Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1311: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (574)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Because of the upcoming financial conference next month, Feng Ling had to move a lot of things to Washington this month.

The focus of many business cooperation projects should also be moved here.

The reason why Feng is so busy is that there are still a few unsolved problems in Feng's internal affairs.

For example, when her father Feng Yuancheng was still alive, because there was no son under his knee, and Feng Mingzhu was not a big deal, he spent many years training a young man named Feng Mingyi. It is said that Fengming was a child The home mirror is very ordinary. He broke out with his own ability. Later, he met Feng Yuancheng by coincidence. He always followed his work, step by step, and spent nearly ten years walking from a company to a general manager. Later, the Feng Ming recognized Feng Yuancheng as the godfather, and everyone in the Feng family thought that he would definitely win the half of the Feng family in the future.

However, although Feng Yuancheng recognized the godson and cultivated this talent, he did not have a thorough plan to transfer everything in his name to an outsider, even if the person is now surnamed, but after all It's just the way he left for the Feng family. If he had no choice but to do it, he would choose it.

At that time, he actually hoped that Feng Mingzhu would become a big weapon, but in the end he was still disappointed.

Feng Mingyi is very proficient in seeing and watching, and has established a solid foundation over the years of Feng's. When he gradually found that Feng Yuancheng was only using him as a spare tire replacement, he was unwilling and gradually became disoriented. Feng Yuancheng noticed that Send him to his subsidiary to take care of things, leaving it out for three or four years, this subsidiary has now been spun off from the company by Feng Mingyi, becoming a company under his own name, no longer associated with Feng's Relationship, and this subsidiary is getting bigger and bigger, now this company is headquartered in Washington, called TMing Institution, is a financial institution related to financial out-chain, and many large financial companies on Fifth Avenue All have contacts.

Feng Yuancheng also saw Feng Mingyi was very business-minded at the beginning. In the end, this company also regarded it as a acquiescence and let him divest himself. It would be good if he wanted nothing to do with him in the future.

However, Feng Yuancheng also knew that Feng Ming was always reconciled, and this piece of fat that was close to his mouth was finally taken off.

The news of Miss Feng Jiaer's return is the most unpleasant reason for Feng Mingyi.

Feng's last hopes were shattered. Why did she suddenly run out of another lady?

I originally wanted to watch Feng's family gradually decline in the hands of the second lady, so I was going to clean up the situation myself, but I didn't expect that this young woman named Feng Ling was really a little trick, plus she had A very professional Qin Shu can be here. Even if the Feng family is not prosperous, at least it can maintain the glorious original condition of the past. It is not high or low and maintains everything. It is still stable. This has just been taken over. This Feng Ling went on like this An Ansheng, and it is estimated that what he really did in the future, he really really lost this piece of fat.

After learning about this financial conference, Feng Ling came to attend. Feng Ming checked her information and other financial dealers she might contact when she came here. She took the phone with a sneer, and her cool voice passed directly to her. : "Notify all financial external chain partners related to TMing that from now on no one will be allowed to receive Feng's orders, and if you find a customer related to Feng's, grab it at any cost to me, it doesn't matter how much it costs, anyway Do n’t let her stand still at this financial conference, you ca n’t get a penny, yes, I ’m going to break Feng ’s path, you should know what to do. ”

Dropping this sentence, Feng Ming directly hung up the phone without hesitation.


Qin Shuke just followed Feng Ling to Washington, and after hearing the news released by TMing, his face was ugly.

TMing is directly meant to drive the Feng family out at this financial conference, and to break her arm before Feng Ling's wings have completely hardened, and there is no hiding at all, the purpose is so Outrageous.

"Feng Dong shouldn't have been too kind to that **** son at the beginning." Qin Shuke told things to Feng Ling and sat down beside him.

Feng Ling didn't say anything, she didn't know much about Feng Mingyi's thing, but just after coming back to take over Feng's, she only knew a few when investigating personnel changes and things between the companies, but she was still busy More importantly, I haven't considered too much whether the presence of this person will affect the company.

It now appears that her father really did the replay of Tiger Returning Mountain that year.

So eager to force her to return to Feng's house, in the last breath, she must try to find someone who can help her decide, and chose her the way to return to Feng's house.

In fact, what really worries me is that one family has no one day, and the two elderly people can't fight Fengming Yi, for fear that the Feng family will end up with nothing.

"This person is trying to kill Feng's?" Feng Ling asked.

Qin Shuke hesitated for a moment: "He does have such a purpose, but I don't think he has this ability. Although the TMing organization has been in Washington for several years, it is still just an organization, not even a formal company. On the other hand, no matter how good his relationship here is, the Feng family can still beat him. As long as we don't fool, he may not be able to fight us. "

When Feng Ling learned about this, the whole person's state seemed very calm.

After discussing some plans with Qin Shuke, Feng Ling stood quietly in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling window, and looked down on the towering floor.

The tall figure also has tall reflections on the glass. She holds her mobile phone and her eyes are calm.

The weather in Washington is very good. Sun shines on her through the window, but Feng Ling feels a bit chilling back, because the person at the TMing agency not only puts out words to block the way of Feng Ling, but also wants to be here. The partners who are about to cooperate with Feng's are also blocked.

This arrogance is nothing more than because he believes that Feng Ling is just a little girl who has been lost for many years. She has taken on this responsibility as soon as she came back. There is no ability at all. If she doesn't come to Taiwan in the end, she will at most be a little girl who is wronged and crying in front of the board. There will be no supernatural ability.

In the afternoon, Qin Shuke made another phone call outside: "This is the case. It seems that this group of people involved in financial cooperation have no intention of targeting you, and they seem to appreciate you. Although I do n’t know how your fame came from Washington, but they do n’t seem to be prejudiced against you, but because of the things that TMing is doing, they are not looking at either side, and they are just watching. We expect much better conditions. "


(Are you asking for a monthly pass? Recently, the child's flu symptoms are too serious. Qing Qing gets up every night to take care of her baby and feels she is about to die T_T)

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