Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1330: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (593)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The caller was Mr. Mike's assistant and asked if Feng Ling had time to go to Mr. Mike's resort as scheduled.

This was already scheduled at the reception a few days ago, and of course Feng Ling has set aside time for the weekend.

However, because it was intentionally vacated for two days on the weekend, the past few days were extra busy, so there was no chance to see Xiaomomo, and I only occasionally sent it from the person who took care of Xiaomomo over the hotel Photos and text messages to confirm your child's safety.

In fact, there is nothing to confirm. After all, when people are at Li Nanheng, the safety is absolutely guaranteed. As long as she is sure that the child eats well and sleeps well, she will not worry her, and she will not worry about Wen Leqing who has just left the United States.



Feng Ling didn't go alone this time, but took Qin Shuke to Mr. Mike's resort together.

After all, Mr. Mike is a leader in the Chinese business community in the United States. He is also a legend in the older generation of business circles. His assets are worth 100 billion yuan. It is similar to this one-million-square-meter resort on the outskirts of Washington. The decoration in each resort area is rich and luxurious, so that everyone who comes in is amazing.

In this large resort area, there are various stadiums, various entertainment venues, as well as swimming, hot springs, steaming, fitness places, etc. Mr. Mike invited everyone to come, and also arranged rooms for everyone, Everyone stayed here for one night and tasted the three meals and service levels in his resort.

"This is the real rich man." Qin Shuke walked beside Feng Ling, and the two retreated from the crowd in front of them, whispering beside Feng Ling: "I heard Mr. Mike's asset It has already surpassed Bill Gates, but has never really announced its assets to the outside world. Although it has a reputation in the business world, it has always been an invisible rich who is clear to everyone in the industry because it is too low-key. If you say the world ’s capital, I think Mr. Mike is more qualified ... You see here, this taste, this vision, and the front one, it looks like an architectural decoration. In fact, it is a broken arm statue of ancient Rome in the 80th century. This statue One is enough to feed a company that is going to go public, not to mention here ... You see, so many, many of them are from the last century. This is just a villa area in Washington, and it is not expected in other areas. Little, this everywhere shows that Mr. Mike is really super super rich. "

Feng Ling didn't know much about these studies, but Qin Shuke was studying abroad, and what he saw and heard was indeed richer. These things were only learned after hearing them. Turning his eyes to the ancient Roman statue over there, he said softly: "So Is it expensive? "

"Of course, the 80th-century statue, do you think this is a joke?" Qin Shuke said, pouting: "But then again, with Feng's current reputation and situation, Mr. Mike will be It ’s really an honor to invite. "

Feng Ling said nothing this time, just glanced at the old Mr. Mike who was talking and laughing with people around him: "His fame is indeed very big in the business circle, but Mr. Mike in the United States and Mr. Cent in the UK Who do you think is better, sir? "

When saying this, in order to prevent others from hearing, Feng Ling leaned over his head and leaned to Qin Shuke's ear: "I think Mr. Center is slightly better."

Qin Shuke's mouth twitched: "You always protect yourself like this. No matter how great Mr. Center is, he is so younger than Mr. Mike. In the end, he is still a junior. We are even the junior among the juniors. Mike Is Mr. Legend a legend? When I was studying abroad, I saw pictures of Mr. Mike in foreign textbooks. He is really legendary. "

"No wonder you came to the resort this time so strongly that you want to come with me, so Mr. Mike is your idol?" Feng Ling glanced at her.

Qin Shuke snorted: "Although there is a certain reason for this, but I still want to be with you, okay? I just want to see if Li Nanheng will bring Brother A in the end. I heard that Brother A is rarely back to the XI base, and often walks outside. Maybe he is now following Li Nanheng? "

Feng Ling laughed and turned inward.

Most of the people who came here today were the group of people who were at E's Mid-level Mountain Villa that day, but there were some additional ones that Feng Ling hadn't seen, but at first glance, they were not simple characters. Occasionally they heard them passing by her. In the conversation, you can also dimly hear the companies in those populations. When you hear two of the very large group names in the United States, Feng Ling turned to look at the two.

I did not expect that the people from the EDK Group and the AW Group were also invited, and it is said that even the Shine Group also invited, but the Mo family did not send anyone, and even Mo Dong did not show up.

So many of the leaders of the top Chinese companies in the Chinese community in the United States have almost arrived. It can be seen that Mr. Mike's strength cannot be underestimated.

What is it called?

If you want to gain a foothold in one place, you must worship the dock first.

Mr. Mike is this dock, but although the old man accepts the initiative and enthusiasm of so many people, it doesn't seem to pay much attention to it. For example, Feng Ling had not appeared before the old man before, nor had he greeted him, more Some of the female CEOs who were there were always chatting with the old man with smiles and tremors, but it seems that the old man has not affected the scope of the inviter because of this. Feng Ling has never even laughed. Included.

Visited all the way in front of the resort, it is really every few steps you can see a variety of garden designs that are extravagant to very common, as well as various souvenirs and decorations worth hundreds of millions.

After walking a long distance, she walked into the front hall. Feng Ling stood at the back, did she squeeze forward, but she could hear the voice of Mr. Mike from the microphone speaker.

The voice was old but powerful, and the opening remarks were exciting. When Feng Ling turned his head and looked at the old man, he accidentally bumped into a pair of dark black eyes of a man who was sitting at the end of the front somewhere. Here, she glanced at her for a few seconds, and when she saw Li Nanheng for a few seconds, the man who saw the man who had been indifferent to anything around him seemed to have a faint smile.

"If you laugh at Li Nanheng like this, he is afraid that he can bring the whole world to you."

Qin Shuke's words echoed repeatedly in his ears.

Feng Ling regained his gaze bluntly, but even though he no longer looked at him, he could feel that the man had not recovered his sight through the crowd.

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