Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1314: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (577)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"What's more disappointing to Miss Feng is that I have always been dissatisfied with Feng Mingyi, and all the assets and family businesses under your name should have been mine." Feng Mingyi was very straightforward and fundamental. I didn't take Feng Ling seriously, I was too lazy to lie: "If you are only greedy for the position of the president, I can allow you to continue sitting here, but other than that, don't think of anything else, otherwise ... "

Feng Lingchun's dark eyes did not look at him timidly, it seemed to see through what he was thinking.

Seeing her at this time did not have any attitude to be softened, Feng Ming squinted his eyes, the words could be regarded as the end, but his eyes looked at her meaningfully.

"Mr. Feng is afraid of thinking the wrong purpose of my visit today."

"Oh? What are you doing today? Is it just to see your brother and me?"

"Today I just want to invite Mr. Feng to gamble with me." Feng Ling smiled and smiled at Feng Mingyi's proud and arrogant attitude.

"Bet? What do you gamble with me? The chips in your hand don't seem to be stable, and I can easily grab them. Bet? Do you have this capital?" Feng Ming leaned back against the leather chair .

"In short, I can't play any tricks, is Mr. Feng afraid?"

Seeing her attitude, Feng Ming's heart was also stunned. He squinted and looked at her with interest. It was rare to see a look like this in this humorous business district. Clean man, and still a woman.

Abandoning his past with Feng Jia is not just a matter of looking at her, but wanting to stain the pure things in her eyes. How did such a person mix up in business?

"Just bet I will get through this time, how?"

Feng Ling's voice was as cold as clear water. Although she did not miss any of Feng Ming's face, she did not have any extra reaction.

Feng Mingyi looked at her with an emotion.

In fact, he really wanted to bet her with a fair bet, but as President E said, she did n’t know who was behind her from the beginning and now she can only take it with President E. At the end of the game, if I want to change to another game, I can't stop it anymore.

Besides, E is still waiting for her to come in person.

"What if I win?" Feng Ming asked.

"I don't like if." Feng Ling faintly: "If you really win, I will hand over Feng's power with both hands, and never regret it, otherwise if I win, you return TMing to Feng's, the name in the The wording is completely clear, and you should never have anything to do with the Feng family. "

Feng Ling is now talking about business, and she can also speak like a businessman.

"Oh." Feng Ming sneered: "Sure enough, the people who grew up in the military bases talked in such a way that one was one, two was two, and they didn't even leave themselves a little room, then I waited You have given Feng's power. "

Feng Ling smiled lightly: "Really? Now that both sides think they won't lose, make a note to avoid regrets."

As she said, she got up, put a printed document in front of him, and the content of the bet was on it.

"You already counted?" Feng Ming looked at the words on it, and then looked at Feng Ling who was always calm and calm. For a moment, she suddenly wondered whether she would miscalculate because she was really calm. It's already ready.

"If you can, I hope you can erase Feng as soon as possible and get out of TMing." Feng Ling gave him a cold look. After he signed the letter, he took the bet and turned away.


Taking Feng Ming's signed gambling contract back to the branch in Washington, Feng Ling entered the office and then directly contacted several related persons on Fifth Avenue.

After finding out the situation of President E, I learned that President E will have a banquet with many partners here tomorrow. The venue for tomorrow night will be at a Mid-level Villa in Washington, and Feng is also invited. .

It stands to reason that Feng has not had any relevant cooperation with this well-known Washington-based financial company. This time, it was also because she had a relationship between the person in charge and her father, so she would get in touch. The other party changed, she had never heard of this E, and there was no friendship in it.

On the list of invitations, most of them are very prosperous companies in the Chinese community in the United States. Although Feng's is not small, it seems a bit far-fetched to want to squeeze into the ranks, not to mention that she and E have never met.

Why did she invite her?

Why did Feng Ming repeatedly mention this E in front of her to help her?

Is there any connection between them?


"Are you sure you want to attend this banquet in the evening?" Qin Shuke looked at the invitation secretly for a long time: "I alone think that there is any fraud in it?"

Then, she looked at a few people around her.

Those were Feng Ling's secretary assistants, and she said at the same time, "You're not alone."

After speaking, all eyes looked at Feng Ling.

Feng Ling was signing the documents, and the pen in his hand was quietly held in his hand. After signing his name, he looked up at them: "I know there is fraud."

"Then you still go?"

Feng Ling pushed the signed document forward, and said lightly: "I have my own measure, rest assured that there is really any problem, and it will not be me who suffers in the end."

Qin Shuke: "... but now you are in the business world after all, it is no longer the circle that has been yelling and killing, those people rely on force again, in case someone fancy you, give you the next What medicine, what else can you do? "

Feng Ling raised an eyebrow: "You remind me."

"So?" Qin Shuke looked at her. "Do you think this is possible?"

"Yes." Feng Ling said faintly, "I have to go."

"You ..." Qin Shu saw that he had already set his attention, and cut his teeth angrily: "Crazy, are you? Knowing that people are not good at you, what if you really encounter something, really At that time, there was no chance of self-preservation. The barren and smoky place in the Mid-levels Villa was too late for you to run, and the police could not catch up. "

After speaking, I didn't talk much when I saw Feng Ling, and I didn't even explain it. Qin Shuke directly picked up the phone and quietly flipped through the address book while walking outwards, until he found the name and went to the door. Make a phone call.

"Shu Ke, who are you calling?" Feng Ling's voice suddenly came from behind with some coolness.


(He rushed to the doctor at two in the morning, and the baby in Qingqing's family changed from viral influenza to influenza B. He kept on having a high fever of 39.6 and continued to burn his head ...)

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