Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1402: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (665)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"In short, when the eyes are all right, the knot should end, the marriage should be married, and there will be no delay." Li Junyan put the crutch in his hand aside and sat down directly on the sofa. Said: "Feng Ling has been with you for so many years. You were with you when you were a teenager, and you have been with other girls for more than ten years. We old people did not mention those things that were originally done. In the future, Treat her well and do n’t let it go. If you dare to use your heart and heart when chasing someone else, leave your wife and children aside after you get married, the four of us will directly kill you with a crutch.

Li Nanheng changed his face from his forehead, crying and laughing: "I believe, I believe."

Although he understood the temperament of the four old Li family members, and knew that they had always had two attitudes towards outsiders and towards themselves, he had already turned his arms on Feng Ling before marrying into the door. In the end, should it be joy or worry.

"Li old." Feng Ling put a prepared cold dish on the table: "I just prepared the ingredients just now, all are simple dishes that can be prepared in ten minutes, and there is probably a The soup will be good in 20 minutes. Do you have any other requirements? "

"No requirements, any taste is fine, you need to pay attention, don't be tired yourself."

Li Nanheng gave Feng Ling a look that was so embarrassing, and she let her hide first. Feng Ling was indeed a little embarrassed by the enthusiastic attitude of several old men, nodded, and turned to continue to slip.

But after lunch was done, they were put on the table one by one, and Feng Ling couldn't hide in the kitchen all the time.

When I came out, I saw the four old men standing at the table and staring at the dishes that looked good on the table, and lost my thoughts.

Feng Ling is confident in her cooking skills right now, but when they were surprised that she would actually cook, she just walked to the sofa with a glance there, habitually helping Li Nanheng, despite the fact He didn't need help, he could already fumble to the table by the route.

But she could only find this opportunity to talk to him. When she helped him get up from the sofa, she lowered her voice and asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

"It's nothing, it's just that these four old men ran over to force marriage and asked me to marry you right in." Li Nanheng's hand in front of her made an OK gesture at an angle that only she could see: "Rest assured, I've made it clear . "

Feng Ling's face was inexplicable: "What did you say clearly?"

"Clarify that you are unwilling to marry me for the time being. It may take some time for them to stop them from pressing you. Even if you throw me away someday, they won't ask one more word. Don't be under pressure. . "

Feng Ling nodded first, and she was still puzzled and relaxed a bit. Then she stunned again the next second and said instinctively, "Why should I dump you?"

"Who knows if your rare enthusiasm in the past two months will be a flash in the pan, and it will knock me out after a while." Li Nanheng's face didn't matter how strong I could bear.

Feng Ling: "..."

Knowing that since the blindness, this man whose mouth has become increasingly slippery deliberately used her words, but felt that he never really showed his attitude, no matter how he just talked to the Li Si Shi Lao, but Her original intention was that she could marry at any time. Anyway, she was destined to be tied to this man anyway, and where could she hide.

"I'm getting married."

She said two words very lightly.

When Li Nanheng had just reached his mouth, it seemed as if he had been stopped by something, and the air seemed to be quiet for two seconds. Feng Ling turned to look at him, and saw an undisguised smile on the man's face.

"Satisfied?" She continued to lower her voice and said, "OK, go, eat."

After a while, Li's five bachelors and Feng Ling sat around the dining table and watched a table full of steaming meals. There were a variety of Chinese and Chinese meals often eaten in Los Angeles. Several old ones picked up the tableware first. .


"Good workmanship!"

"Feng Ling is a treasure ... I didn't see it ..."

"Blessed is Nan Heng's appetite."

"It's not so delicious nowadays that young girls can cook and do so ..."

"Although our Li family is in the United States, we still like to eat Chinese food. Feng Ling is so proficient in Chinese food. It seems that he has not been affected by Nanheng. This boy has eaten Chinese food at home since he was a child ..."

Several old people were having a good time at this moment, and suddenly started talking about Li Nanheng's childhood. He was naughty when he was a kid and was chased by Li Li with a leather belt in the backyard of Li family. He was so dismantled that he could dismantle the newly-built dog shed in the villa next door. He was so naughty that after his friend's ball fell into the well, he was so brave that he could jump into such a deep well to pick up the ball, so he could climb up the tree. The old man caught the birds that accidentally flew away, and even when he saw the police catching the gangsters on the street, he could come forward and stretch out his legs to trip the gangsters who were running. He helped to catch the gangsters and not only failed to get the police. The praises were even taken home and pointed to the forehead to warn for several hours. All sorts of hideous and amazing deeds came together by several old masters like Jiazhen, saying that in the end they were really afraid that this child would be difficult to discipline in the future. Four old ones Finally unanimously decided to throw him into the base and hone it.

As a result, after entering the base for so many years, his nature has not changed, but he did not expect that a lone seedling such as Feng Ling could grow in the man's pile, so Li Nanheng's temperament, in this world, there is only Feng Feng. Such a lone seedling Ling can kill him dead, others, he is too lazy to look at it.

Feng Ling's brow twitching can only pretend that he does not care much about the past history of Li Nanheng, raised his hand to block half of his face, and held back the shaking between the end of his eyes and his eyebrows.

Li Nanheng listened coldly to the words of the four grandfathers who talked a lot, and turned to Feng Ling with a facial expression, which meant that they didn't take their words seriously, then got up and fumbled to get the mobile phone, let Feng Ling Help her dial the number of the supermarket downstairs in the apartment. Feng Ling didn't know. So, she thought that the food was not enough, so she called him.

As a result, after the call was connected, Li Nanheng asked people from the supermarket downstairs to send a few bottles of wine. He also specifically selected the ones that sell for a few dollars and are everywhere in China, but they are rare and expensive in Los Angeles. Ten dollars a bottle of Lao Bei. Beijing Erguotou.

After the wine was delivered, a few old people were still sorry that they didn't drink it. At that time, they opened the wine with great satisfaction and drank and talked.

While drinking, the senior Li family held the expensive and dying Erguotou in his hand and said to Li Nanheng: "Since we both recognize each other, we must live well, love each other, understand?"

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