Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1316: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (579)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Mid-level villa.

The space here is huge, but it is indeed a space for parties.

Feng Ling hasn't recognized all the people here. After all, there are too many people, too big. After she just went in and talked to a few familiar people, she was given by almost all celebrities in this Vanity Fair in Washington. Crowded to stand aside, stood a short distance away and picked up a glass of wine, he turned around and saw a strange man of about 40 years old approaching.

"You are, Miss Feng?"

Feng Ling glanced back at the man before he spoke, and the secretary who came along next to him introduced him directly: "This is President E, the host of the Banshan Villa reception."

"It turns out that you are President E." Feng Ling nodded to him directly and calmly: "Hello, I'm glad."

"Fortunately, fortunately." E always extended his hand to Feng Ling very politely.

Feng Ling also stretched out his hand and just pulled it back, but found that his hand was slightly tighter by the man of the person. This is not too blatant, but it is a very obvious hint between two people. I am interested in a woman and want to continue to have more communication. This hints that Feng Ling, who has been in this circle for more than a year, may not understand.

She just smiled politely at him, pulled her hand back without any trace, and then touched him with a cup: "I have contacted your company before is another person in charge. Today is the first time I have met President E. In the future, business cooperation may depend on President E's care. Come, I respect you. "

The glass is red wine that is only about the height of the bottom of the glass. Feng Ling's wine volume is not good, so after entering this circle, he will never drink too much, only according to the amount.

"Miss Feng is polite. Our company and Feng Shihao are also partners who often work together in this Chinese American business community. If there is a need, Miss Feng can always speak to me."

After a few words of shame, Feng Ling directly changed the topic. First, he thanked General E for his kind invitation, and then directly introduced the topic to the indicators of financing at the end of this month and various directions that their company wanted to talk about. Politeness and extra pampering.

Although she was just in the business world, she was cautious and quiet, and her speech was dripping. E always smiled at her from time to time. At this moment, other people came over to say hello. He nodded apologetically to Feng Ling and turned to continue with other people. chat.

Returning to silence, Feng Ling put down the wine glass with few sips in her hand, set it aside, and looked again in the direction of the wine glass tower in front, making sure everyone got the wine there, and After drinking it, there was no problem. Then I passed. I picked up a glass and put it in my hand, in case it was needed, lest anyone come to stop and give her a glass of wine. In the name of respect, she would even refuse There is no way to refuse.

The phone shook in his pocket at this time, Feng Ling took it out and glanced at it. Qin Shuke sent it: "Is everything all right?"

The time now is half past seven.

It's half an hour before Feng Ling's eight o'clock, but Qin Shuke can't sit still now.

Feng Ling smiled and made a phone call directly. After reporting the safety, she said that everything was going as planned. After all, it might not be that simple tonight, but she did n’t really understand these methods. She did n’t know that she was more attentive. Still, what really happens, anyway, be careful.

After hanging up the phone, I heard a commotion from the door. Feng Ling turned around and saw a person who was in her sixties came in. After listening to a few people talking in a low voice, she realized that this was the fifth in Washington. A well-known big man in the Avenue financial industry is an idol of many young entrepreneurs. Feng Ling is not familiar with him. In her eyes, her idol in the business world is her mentor, Mr. Center.

The big brother is also followed by two young and beautiful women, both of whom should look like his granddaughter. The key is that the two women are still holding his arms left and right, they are all hugging left and right. Beauty is pregnant.

Feng Ling didn't plan to pass, but she was about to withdraw her gaze, but suddenly in the light of the corner of her eye broke into a tall, tall and familiar figure.

Her heart flickered for a moment, and looked intently, as if she had been hit by a thunder, standing in place.

The man is not as tall and smart as he was wearing the same black uniform as he was in the past. He has a straight suit, a tall and straight figure, and a handsome and noble man, but his face has a cold smile that is thousands of miles away. This kind of alienation is cold Of course, his gesture was not particularly arrogant, but with a kind of indifference and laziness after flashy and hustle and bustle, making him look cold and indifferent but extraordinarily charming.

Therefore, although he deliberately chose to appear after the big man in the financial world, he still caught the attention of the audience for the first time.

However, he obviously didn't like these eye-catching glances. He glanced very lightly, and even the male assistant next to him said something beside him, and he turned a deaf ear.

Yu Zheng is also very incomprehensible. President Li never accepted this type of dinner invitation. Why did President E agree at the invitation of this half-mountain villa today?

The moment Li Nanheng entered the door, Feng Ling retracted his gaze.

Turned out to be Li Nanheng.

Qin Shuke was stopped by her once, and she would definitely not rush to call him to inform him of this.

In other words, Li Nanheng was one of the invited subjects today.

Also, Li ’s status in the Chinese community in the United States is almost equal to that of Mr. Moe ’s Shine Group. Coupled with the XI base sitting behind him, it was originally a black-and-white one who did not dare to provoke. Now Li Nanheng left the base, After all, this prestige still exists. This time, Li, who has never participated in these small projects, rarely throws out olive branches. These people must desperately want to hurry up. This invitation, of course, will not leave him.

But did he know she was here before he came?

I knew what the gambling contract she had made with him, and came here to **** investment from her. Is this really what I want to earn in the billions?

But then Feng Ling suddenly realized that she seemed to be a stumbling block. In this way, if Li Nanheng would show up to compete with her every time there was a competition, she would have only been The probability of getting 30% of the investment is estimated to be only 3%. After all, he should be the object of those investors who should turn their backs. As long as he nods, who dares to refuse?

At that time, she only thought about not letting the forces behind him raise funds for himself, but ignored Li's position in the business world. Now she can only see that Li Nanheng's appearance when she appears, she has a good chance of winning small.

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