Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1289: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (552)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling expressionless: "Mr. Ian's joke is not funny."

Ian chuckled: "What if I really jump?"

Feng Ling glanced at him: "Then you jump, I won't stop you."

"Well, you are really ..." Ian really loved and hated her temper, and in the end she could only feel itching her teeth, although she could not wait to get people into her arms to kiss him and let him know He was not so good-tempered and patient, but because of her temper, he still knew he couldn't be too close, otherwise he would only push people farther.

They entered an elevator that only senior managers of this bank building could take, so they were unobstructed all the way. They did not stop in the middle of the 70th floor and reached the top floor.

After the elevator arrived, Ain smiled and watched Feng Ling reach out and made a forward gesture.

Feng Ling was unknown. So she went straight out. After stepping out of the elevator, she needed a small staircase of about ten stories to reach the rooftop. She walked directly.

Stepping on the stairs all the way to the rooftop, the empty space in the middle of the rooftop near Qianping was covered with red roses, not petals, but a fresh red rose, and a white rose in the middle. Huge huge heart shape.

Feng Ling's footsteps stopped.

Ain walked behind her: "I know this way does look tacky, but according to my observations, your experience and everything you have are simple. This tacky expression can no longer be tacky. I don't know Can I get into your eyes, but at least I'm sincere. If I can get even a little of your heartbeat, even if I can make the whole street full of flowers, I would be willing. "

Feng Ling: "..."

Ain stepped in front of her, and looked down at her silent words: "You have been invited so many times, and you would not eat with me. Since you are here today, would you have dinner here?"

Feng Ling turned to look at him: "Mr. Ian, I think I should tell you ..."

"No need to say anything first." He reached out and took her wrist, clenched while Feng Ling was subconsciously trying to pull his hand out, and looked at her firmly: "At least, before you return to the United States, I always want to leave something in your heart, even a little trace, so at least if I go to the United States, there is still a reason to see you. "

Feng Ling was led by him into the large field of roses in front of him, and he stepped on a path left in the middle until he saw a delicate table in front. At this moment, Ain pressed a dark bell on the table, Immediately afterwards, someone brought the carved candle that looked exquisite and luxurious and various exquisite restaurants from all over the world, and brought it on the table.

After those people filled the table, he motioned them to go down until they were the only two of them left. He came over and opened the chair on one side, and motioned to her to sit down.

The pursuit pursued by Feng Ling is only Li Nanheng's purely straight male style "I like you, I want you", not to mention the rose paving and candlelight dinner, even the man with a decent flower I had given her the impression that Li Nanheng had given her only the cabin in the jungle, but it was later burned.

As for other enthusiasms and pursuits, they were just a simple favorite. At that time, Chen Beiqing was only a bunch of flowers every day, but she was also rejected by her. She didn't even look at it.

She hasn't had much experience with emotions, so even though the scene may seem tacky, it was the first time for her.

Seeing that Feng Ling was standing still, Ain turned and pressed her shoulder directly, and sat on the chair against her: "Here comes it, give me face, if you leave now, I am in a big battle. It has been seen by all the employees in this building, you always have to give me some face. "

Feng Ling said nothing, just sat there, looking at the candles on the table, and then looked at the nearly 1,000-square roses under the feet, not to mention that these flowers are expensive, let alone so many.

Ian seemed to be somewhat compromised when she saw her, and was not too resistant. Although the silence seemed uncomfortable, it was a good start.

He smiled and sat across from her. After cutting the freshly cooked steak that was just delivered, he pushed the steak from the plate directly in front of her, and took the plate that was not in front of her to his side. Be patient.

Feng Ling watched him move: "Mr. Ian, you are so kind, I really don't know how to respond, but I should always understand your attitude, I don't say, you are also clear."

"Clear." Ian cut the steak patiently: "But after all, you are still single, I have the right to pursue, and I didn't think that I can get your heart only today, but there is something good and sincere in China. It ’s been a long time since the stone was opened, and one day we will find your breakthrough. ”

Feng Ling did not eat the steak that was cut in front of him, but only glanced at the goblet next to it, and the wine was already poured in the glass.

She took the wine glass and shook her hand, she chuckled: "If my life hasn't changed so much since the age of one, maybe these are indeed what I should have experienced many years ago, flowers, wine , Luxury to live without worries, beautiful dresses expensive shoes and bags ... "

"Unfortunately, Mr. Ian, you don't know much about my past." She said softly: "Although I am indeed the daughter of the American family, but in my eyes, a random rose here is enough. I ate a full meal, and I was very touched by such a luxurious and high-profile way, but at the same time I was moved, I felt distressed. These are not suitable for me. Please do not do it again in the future. "

The move of Ainche Steak paused, looked up at her, and watched Feng Ling just drink a sip of red wine after speaking, and had no intention of eating.

"Sent has said something about you, but he obviously doesn't know much." Ian put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up the wipes on the side, and wiped his hands: "Mind tell me about your past What? "

Feng Lingkou said: "Nothing to say."

"I don't want to say that it means that your heart is not open to me." Ain looked at her with emotion. "What kind of way do I have to pry your heart away, and how can I see your world clearly?" What's in it? How can a good girl refuse to be so far away and refuse to be so thorough, even if you are trying to escape, but you have never done it. "

Feng Ling smiled again and took another sip of red wine. After all, this is the rooftop. In the autumn weather, it seems to be windy. I do n’t know where the wind blows from. Her hair is a bit messy. Around the neck.

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