Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1283: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (546)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Although it was only a little skin trauma, there was not much bleeding, just a little blood, but suddenly it was seen by a half-familiar person, and Feng Ling was not comfortable.

She has never worked with anyone in the UK in the past six months. When she was around Ji Nuan, she could only play a little deterrent role. After all, the MN Group also has security and professional bodyguards. Feng Ling came to learn. Ji Nuan I didn't really want to worry about protecting her, so Feng Ling basically had no fights.

Today is the first time she has come to Britain.

As a result, there was such a big noise.

She only glanced at Ain, and didn't plan to say anything, just left.

However, the tall, mixed-race man walked over without a word, and Feng Ling had turned and walked away for a few moments to grasp her wrist, although she avoided her Injured, but at the same time holding tightly next to her wound: "Injured, take you to bandage."

Although Feng Ling has been in the XI base for many years, I haven't felt much about staying together with those brothers for a long time, but now this person is different from her previous brothers in nature, and the hands must be pulled out instantly. Men held tighter.

She frowned: "Let it go."

Ain looked down at her: "I said you were injured and need to be bandaged."

"Small wounds are enough, just buy a band-aid." Feng Ling turned to look at him: "Mr. Ain, let go of your trouble, my mind is not as open as yours in Britain, and it ’s a lot of people pulling your wrist It's really not polite. "

Ian put his hand back, glanced at her again, and then turned to look at the bookstore that was surrounded by the London police. "I just passed by and didn't know what was happening inside, but suddenly I saw you knocking someone down ..."

Feng Ling: "..."

He glanced down at her again: "I didn't see it. Except for your bad temper, you are so powerful that several men with guns can't beat you, Miss Feng, I really have to be curious, what exactly are you What is it? "

Feng Ling was silent for a moment, and Mr. Center only knew that she was the second daughter who was lost and returned from Feng's family. She knew that she had grown up in a military and military base, so her character would be a little tougher. Understanding, Ian would certainly not know much about her.

She didn't want to answer and just left.

Ian didn't remember the first time I saw the stubborn and indifferent back of this little woman. The sense of distance kept in front of people made people feel the fragility and inaccessibility hidden in her heart.

He looked at her and explained a few words to the secretary who came behind him, and asked the secretary to talk about the relationship with the department store today, then turned around and walked out.

Feng Ling returned to the car, raised his hand and put it on the steering wheel, only to see that although the wound on the wrist was not big, it was quite deep, no wonder it was seen by Ain, and the blood was on his clothes. The clothes she wore today were a light-colored suit, and now she had a lot of blood on her leg.

It's not that I can't feel the pain, it's just that I have been accustomed to injuries everywhere for many years, but I haven't suffered much injuries recently. Suddenly, I really feel tingling.

Feeling that her hands were not stable when holding the steering wheel, she was about to find a wet wipe in the car to wipe the blood on her wrist. Suddenly the door of the first officer opened, and Ain opened the door directly. Without saying a word, the tall and tall body just sat in.

Feng Ling's gesture was one and he stared at him: "What are you doing?"

"I have a hand injury like this, how do I drive?" Ain crossed his fingers with his fingers and placed it on his own leg, and then looked at him like this: "I'm fine today. It's because you are my brother's student. Take you to the hospital. "

Feng Ling's eyes were cold: "No, please get off."

Ian didn't mean to leave, didn't talk much, just looked at her like that.

It seems that successful people like Ain, especially in their thirties, are not as apathetic as Qiao Fei and Chen Beiqian who she met before. This kind of man is not easy to deal with, especially when he makes any decision At the same time, not to mention he was the vice president of the bank, so many soldiers and young men under his command, used to give orders, this kind of aura could not be easily pushed away.

Feng Ling knew that this kind of person was not easy to deal with, and she didn't have the heart to deal with it. She frowned directly: "Mr. Ain, get on someone else's car without being invited. Are you British so impolite?"

"Don't we British, we British, half of me is Chinese blood." Ain Dan looked at her: "Miss Feng, I care about you."

"Thank you for your concern, but I don't need it." Feng Ling's expression was always cold: "I warned you one last time, please get off the bus."

Ian tickled his lips, raised his hand and made a gesture of please: "You can drive the car out 500 meters smoothly, I will go down."

Feng Ling took a deep breath, and withdrew his eyes expressionlessly, directly started the engine to drive the car away, but his wrist was a little painful, and he could not really drive it.

As a result, after the car drove about 500 meters away, she subconsciously thought of stopping to let him go down, but she ignored the situation at the nearby intersection for a while, and she was not allowed to stop after driving here, and even if she wanted to Stopping at the risk of violating the traffic regulations can not stop at all, there are many vehicles behind, and a slight delay will cause serious traffic jams.

Seeing that the car could not be stopped, Feng Ling's face was even worse. He drove in a cold voice and said, "Mr. Ain has a good routine."

Ain smiled calmly, and the following chin pointed to the front: "There is a hospital three kilometers in front of me. In the past, I bandaged and watched your wrist wrapped. I will leave."

Feng Ling really couldn't stop now, and there was no other way. She drove the car straight forward, but after driving to the hospital, she unfastened her seat belt and said, "Is this you taking me to the hospital? Or shall I take you to the hospital?" "

Ain chuckled: "What does it mean that you can't drive? You like to drive it by yourself, but you still have to watch the bandage. Otherwise, I don't think your character takes your body seriously. It is likely to go straight back. If you get infected with water again, you will have a fever after the infection. I am afraid that no one will be able to see when she faints at home at night. "

"... not so serious."

"I am serious, I can see it." Ai Ke pushed away and got out of the car: "Go, bandage.

After Feng Ling sat in the car for a few seconds, they all came here, so let's pack it. She also pushed the car door and got out of the car. She just turned to look at Mr. Ain's back, and narrowed her eyes coldly.

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