Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1416: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (679)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling found that he was really powerless to resist, even if he had strength, but as long as he had a pair of Li Nanheng's eyes, the whole person was much softer.

The man's blood was still vivid on Gore's Farm, and now he was finally in front of her. The wounds around him had been healed and his eyes could be seen.

Her heart moved, and as the man focused on unbuttoning their clothes, he raised his hand and touched the corner of his eye, and then slowly traced the corner of his eye to his eyebrow and then down a little bit. He stroked his eyelids.

The man didn't say anything, just pinching her hand directly because of her action, and kissed the palms and fingers between her back, the kiss was hot, but very gentle, and finally bit her Fingertips, mute: "Fool, look back, you are not dreaming."

Feng Ling suddenly returned to God, facing his eyes, the man directly bowed down and kissed her between the eyebrows. The movements of his men kept moving, and all obstacles on the two were removed directly.

Li Nanheng sighed with satisfaction.

Throughout the night, Feng Ling's dress had been torn from the beginning, and was thrown to the ground. Frequent shaking sounds were made on the bed from time to time, sometimes with men's breathing and women's humming ...


For two consecutive days.

Feng Ling couldn't believe it.

She was actually tied to bed by Li Nanheng for two days!

Continue to eat, and continue after taking a bath, even if she is too tired to want to sleep on his back, he can continue!

In the past two days, Ren Ling's physical strength and physical strength had been jealous of Venus. He tried to beat him several times, but he did not know whether he had fallen asleep or died of fainting. In short, he refused. Move again.

Until noon two days later, Feng Ling raised his head in the quilt and saw that Li Nanheng was not in the bedroom at the moment. Then he quickly got up from the bed, but found that his clothes were not in the bedroom. I opened the locker in the bedroom to look for clothes, and then I felt a little weak when walking out of the bedroom.

When I went out, I noticed that the light in the living room was a bit dim, because I didn't turn on the lights.

The weather was lazy, and there was nothing necessary to go out. She rubbed her messy hair, turned and was going to pour a glass of water, and suddenly I heard a "ding" in the kitchen. .

Then the tall and straight man came out of the kitchen door, holding a glass of freshly heated milk in his hand: "Come here, drink a glass of milk."

Feng Ling didn't know how long she had slept, but it must have been more than ten hours. At this moment, the belly was empty. In addition to the weather, it really felt inexplicably cold. When she glanced at the milk in his hand, she directly I walked over and took a sip.

She was still a little hot. She moved the glass away a bit, and wanted to wait for a while before drinking. At the same time, she looked at this man who was in a good state of mind and had clean and crisp hair, and met his sight.

"Li Nanheng, your eyes are indeed worth celebrating, but the way you celebrate is too unreasonable. The days are long. Do you need to spend two days to kill me? "She turned, holding the milk glass.

The moment he turned around, the man laughed and took her directly into her arms behind her. At the same time, he raised her hand to help her stabilize the glass that was about to fall out of her hand, bowed her head and kissed her: "I It ’s because you have proven yourself that you should n’t be hurt. You are a man after all, and you can only lie flat, whether you see it or not. ”

Feng Ling's temples jumped because of his words.

She really gave him cold for too long before, this man always has a strong desire to conquer her, especially on the bed, definitely not give her a little face as usual, it is definitely the angle of conquest and conquered.

Feng Ling lied to the beginning to hide from his kiss, but the man did not let go of her, kissed her on the face a few times, and finally just stood there holding her, and kissed her in the ear. "I haven't seen you for a few months, and my wife is getting pretty again."

Feng Ling: "... Can't it be so sour?"

"You're treating me much better now than when you were in Washington." The man kissed her hairline: "Do you know me now?"

This narcissistic man.

Feng Ling turned back to say him, but was pushed back to the wall by the man, and holding her neck was a long and deep kiss directly, until Feng Ling was kissed in his heart by a bell, afraid He threw her back to bed again, struggling and said, "Milk ... milk is going to be cold."

Then the man let go of her and touched the cup in her hand: "It's still hot, drink slowly."

Feng Lingyu answered, and quickly hurried out of his arm, standing beside him, drinking milk.

She did n’t like to drink this thing before, but after closing home, the maid always let her drink a drink before and after bed, but she gradually got used to it now, and now she occasionally drinks it. Occasionally, she was asked to drink more milk. She really does not reject the taste of milk now, but rather likes it.

After drinking a glass of milk, she looked at the empty cup in her hand, and asked, "You can see in your eyes, do some old men in Li family know this?"

"They haven't been notified yet. If they knew it now, it would be estimated that they would be tied back to their places to get married and have children within 24 hours."

Feng Ling: "..."

"I really want to get married in the same place, but I ca n’t wrong you, always looking for a good place and a grand wedding. You have suffered a lot of grievances since childhood. I do n’t want to pay back when you get married. A big regret for you. "The man said, with his long arms stretched out, rubbing his hands between the hair on top of her head, and glancing at her again:" Long hair is really different from short hair. "

"What's different?" Feng Ling hadn't looked back from what he said about the grand and wedding ceremony, so he was attracted by his sentence again.

"When I have short hair, I feel very good. I always want to hold you in my arms and kiss me." He touched her hair again, then looked at her meaningfully and said, "Long hair When I feel it, I really want to throw you back to bed and have another two days and two nights-hiss! Ah, you tap! "

Suddenly, Li Nanheng, who was photographed by Feng Ling with a slap in the palm, slaps his face directly. "I'm still an injury. You're so heavy?"

Feng Ling put the milk cup on the coffee table with no expression: "What hurts? Brush the cup!"

Li Nanheng: "..."

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