feng Ling turned to go out, she suddenly saw the black base battle suit she had replaced yesterday in the open cabinet door.

Looking at the uniform, her eyes were filled with deep-seated coolness, and the two big characters of "exclusion" on the document just now appeared and stamped.

The jungle where she has been living since her childhood was burned down, and her cabin was gone. She thought she could accept all this calmly, because at least she still had the XI base and Li Nanheng.

But she never expected.

She will be removed from the base.

At this moment, it was equivalent to her having nothing.

What a Li Nanheng, knowing how painful she would be when the knife was cut off, but he really got to go.

Feng Ling's hands hidden in his sleeves fisted out and fisted away.

"Feng Ling! Stop!" Li Nanheng was suddenly lifted off the bed, put on his pants and rushed out quickly, grasping her wrist.

Feng Ling knew that she couldn't shake her strength, she didn't even struggle, she only took a moment when she was dragged by the man, until she stood still, and turned to look at him: "I want to go quiet.

She has a quiet voice.

Li Nanheng clenched her wrist tightly: "No, you're here. When did you figure it out, I'll send you back home."

"Li Nanheng, I worked very hard to stop myself from yelling at you. You asked me to go quiet and don't force me." Feng Ling's eyes gradually became red.

"You'd rather you yell at me than stop yelling, and you can't leave my sight until you really figure it out."

"Why do you restrict me so much? I'm no longer a member of your base, I have my freedom!" Feng Ling couldn't help raising his voice: "You let go!"

"I'm your man? It's your fair husband in the future!" Li Nanheng didn't hesitate and didn't plan to let go.

Feng Ling smiled suddenly at this moment.

"What did you just say? Cut off my retreat, but you are not willing to cut off everything, you can't do it, you can't bear it, are you?" Feng Ling looked at his eyes, little by little, little by little He pulled his hand away from his wrist, until he finally pulled it out, took a step back, rejected all his touches, and said coldly, "Well, I'll give it to you, I'll come Cut for you. "

"What do you mean?" Li Nanheng's eyelids jumped heavily.

"Li Nanheng, break up." Feng Ling's voice was very light, but the words were clear.

"Take your words back, I just didn't hear them."

"No need to take it back." Feng Ling looked at him coldly. "Is it necessary to cut off my way back? OK, I will cut it myself!"

"Feng Ling!"

"Li Nanheng! From now on, I have nothing to do with you! If you dare to follow me and entangle me, I will go to the police! I am no longer a member of the XI base, I enjoy the legal rights of ordinary American citizens! I will I will do everything I can to cut off everything with you! "

When the voice dropped, she turned directly, pushed the door open and strode outward, leaving the man with a shameless look behind, and entered the elevator without turning back.

I do n’t know what kind of anger came out of the apartment. When I just passed by a flower bed, it was probably various tasks that I had done many years ago. All kinds of trauma and internal injuries have been from childhood to age. Suddenly, the things in my heart suddenly burst open in my heart and in my lungs, and the wounds on my shoulders and backs that had already healed everywhere, even scars that were scars were clamoring for pain, one inch by one inch as if there was really anything Something is cutting her heart.

She was trembling with pain, and suddenly her throat was fishy. She suddenly pounced on the flower bed, spit out a blood, and watched a big blood spit out like this. She stood dead for a long time, staring He took the blood, took a deep breath, got up, and walked outward.

As they were about to leave the apartment complex, the two security guards saw blood on the corners of her mouth and chin, and hurried out to ask her what happened, but Feng Ling walked out as if she had not heard her face.

Until the side of the road, he didn't even glance at the alternate traffic lights, just as if he could not see all the cars passing by quickly, crossing the road.

Several cars were forced to stop by her ghostly figure walking on the road. She was so annoyed that she stopped the car and honked her horns, and some people even looked out and called her crazy.

Feng Ling heard it, turned her eyes, and looked coldly at the person who was scolding her.

When the people in the car saw the blood in the corners of her mouth and the cold eyes that seemed to freeze people's hearts, they closed their mouths subconsciously, cursed a neurosis, and drove the car quickly behind her.

A few minutes later, the security saw Li Nanheng's figure stepping out quickly, and hurried forward to ask, "Mr. Li, what happened?"

Li Nanheng just passed by the flower bed and ignored the security guard's words, looking outward, but suddenly heard the security guard said, "We just saw the young lady who came back with you yesterday, just here ... it seems ... not like Too comfortable, vomiting something. "

They didn't dare to say that they saw vomiting blood. After all, it sounded weird and scary. How could a good person suddenly spit out such a large mouthful of blood without being in a martial arts drama?

Li Nanheng's eyes stopped because of the security guard's words, and he turned his eyes to look at the flower bed.

All I saw was a dark, dried blood stain on the edge of the flower bed.


He seemed to think of a few days ago in the jungle. Feng Ling was uncomfortable in her stomach when she walked out with Qin Qiu on her back. She had just nauseated and vomited the day before the incident and went to the hospital intentionally. She was uncomfortable, but was forced to endure all the uncomfortable intrusions into the sea of ​​fire to carry people out. Later, her face has always been very bad. Even Li Nanheng thought that she was in bad condition because of her parents' death. The next few days have been hit hard by life, but she has been holding back to saying nothing, no crying or crying, quiet and thoughtful working hard to live a good life.

Looking at the blood stains, Li Nanheng only felt the sudden jump on the temple, and walked out quickly, but only saw the vehicles passing by on the road quickly, Feng Ling had disappeared.

She only wore a set of clothes, and she didn't bring her mobile phone with her!

Li Nanheng ran outside quickly and didn't find her figure. She drove around to find her. Finally, she drove the car back and asked the security guard to call out the monitors outside the gate of the community. He also called the person from the traffic bureau. Find out all the surveillance cameras visible on all routes nearby.

He shouldn't have been so angry for a few minutes because of Feng Ling's words just now. He should have chased him out at that time and could not let her leave like this.

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