Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1349: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (612)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

at night.

Feng Ling was busy all day, and she just fell asleep. Suddenly the phone vibrated near the pillow. She opened her eyes suddenly, picked up the phone, and sat up.

"Ms. Feng, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but Xiao Momo suddenly has a high fever, and General Li is not here now. We are going to take Momo to the hospital, but it's really difficult to decide. I can only tell you." Yes Assistant Yu Zheng called.

Feng Ling heard that it was Xiao Momo who was ill, and immediately woke up to God: "How can I suddenly have a high fever?"

"It's not clear. Li always invited two very reliable aunts to take care of him here to accompany him, but yesterday the aunt took Xiao Momo to the nearby children's amusement park to play, I don't know if there are too many children there Is there any influenza virus? Although I washed my hands and ate after I came back, I heard that it is a high incidence period for children who are sick and cold. Xiao Momo has not had a fever since 4:00 pm.

"I see. You'll take him to the hospital first, I'll be right there."

"Okay, I'll send you the location of the hospital later."

After hanging up the phone, Feng Ling quickly got up to change clothes. Because she was awake and suddenly woke up, she had a headache. She simply washed her face with cold water and went out.

I drove all the way to the direction of the hotel where Xiao Momo lived. I received the positioning of the hospital from Yu Zheng on the way. It was near the hotel, and I stepped on the accelerator to speed up the driving speed.

After rushing to the hospital, Xiao Momo had been given an injection of fever-reducing muscle because the fart. The injection was too painful, and she was crying in the arms of Yu Zheng, and Feng Ling had just passed by and shouted A cry: "Momo."

Xiao Momo heard her voice, and pulled back directly to the back of grievance Bara, stretching her two small arms to hold her.

The little guy's face still had tears on his face, and his face was red because of a fever. Feng Ling quickly took over and hugged his arms, clapping his back while looking around. Many parents hugged him. With children, most of them seem to have a high fever.

"How? Have you found out why?" Feng Ling asked while patting Xiao Momo who was twitching in his arms.

Yu Zheng nodded: "It's nothing, it's just a virus. The source of infection is probably in the playground. There are too many children there, and many of them are coughing. At that time, the aunt also saw Xiao Momo too bored and wanted to accompany him to play. However, I did not expect to be infected with a cold, but fortunately, the doctor said that under normal circumstances, there will be no major issues after the fever is reduced tomorrow morning. It is really embarrassing to toss you over so late. "

"I'm sorry, Xiao Momo originally entrusted you to take care of him. He is sick now, and I should come no matter how late." Feng Ling said with a distressed kiss and kissed the little face of Momo, feeling His face was still hot, and he couldn't help but ask again: "Is there no problem if I keep burning like this?"

"The doctor has given an injection and said it's okay. Let the family stay by the side to supervise and feed him more water."

Feng Ling had never taken care of a child, and it was the first time that she encountered such a child's illness, but fortunately, Yu Zheng was well-organized, and she would simply and quickly talk about the key points, so she could rest assured.

"Mo Moguai, aunty will be with you in the hospital tonight, okay?" Feng Ling kissed the little guy's face again.

Xiao Momo didn't speak, just holding her neck and crying aggrieved, and from time to time she reached out her hand and touched his own little fart.

It seems that the injection really hurts.

Feng Ling touched his little fart. He lowered his head and whispered in his ear and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Xiao Momo choked directly and grunted again, sniffing in her arms and saying, "Hmm ... Momo hurts ..."

"Little pitiful." Feng Ling touched him distressed again, and asked a few more words, and determined that he could now hold Xiao Momo to find a rest room near the emergency room or temporarily open a quiet ward for the child to rest. Holding Momo directly upstairs to find a ward.

Originally, he wanted to put Xiao Momo on the bed, but he refused to let go of his hand, and he was still holding her neck to try to answer. Feng Ling couldn't bear it, he just hugged him and coaxed him. At the same time, I urged Yu Zheng to buy food for Xiao Momo.

I just had an antipyretic injection, and I ca n’t eat a lot of things. I went out and turned around to buy some edible things. By the way, I bought a lot of toys for cars and airplanes that many little boys would like. .

After seeing the toy, Xiao Momo's eyes lighted up, but she couldn't bear Feng Ling's arms. She was tangled there for a long time, until Feng Ling said, "Mo Mo, you sit here and play with toys. Aunt won't Let ’s go. Auntie is n’t so busy these days. I can spend a lot of time with you, OK? ”

Then the little guy let go and turned to concentrate on playing with toys.

Seeing him so sensible, he only cried when the injection hurt, and then he no longer hurt and did not cry all the time because of his illness. In addition to asking the adult to hug him, he was playing with toys himself. He was really a very good little baby.

Feng Ling dragged her chin with one hand to sit on the chair beside the bed, leaned against the table next to the bed, and looked at Xiao Momo who looked up blankly because she couldn't understand the new toy.

It was a toy of Transformers. It seemed that all four limbs could be removed and turned into a car, but after removing it, it was a bit difficult to restore it to the original installation.

Feng Ling hasn't played, and doesn't know much, but looking at the little guy's expression of asking for help, she couldn't help but stretched over to accompany him to play with him. As a result, she spent more than an hour. Can restore an arm or leg, and finally the appearance of the car has changed.

Yu Zheng went outside and took Xiao Momo's blood test result back. As soon as I entered the door, I saw that the cold and rarely eaten fireworks like Feng Ling were leaning on the bedside with Xiao Momo and playing with the Transformer. The key is that the two people, big and small, are indifferent expressions, and Yu Zheng immediately laughed. He walked over and put down the test sheet for blood test results, and went forward to help.

Sure enough, the man was all about catching this kind of toy, so he packed it a few times, Xiao Momo jumped up and down on the bed excitedly, and shouted that Uncle Yu was great, Feng Ling was infected by this atmosphere. Suddenly, I feel that children are so cute and naive, no matter how uncomfortable the sickness is, no matter how painful the injection is, just as long as a toy is installed, they can be happy as if they have the world.

Xiao Momo's test results were indeed as doctors asserted, it was indeed a viral flu, and the problem was not great. Feng Ling was relieved, got up and went to the bathroom. After all, I was a little sleepy all night and wanted to use cold water again. Wash your face.

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