Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1281: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (544)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling walked out of the villa, and the people behind her didn't chase it out. She was considered quiet and quiet. After entering the car, she put the documents in her hand in the front passenger seat and drove back directly.

Drive home, take a shower, blow your hair, and look at the papers.

One night just passed by.

The next day, I went to work at Ji Nuan's company.

Mr. Center rarely comes to Ji Nuan. Even if he is older, he is just a respectable elder, but he seems to be very close to Ji Nuan. I haven't been in contact for more than a year, but Feng Ling often feels that Mr. Senter seems to be under the pressure of Mo Depth, so he has kept a certain distance from Ji Nuan, for fear of any misunderstanding.

Of course, this can only be guessed. After all, the marriage has been divorced, and there is no longer any connection. It is still the divorce that Mr. Mo mentioned at the beginning, how could he give pressure to others.

Ji Nuan's personality is very tough. She doesn't say, how happy to be with everyone when you are happy, and you won't be sad when you are alone at night, but Feng Ling knows that Ji Nuan's personality is A lot has changed in the subtle way.

Both of them have changed a lot.

Ji Nuan was pushed out from a warm embrace, and Feng Ling ...


The relationship between the two people in a foreign country is more and more, so the relationship is getting better and better.

Weekend, holiday.

Ji Nuan and Xiao Ba rarely took a rest at home, because they were afraid that Feng Ling would pull them out of bed to go to the gym to exercise after they came to the door, and she was very ruthlessly turned away from Feng Ling.

Feng Ling simply read a book at her own home to learn something. At home all morning, she remembered a book Mr. Center introduced to her. When she went to buy a book last week, she didn't buy it, saying it was a week ago. When it arrives, she puts on her clothes and goes out.

The bookstore she was going to was about fifteen or six minutes' drive from her place of residence. After driving, she went directly to the bookstore to look for books.

This bookstore is a store on the first floor of a department store center. It can be accessed from inside and outside, and can be directly accessed into the mall. People often use this as a side door. Therefore, people here are mixed in and out, and today is the weekend. Much.

Feng Ling was walking through the area of ​​business and finance books. Picking up a book and turning it around. After looking for a while, I turned to look for it. Suddenly I found a book that she hadn't seen before, but the content was very interesting. Finance and business related, but the expression of the book author is very humorous and humorous, people look at it and will soon be attracted to it, will not be sleepy, will not feel like learning, but like a small one Learn a lot of benefits in the story.

Feng Ling was fascinated when he looked at it, standing there and looking down seriously.

Suddenly, a scream came, more than ten meters away behind her: "Ah-"

Feng Ling didn't bother at first, but then heard the people around him panicking and screaming, "Ah, ah, Tokyo bandit! It's a Tokyo bandit!"

Gun killings often occur in these western countries and major cities. Tokyo bandits, as the name suggests, are robbery forces accompanied by several Japanese martial arts. Several people have guns in their hands and they are good. They have been in the UK. When they committed the crime, the last time they heard about their murder and robbery was more than two months ago. At that time, they robbed a gold shop. The money and gold in it were enough for them to live for a long time.

It seems that this is a lack of money recently, even dare to make a splash in the business center of London.

Listening to the noise and screams escaping from behind, Feng Ling continued to look at the book as if she hadn't heard anything, and because the scream of someone behind her too much affected her reading mood. Yue frowned.

"Bang!" I don't know which gangster fired a shot at the lamp above the bookstore. Instantly, the shattered pieces of the lampshade scattered on the ground. The people were more excited when they heard the gunshot, but they It seems that the front and back doors were guarded by the Tokyo bandits. Later, no one could escape. The scared ones all shrank their necks and hid in. Finally, more people crowded in. Feng Ling didn't know who gave it. After a hit, she closed the book in her hand without expression.

A group of people were panic-stricken, and only one woman standing there holding a book back to them seemed unhurried, and several Tokyo bandits saw her at a glance: "That man, is he deaf? Can't hear the gunshot? "

"I think it should be deaf. Normal people have been scared silly. See how many people here ... one two three ... Well, more than twenty people are all scared like dead dogs, hahaha ..."

After that, the Tokyo bandits shouted to the crowd with a bad mouthful of Chinese: "Don't move! Otherwise, kill you now! Give up all the valuable finances on your body!"

I heard these Tokyo bandits shouting in Chinese, and the British people present were all incredulous.

How are they Chinese ... aren't this group of Tokyo bandits? Is it that the Chinese are robbing?

Feng Ling's fingers calmly rubbed the corners of the book, facing away from those Tokyo bandits.

It ’s all Asians ’faces and faces. It ’s extremely extreme to pretend to be Chinese when doing illegal things in a foreign country.

"That woman hasn't reflected yet. I'm scared or I haven't heard it. Go get her and start with her first!" One of the Tokyo bandits is estimated to be a brother-level figure, suddenly pressing his voice to the side The person explained.

Then someone suddenly walked towards Feng Ling and saw that person came with a gun. The people who had been hiding around around Feng Ling were even more frightened and finally "inaudible" Feng Ling was thrown there alone, and saw that the person had approached her with a fierce face. Someone in the crowd had a very pitiful glance in her direction, and always felt that the young girl might soon be Blood splattered on the spot.

Just the moment the man held the gun, and just after attaching the gun to Feng Ling's waist, everyone in the bookstore was holding his breath in fright, and the timid woman screamed and raised her hand in a hurry. Cover your ears and close your eyes.

However, beyond all expectations, when the young girl felt the sudden gun behind her, not only did she not panic, but she moved slowly and calmly as if nothing had happened. She kept the book intact. Stuffed it back into the bookshelf, then slowly, slowly turned his head, looked coldly at the fierce Tokyo bandit behind him—


(Don't worry, Feng Xiaoling is working hard to evolve, asking for a monthly pass ~)

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