Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1344: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (607)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

As a result, I saw her lost expression as soon as the voice fell. The paper cup must be different from what she used to do on the shooting training field and playing darts. Happy.

"Find time to take you back to the base, darts sniper sniper rifle you can play, this paper cup is fine." The man touched her head and coaxed softly.

Feng Ling glanced at him: "OK."

It sounded that she was still not very happy, apparently remembering that she was no longer familiar with the base, and her eyes were a little bit complaining.

Li Nanheng hugged her involuntarily, and then touched her back again: "Well, life can't be the same, you have to leave sooner or later, you should vent all the grievances to me, don't be alone Sulking. "

"I want to go swimming." Instead of answering him, she said something suddenly in his arms.

Li Nanheng looked down at her: "Did you already go in the afternoon?"

"I didn't get into the water in the afternoon. I've been sitting next to work and now I want to go swimming."

Since she wants to, stay with her.

Li Nanheng took her to the pool side, but Feng Ling probably felt a bit cold at night, or bypassed the pool and went to the several hot spring pools in front. The scene of the two people taking a hot spring together was not over, but she drank too much This is the first time that he has been so vaguely active as to drag him to a hot spring.

The two walked over there. She knew how to change clothes in the dressing area of ​​the female guest next to her. When she changed out of her bathing suit, she was wrapped in a bath towel and put it in the hot spring water.

Li Nanheng had been waiting in the pond for a long time, but instead saw that she did not come to the pool he was soaking in, but went to the one next to him, just two meters away from him.


Feng Ling sat there, retracted her eyes, lowered her head, and played with the red rose petals floating on the hot spring pool on her side. Then she observed the distance between herself and Li Nanheng. She seemed very satisfied and nodded. Sitting seriously in the hot spring pool again and closed his eyes.

Li Nanheng was about to go, even if Feng Ling closed his eyes and heard the sound of the water on his side, he suddenly said, "No, don't come."

Li Nanheng: "..."

A patient with an injured arm, he had to pay attention to that hand can not touch the water when soaking in the hot spring, so accompany her to go out and play for so long, it is not allowed to soak in a hot spring in the same pool. thing?

Seeing that Feng Ling was sitting and sitting there seemed to be about to fall asleep, Li Nanheng said to himself: "The taboo in hot springs is to sleep, are you dead?" After speaking, I felt that I am now It used to be particularly well-founded and went straight to the hot spring pool over there.

When he got into the water, Feng Ling almost fell asleep, suddenly woke up, opened his eyes and saw that the man was approaching, she had just fallen asleep, and now he looked at him with some blurry eyes, and the man went straight Recently, she took her out of the water into her arms, hugged her on her lap, and let her lean in his arms to soak in the hot spring: "Don't sleep, sleeping in the hot spring is easy to go wrong, and it's not good for the body."

Feng Ling glanced at him and rested his head directly on his shoulder.

Li Nanheng froze because of her sudden obedience, and looked down at the little woman obediently sitting in her arms.

She was wearing a new swimwear exclusively for the white female guest area. It was not exposed but not very conservative. It was quite a regular style, but when she wore it, she seemed to have fairer skin and fairer cheeks. Because of the faint drunkenness and soaking in the hot spring pool for a long time, the powder is red.

He deliberately intoxicated people, took so long, and tossed and tossed. The original purpose was to listen to her heart in the past few years. The purpose was achieved, and the people also kissed, hugged, and fell. It is not necessary to ask for someone. As long as it is determined that she has no reason other than being angry, he can solve all problems, patiently wait until the day when she takes the initiative and she is willing.

But at this time, Li Nanheng found that no matter what reason he was looking for, he couldn't lie to him, wanted her, and wanted it all the time.

I don't want to simply hug here, I don't want to just watch her sleep like this, want to sleep with her, together.

Feng Ling was originally sitting in his arms, and suddenly opened his eyes as if he was not feeling well, and looked at him with some confusion.

Li Nanheng realized that he was holding and holding his hand tightly around her waist. He hadn't changed place for a while. He probably hurt her waist. She glanced at her unhappyly and he quickly closed it The hand turned into a simple way of holding her: "I hurt you?"

Pain in his waist was painful, and Feng Ling said nothing, but shook his head and continued to sit in his arms, looking quiet and obedient.

Li Nanheng watched a fierce move in his heart, raised his hand and hooked his fingers, and touched her chin.

But after touching it twice, Feng Ling suddenly turned his head and looked at him again, his eyes were a little cold: "Don't touch it randomly."

Her fair face was a little bit red, and her long eyelashes were even more transparent with drops of water. She looked much colder than she was just in the children's entertainment area, but her eyes were still hazy.

Let him not mess around, now that people are in their arms, who can bear it?

And she's been playing outside with her for so long in the middle of the night, can't he let him have a bite to eat?

It is estimated that the degree of the two bottles of wine tonight is really not low, and the staying power is not light. Li Nanheng was soaked in the hot spring, and she was also a little bit hot-headed. In addition, Feng Ling was so cold when she was sober. In this kind of scene, this person's longing in the bottom of his heart finally stirred up, overshadowing all concerns and concessions.

He kissed in a very sensitive position under her ear and muttered lowly: "Tug me out, drag me to the hot spring, dress like this and sit in my arms like this, don't you let me touch you? You This means of torture is getting worse, eh? "

Feng Ling stared at him deadly, her eyes seemed to be a little annoyed and embarrassed, she hadn't done anything and hadn't had time to retreat from his arms. The man couldn't help Ana, and went crazy and held her directly. In the back of the head, kissed fiercely.

Li Nanheng's kiss was too fierce and heavy, Feng Ling's hand was still in the water, and he wanted to support something subconsciously. As a result, the man firmly bound her waist. The only thing her hand could support was his leg. As soon as he pushed down, he was very hot and retracted his hand. The man snorted, and almost rubbed her into his bones.


(Ahhhhhhhhh ~~~~~~~~~~~

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