Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1396: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (659)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling hurriedly pushed the person away. Before he could push it, Li Nanheng pressed it on the door of the disinfection cabinet… fiercely, and pressed twice.

The vertical disinfection cabinet, which is much taller than others, immediately made a crunching sound, clear enough to almost cover the sound of the TV in the living room.

Feng Ling was kissed in the ear by the man, from the face to the ears, there was a blush, and he could not send out a word pressed by him like this, and tried to turn sideways to avoid it, but he turned against him. Hand pressed on the cabinet behind him.

"Boss, boss ..."

Feng Ling's always gentle voice suddenly changed the tone in the final epilogue, but his wrist that he wanted to break free was clasped tighter by him, and the bowl of the stacked bowls in the struggling room slipped, and the sound was crisp and shocked. ear.

Feng Ling took the opportunity to turn sideways in this small space, frowning unhappyly: "Li Nanheng!"

He finally managed to avoid his kiss, holding Li Nanheng's unruly hand before pushing him away, and was pressed against the glass door again. The breath between the man's lips was slightly heavy, and the entanglement on her lips was inseparable. In the warm yellow light of the kitchen, they seemed to be one.

"... I say you ... your body is not good yet, don't mess around." For a while, Feng Ling finally found a chance to make a sound between his lips and teeth. There was even a little warning and annoyance in the sound, but this warning now Obviously it didn't make much sense to him, nor could she cover her cheeks that were already red at the moment. She said dumbly, "Did you eat something wrong?"

"Isn't that supposed to ask you?" Li Nanheng's breath blew into her ears: "It's you who cooks, don't I eat everything from your hands?"

Feng Ling was silent for an instant.

What did she do tonight ...

The light came from behind Li Nanheng. His eyes were out of focus, but he still stayed in the direction of her face, raised his hand, and stroked her on the lips that were kissed by the red and swollen fever. Another sentence: "Did you take those two boxes of supplements secretly?"

Feng Ling froze again, and suddenly there was an unspeakable feeling in my heart.

Could it be that those supplements have problems?

"I just watched those things kept there, and I saw that you are now a lot better, but you still need to make up for it, but if you do n’t know what the taste is, will you adapt? I seldom get some deer The meat was stewed in the ginseng soup. Did n’t you just ask me what kind of meat it was, it was venison, but I did n’t put much ... ”

The two quietly "looked into each other" for a moment, a strange and strange feeling seemed to be more ambiguous than kissing, so the air penetrated into the air, and the TV outside did not know which variety it was, and the host was speaking. Fluent American English is announcing what, and all kinds of deliberate applause and laughter seem extraordinarily abrupt at this moment.

"Fortunately, it's just venison." The man's hoarse voice stuck in her ear: "If you replace it with deer whip, turtle meat and sea cucumber, you're afraid I've swallowed it now."

"..." Feng Ling really froze, and when Li Nanheng let go of him, he seemed to smile with a helpless turn and walked out, heading straight for the bathroom.

It took her a long time to reflect. What happened to the venison?

Seeing that the man had entered the bathroom, she followed and went out. He heard the sound of water in the bathroom after a while. He is now very skilled at walking around this house and taking a bath by himself, even if she didn't go in to help him. He can do the same.

I just stood outside for a while and didn't see any heat coming out of the translucent bathroom glass door. After a few more minutes, she realized that he was going in for a cold shower?

Feng Ling subconsciously hurriedly checked what these things of deer whip and venison made up.

When she found out the result, her expression was very direct: "........."

No wonder.

She held the ipad and looked at the answer displayed on the webpage above. Her face was hotter than when he was pressed on the disinfection cabinet just now. She quickly closed the webpage and prepared him a glass of fire. Chrysanthemum tea.

Li Nanheng came out after taking a bath, and he was really cool. If it weren't for his health, he might not be able to withstand this cold shower, but he was fine when he came out. The resistance is much better, and I won't catch cold easily.

"Then, drink this." Feng Ling quickly passed him the tea.

Li Nanheng took it, and it just happened that the shower was still a bit cold. When I felt the cup was hot, I took a sip, and then Meiyu said, "What is this?"

"Chrysanthemum tea." Feng Ling said, and then added: "Clear fire and detoxify."

After speaking, she went straight into the study with the sole of her foot, and threw down a sentence before closing the door: "Go to your eyes and apply ice. I'll go to the study and talk to Qin Shu about the business."

Then he closed the door very decisively.

Li Nanheng held the cup of chrysanthemum tea, and a helpless smile hung on his face instantly. After so long, how much a few mouthfuls of venison could play, not because she had been walking around in front of herself every day. Coming out of fire?

But it can't be said that it is useless. At least I can calmly tolerate it and exercise restraint. Tonight, it feels a bit difficult to restrain.

There was still a lot of coolness on his body. Li Nanheng even breathed the breath, and he closed his inexplicably strange, itchy and painful eyes these days, and drank the tea in the cup directly.

Feng Ling hid in the study, and she didn't talk to Qin Shu at all. After all, she had already handed over the company's affairs. She is now light and has nothing to do. The only important thing is to take care of Li Nanheng every day.

After sitting inside for a while, seeing that there was nothing moving outside, Feng Ling thought and got up again to open the study door. First, he opened a gap in the study door. When Li Nanheng was not in the living room, he opened the door completely and went out.

Is this going straight to the bedroom?

The eyes have not been ice-cold and cannot sleep directly.

Feng Ling groaned for two seconds, and felt that since Li Nanheng returned from Israel, he was really a frustrated life. He went to the refrigerator and took out the items that needed ice, and then went to the bedroom.

Pushing open the bedroom door, she saw that the light inside was dark, and she stunned her head, looking back subconsciously to see if Li Nanheng was in another room or returned to the bedroom.

The moment she turned her head, the lights behind her suddenly turned on, and the bedroom door opened in an instant. She was about to flash off. As a result, the man in the bedroom passed her waist faster and faster. Immediately before counterattacking, she hugged her into her waist. The bed was not far from the door. She was only forced to take a few steps back, and she was suddenly weighed heavily on the bed.

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