Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1394: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (657)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Lin Cheng tapped on Tam's head, and whispered, "That's because we brought Feng Ling. Our boss's steel ring is all around Feng Ling, telling you the fart, Which onion are you? "

"Don't say that, our boss is still pretty good to our brothers." Lei Peng hurriedly said.

Li Nanheng took a glass of water on the table, took a sip and calmly said: "Lin Cheng is really right, you have to thank Feng Ling."

Four dog legs: "..."

But I just want to come and pat the boss's flattery, and the boss's hair, how can I still taste the taste of dog food.

Has Li's feelings for Feng Ling overflowed the screen now? Already in love with heartbrokenness? Brotherhood is not needed, we have to seal one.

Feng Ling also came over at this moment, sat down in the vacant seat next to Li Nanheng, and asked casually, "What thank you?"

"Thank God, thank you, and thank Feng Ling for the boss to get back the desire to survive ..." Lei Peng murmured while pulling the vegetable in the bowl in front of him.

Feng Ling looked at him with a strange look, and then saw the other speechless expressions that had just been stunned by dog ​​food. He simply ignored them and habitually filled a bowl of medicated soup. I put it in front of Li Nanheng: "Drink more of this soup, it's still qi and blood, right, I haven't made the two gift boxes sent by Xiao Xu last time, so many people just happened to be here today, otherwise Everyone stays tonight. I made those things for you to eat? "

The four dog legs did not know what the so-called gift box was, and before answering, Li Nanheng just picked up the bowl and prepared to drink soup. He almost squirted it out, forced to hold it, and swallowed the medicated soup in his mouth.

"No need. I don't think they will stay that late." Li Nanheng said coldly.

Although these four dog legs have nothing to do in the afternoon, I really want to stay here for a while, and I can leave until dinner after dinner, but I heard Li Bo's cold suggestion, apparently letting them finish After this meal, get out of the way, and no one dared to pick up Feng Ling, but followed Li Nanheng's words directly: "Yes, yes, do n’t have to be so troublesome, we have to go back to the base in a while, we do n’t need to bring us Serving. "

"Yes, we'll be leaving in a few minutes!"

Feng Ling saw them all in unison, so he didn't say much, saying, "I think the boss in the gift box doesn't like to eat very much. I have to do it several times, and he refused. I'd like to bring it to you. Go back, wait, I'll get it for you. "

"What is it?" A K was curious.

Feng Ling was about to get up, but suddenly her hand sank. Li Nanheng's hand was lifted up to directly and accurately hold her hand, and she resolutely pushed her back to the chair at the dining table.

"Sit down, don't give them to me, I'll eat."

Feng Ling glanced at him: "The last time you said those ... you don't want to eat."

"There weren't too many tonics that were too delicious. Have you ever seen me take the initiative? They can't stand things that are too supplementary." Li Nanheng's voice was inexplicably cold and hard, so he pulled the seal forcibly Ling didn't allow her to show them those things.

Seeing that he insisted, Feng Ling didn't get up again, just looked at the four dog legs. I felt that some people came here deliberately. It was not good for people to go back empty-handed, but the boss spoke. I'm sure I dare not take anything away, so I have to do nothing.

After the meal, the four dog legs that originally wanted to sit here for a while were very cooperative and left. Before leaving, they helped Feng Ling clean up the dining table and kitchen. They were clean, hands and feet were smooth, and then Go straight away very happy.

The family finally restored the quietness of the past. Feng Ling simply held the ipad and sat on a soft stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, and used the ipad to talk to the heads of the various departments of the clan in New York.

Although she intentionally handed over Feng Qin Shuke, and the second elder of the Feng family was not particularly opposed to this, Qin Shuke didn't want to pick the big beam, but just handled the urgent matters at hand, but more needed Feng Linglai's decision was still habitually left to her.

As a result, Feng Ling still occasionally communicates with the company when she is idle, and repeats the same thing indefinitely every day, that is, to persuade Qin Shuke and let her take over the power of Feng's. After all, Qin Shuke and Feng's family It is relatives. She is also very kind and filial to the second elder Feng family. She grew up in front of the second elder and is no different from her granddaughter.

After persuasion failed again, Feng Ling smiled helplessly and typed another line on the iPad.

Qin Shuke changed the topic at this time: [Where is Li Nanheng? ]

Feng Ling paused. Looking back, he really didn't know when he came over from the sofa. Li Nanheng, who was sitting next to her so cross-legged, was just busy talking to Qin Shuke, although she felt he was coming. However, he didn't care too much, only to find out that he was close to himself, sitting on the same soft carpet with himself, and the sunlight outside the window fell on two people.

She returned: [Um. ]

[When are you two getting married? ]

Feng Ling held her chin with one hand, looked at the line on the iPad screen, and then looked at Li Nanheng next to him. When he saw the sun falling on his face, he was not wearing gauze at the moment. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"You are now very sensitive to the reflection of light. The doctor said that if you can always keep the light visible, it means that the congestion that oppresses the optic nerve is not refractory." Feng Ling said softly.

Li Nanheng looked out the window: "Is it?"

"Qin Shuke asks me when I will marry you," she said again.

Li Nanheng's eyebrow moved slightly at this moment, turning her face to her direction as if surprised: "Can't wait?"

While Feng Ling held her chin with one hand, her fingers lightly tapped on her face. The voice sounded very common and said, "Qin Shuke was asking me, I just recounted her question. already."

"Then what do you have in mind?" Li Nanheng tilted her body slightly to her side, the tall figure was beside her, and her squinting eyes were on the side of her head, and the sun fell on his eyes, She found out that the man's eyelashes were actually very long. They were warmed by the sunlight. Although they were invisible, they also instinctively blinked a few times in the occasional moment.

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