Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1286: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (549)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Xiao Ba came very promptly. When she saw that a friend had come to pick her up and drove her home, Ain didn't force it anymore. She got out of the car and smiled at Feng Ling across the window outside the car.

Feng Ling's gaze moved out of the rearview mirror, and he sat in the front passenger seat with no expression.

Xiaoba, who has already occupied the driving position, noticed the man outside the car as he drove away. He smiled and asked, "Isn't this Mr. Ain? How did you meet him? If he was there, why not? Let him take you home? "

"I'm not familiar with him, let him send me back to do?" Feng Ling said lightly.

Xiaoba has long been accustomed to Feng Ling's cold temper, and laughed and said, "Ji always said that Mr. Ain was interested in you, I can hear what she said."

Feng Ling scoffed: "There aren't a few people who are interested in Ji Nuan. Have you seen her?"

Xiaoba didn't comment on this statement, after all, Feng Ling was telling the truth.

Feng Ling is a very low-key person who does not show up on weekdays, and can be remembered, not to mention that in the past few years in the United Kingdom after the divorce, the increasingly warm and confident Ji Nu, as the MN Group The person in charge has to deal with large and small entertainment occasions, and the men who throw her olive branches can circle the MN group, but Ji Nuan just doesn't care about anyone, and he also mentions all kinds of men's affairs. Not to mention, not to mention the depth of field on his mouth, nor to other men. He arrogantly advertised every day at major entertainment venues. The fiery red skirt wore a different charm, but she was a man who did not look at anything except work. , Have no plans to find someone else to fall in love with each other.

For example, the general manager of BGY, who often borrowed business reasons to come to London, also helped Ji Nuan in many careers, but Ji Nuan only thanked others and did not mean to develop feelings with them.

Ji Nuan seems to be all right, living positively, living a nun-like life in private.

What's more, Feng Ling has a weak temper.

Xiaoba shook his head: "You and Ji are the same. You met the best one in the beginning, so that no man can enter your eyes in the future."

Feng Ling didn't say anything, she just put her hand across her sleeves on her gauze-wrapped wrist. When the car passed another bookstore, she asked Xiaoba to stop the car, and she bought the book she wanted. Get in the car and ask Xiao Ya to take her home.


a week later.

Feng Ling checked the documents of the previous meeting in the MN group meeting room. Ji Nuan had just finished the meeting and returned to the office for a long time. He suddenly returned.

Seeing that Ji Nuan pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in, Feng Ling only looked up at her, then lowered her head and carefully looked at the things in her hand.

"There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to listen to first?" Ji Nuan walked over and tapped his finger gently on the table of the conference table.

Feng Ling didn't look up, turning over the meeting paper in his hand: "Everyone listens first, which one do you want to say first?"

Ji Nuan chuckled, leaning so casually at the conference table with his arms around his chest, looking down at her: "I'm not sure which is good news for you or which is bad news for you."

When Feng Ling heard that she was related to her, she looked at her again: "What's the point of your sale?"

"First of all, the Li's Group in Los Angeles contacted our company's development department and planned to start business cooperation with MN. This is good news. After all, Li's in Los Angeles is a large piece of fatty meat in Chinese companies and has a strong family foundation. Not any small company can reach it. The cooperation with such a company can greatly help MN. "Ji Nuan said.

Hearing Ji Nuan's words, Feng Ling nodded: "That's really good news."

"The bad news is that Li Nanheng didn't know when he started to take over Li's management power completely. The person in charge of this cooperation is the president Li himself. He and these two people will come to Britain, London, and We are here. "Ji Nuan said, looking down at Feng Ling.

Sure enough, Feng Ling was flicking her hand for the meeting papers, and then raised her eyes to meet her eyes.

Ji Nuan raised her eyebrows at her, her eyes were clearly saying that everything she had just said was true, and she was not joking with her.

Regarding company matters, Ji Nuan never really made a joke. This business cooperation is indeed not to be missed, but now that Ji Nuan will come to tell her, obviously he wants to hear the idea of ​​Feng Ling. If Feng Ling does not want to In that case, Ji Nuan would rather lose this cooperation opportunity than make Feng Ling difficult to do in the middle.

Feng Ling retracted her gaze, closed the documents in her hand, and leaned back against the back of her chair, silent for a few minutes.

Ji Nuan didn't say much, just looked at her like this.

After a long time, she asked, "Feng Ling, what are your plans?"

"Don't you send someone back to Haicheng recently to send something? Let me go." Feng Ling said.

Ji Nuan shook his head gently: "Mr. Cente said that your grandfather had explained that you must not leave the UK and walk around alone. You must ensure that you are always under Mr. Cente's eyes."

Feng family now has only one baby, Feng Ling. Father Feng pays great attention to her safety issues and does not want to see her make any mistakes. She also firmly believes that as long as Feng Ling learns from Mr. Cente, her character will be somewhat suppressed and converged. Surely she will not be allowed to leave alone.

Feng Ling looked at Ji Nuan: "I don't want to see him."

Her relationship with Ji Nuan is so good that she doesn't need to cover her mind, and it is also the reason for not so much coquettishness, just to be honest.

She didn't have any idea, she just didn't want to see him.

Ji Nuan snorted, "Do you know what happened when I sent Li Shi the application document? At that time, I was only a small studio. At that time, Li's person in charge was not Li Nanheng, which was equivalent to me. Their cooperation application documents were not looked at by them, and they were put on hold, but Li Nanheng deliberately unearthed something from a long time ago and came to London in person. What do you think he did in London? Li's foundation is strong Does my company send me such a new power company's business cooperation list? "

"He obviously came to you, but the reason for business cooperation is brighter and bigger." Ji Nuan is now more and more awake and clearer, directly breaking the fog in front of Feng Ling: "You The problem between Li Nanheng and me is not the same as Mo Jingshen. I was the one who was thrown away by your Mr. Mo. There is no turning back. I can only grit my teeth and walk all the way down. But you are different. You can return to Li Nanheng. He will open his arms and wait for you if you want. "

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