Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1405: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (668)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The fool would let go of the pleasant person who suddenly came to the door.

Even though Li Nanheng's mind didn't turn around for a while, she subconsciously hurriedly put her legs down so that she wouldn't sit down and fall down again.

Feeling that the man's immediate response was to make her sit more securely, Feng Ling looked at the man's face, silent for a while, and when he reached the mouth, he was still embarrassed to say it.

However, just when Li Nanheng was about to ask her what, Feng Ling had just lifted him up to hold her hand and compose it, sitting in this position on his lap, bowed his head, and kissed him warmly and dryly. Palms.

The kiss went from the palm to the base of the finger, to the abdomen of the finger, and then Li Nanheng felt that she seemed to pause for a second, hesitated for a second, but still bit her gently on the tip of his finger.

Feng Ling's teeth are white and neat, but in fact, there are two unruly little tiger teeth hiding. Now she is biting him gently with her little tiger teeth, even the tongue has been accidentally pinched, soft, Feeling to pass from the finger to the sensitive nerve endings, Li Nanheng trembled like a conditioned reflex. She was about to withdraw her hand subconsciously, but she grabbed his hand and let it go, biting harder on his fingertips. When you release it again, the fingerprints on your fingertips are clearly visible.

"Seal ... 唔 ..."

Before Li Nanheng said anything, she was suddenly sealed by her soft lips. On the thigh, the woman was inseparably close to him. Although the two kept the posture of sitting on the sofa, the lower body was intimate. Entangled in a dangerous posture.

With thin materials, Li Nanheng could not cover up the gunfire in almost two seconds.

Feng Ling seemed to be uncomfortable with this posture, and tried to keep his legs down, which made him feel more irritated.

"Li Nanheng, I didn't give me a gift for my birthday yesterday." Feng Ling pressed close to him, kissed him, and couldn't speak, then whispered in his ear again.

Li Nanheng's Meifeng shuddered: "Yesterday the four old people came over and made a mess. Later, I was thinking about taking you out, but after every meal you didn't have the appetite to eat desserts like cakes, and wanted to go out at night. You said again that the wind couldn't go out, I'll ... "

"It's okay, if it wasn't for your reminder, I don't remember it was yesterday, it's not a bad day."

"What do you want?"

Under the gaze of Feng Ling, even though she couldn't see how red her face was at the moment, and how much tension and embarrassment hidden under the calm surface at the moment, she also guessed that she was doing such an initiative for the first time. Like a tiger, she must be panicking in her heart, and she did not intentionally stimulate her, but she calmly asked questions, lest a sentence was wrong, and she scared away the little Fengling who had jumped into the tiger's tiger's hole. Can't see now, if she really runs, he may not be able to catch her.

Feng Ling felt calmly in Li Nanheng's eyes that seemed to look very calm. "Then you give me a gift today."

Li Nanheng is still very calm: "Well, what to send?"

Feng Ling first didn't speak, but looked down at his throat, remembering that he had bitten here in the warm pool of the resort. Later, he didn't know why he always wanted to bite him. When he bit his throat, the man He seemed to groan several times, and it was obviously his particularly sensitive place.

She bowed her head down and suddenly took a bite in his neck, and then gave it a little twitching towards the throat knot. Sure enough, the man sitting on the sofa like her was stiffened for almost a second. Before that, the muscles in the whole body were tightened a lot, and the hand just holding her waist tightened instantly.

Feng Ling tilted her head slightly to the side of his neck, which was getting warmer: "I don't know how to make you comfortable, but I ..."

Before the words were over, Li Nanheng pressed her firmly in her arms, Feng Ling's lips directly hit his neck, and then the man suddenly hugged her like this and bent over her knees. As soon as the nest was lifted, she hugged her slap horizontally, and walked towards the bedroom in a few steps. Without stopping for a moment, she went directly into the bedroom, slammed the door against her foot, and put Feng Ling on the bed, pushing it. She lay down in a soft quilt and covered her firmly.

Li Nanheng's body and height are afraid that she has already recovered to a certain degree. She has also taken care of him as a weak sickness who can't kill a chicken for so long, probably because of this mentality in him I have been taking care of me for a long time, and always feel that Li Nanheng is weaker than her, but on the contrary, this man has never been weaker than her, just like now, she can fully feel the sense of strength on the arms of men, and The man's sturdy chest restrained her like this.

She knows better that she broke into his territory tonight, and even if she wanted to stop, she might not stop.

It was also herself who had prepared in advance.

The man locked her in bed, and her hot breath ran over her neck. She was forced to stare at the man's dark eyes in this face-to-face posture. In the bedroom without the lights on, the man's eyes were bright, as if I can see her at this moment because of the tension and fever, and she has a fine sweat in her nose, as if you can see the soft stream of water in her always indifferent eyes.

"Why suddenly?"


"Did you run away from me yesterday and warn me time and time again to restrain?"

Feng Ling ’s lips moved, and then he froze. Even if he looked at him like this, in fact, he could n’t see, it was n’t the same as looking at him, but he still tilted his head subconsciously: "The doctor said that it can Yes, I just can't make you too tired, and then you have to exercise restraint, you can't ... can't take too long ... "

"Can't take too long?" Li Nanheng seemed to be smirked. "That line, in my normal condition, I have been stunned for so long. It may not be possible until dawn. For the doctor's relief, we dawn. Ended before? "

Feng Ling: "... Li Nanheng, pay attention to your own body."

"How is my body?" The man said, and crested again as before: "I haven't touched you for a long time. For months like weak Liu Fufeng in front of you, you really treat me as a little white face If I don't let you cry tonight, I'm afraid the three words of Li Nanheng have to be written upside down. "

There was a fever on Feng Ling's face, but at last she was holding on to what she wanted to say, but when she reached her mouth, she was pressed twice by the man, and she couldn't say it immediately.

"Say." Li Nanheng slowly leaned down and got closer, almost the opening and closing lips were close to her lips when she said: "Who gives you the courage, dare to come out and punch me without wearing anything?"

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