Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1430: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (673)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling: "?"

Li Nanheng glanced at Qin Shiting: "What call?"

"Tell them that the old Li family is behind." Qin Shiting glanced at Feng Ling indifferently.

He hasn't said the precautions during pregnancy. Li Nanheng already looked at Feng Ling with a dreamy look, and Feng Ling looked at him with a dreamy look, which seemed unrealistic. They looked at each other just now, and Feng Ling also I don't know where the embarrassment came from. It is estimated that Dr. Qin was watching in front of her. She quickly stopped looking, but only felt that her heartbeat had accelerated.

Are you pregnant?

"At present, Feng Ling is still in the early stages of pregnancy, which is about four weeks. In these days, you can find time to go to the hospital to find out the specific week number." Qin Shiting said lightly: "Don't eat raw cold Do n’t eat anything that stimulates blood circulation and stasis, and **** is prohibited for the first three months of pregnancy. ”

Feng Ling: "..."

She had taken care of Ji Nuan who was pregnant and knew some precautions, but this matter fell on her own head. She suddenly felt very ... very understand why Ji Nuan became sensitive and irritable when she became pregnant, and was restricted too much. Many, the pregnancy response is uncomfortable, all aspects combined will certainly be different from usual.

But why didn't she report pregnancy?

"But I don't feel sick, and I don't feel sleepy."

"Everybody's constitution is different, and the response during pregnancy is also different. Some people have a large response in the first three months, some people have a large response in the two months before they are about to give birth, and there are those who vomit for ten months when they are ten months pregnant Some people have never felt that this is not important. After going to the hospital for examination, it is determined that the embryo implantation is stable and stable. Excluding ectopic pregnancy, you can rest assured that you have a regular monthly birth checkup. "Qin Shiting said and glanced Li Nanheng gave a glance: "The **** was prohibited for the first three months. This sentence is for you."

Feng Ling: "........." Find a place for her to drill in. Thank you.

However, Li Nanheng returned from the joy of the sky, and he was directly happy. If there were now Qin Shiting and Mo Jingshen, he would definitely press Feng Ling on the sofa and kiss the couple severely. mouth.

"Really pregnant?" Li Nanheng couldn't hide the excitement of being a dad in the eyes: "I'm going to be a dad too?"

Feng Ling coughed: "Do you not believe Dr. Qin or ..."

"I think he doubts himself." Qin Shiting chuckled softly: "I have tied you up for so many years, and I've only let you conceive now, I doubt whether he has a problem in that area ..."

"Get off." Li Nanheng threw it directly with a single word: "Lao Tzu has always been very careful and doesn't give her any chance of suffering! This is called forbearance! Understand? Like you, a woman fell asleep, and the woman took your seed Run away, your daughter will soon be making soy sauce, you know, you, he, mom, are you laughing at me? "

Feng Ling quickly grabbed the pillow on the sofa and went to Li Nanheng, and then put the pillow on his face to stop him from talking again, and then turned to Qin Shiting and said, "Don't ignore him! All of them are alcoholic. My son, I guess I drank too much nonsense! "

Li Nanheng patted the pillow, and then saw Feng Ling standing in front of herself again, glancing inadvertently to see the flat and thin abdomen under her clothes, and when she got to the mouth, she changed it to a lighter one. Tone: "When you stand up in the future, move slowly. Don't stand up so suddenly. After all, there is still one in your stomach. Don't make me look in shock ..."

Feng Ling: "Not so exaggerated."

Qin Shiting sneered: "Sure enough, only you can control him. After marrying, you should frustrate his spirit. Don't let Nanheng be too arrogant. Otherwise, if your child is born to be a girl, he may spoil him. If he is a son, he may be thrown to the base by him, and he is also very arbitrary. This must not be allowed, or you will not be able to control him in the future. "

Li Nanheng had to speak, but Feng Ling once again called him with a pillow, and he had begun to control Li Nanheng.


Two months later.

Feng Ling, who has been in the country for more than two months, followed Ji Nuan to learn a lot of Chinese cooking, and Chen Wei also taught Feng Ling Bao Dumplings and Dumplings.

The four seniors in Li family and the second in Feng family already knew the news of Feng Ling's pregnancy. Originally, they planned to pick them up and let them handle the marriage as soon as possible. However, Feng Ling felt that he could register to get married first. The U.S. helped to complete the procedures for anti-registration of marriage, and then sent some forms that required their signature to China. After signing it, they sent it back, back and forth within half a month. The place already has the names of two people, just like that, the marriage was ended without any wave.

Probably because of all these years together, coupled with the fact that Li Nanheng once married Miss Fengjia Er's clothes, Guan Guanzui, Li Nanheng had long believed that she was his wife-in-law, so what he registered for such a marriage was nothing more than him. A piece of paper, but after confirming that the registration has been successful, it is equivalent to Feng Ling being his legal daughter-in-law completely.

But he has n’t had time to prepare for a marriage proposal. There is no way for the wedding. Feng Ling said that she does n’t need them. In addition, she also recently got some reflections during pregnancy. She always wanted to sleep every day, and she would retched for a while after waking up. Ji Nuan is so serious, but it is really uncomfortable. Later, he simply compromised. Even if she had to do this, she would wait until she was born. She now definitely does not want to be too frustrating, nor does she want to wear beautiful wedding dresses with corset effects. Go to restrain your belly.

Proposals and weddings must be there, but it is not bad for so many months. After all, it is necessary to give her the best. If she is too anxious, she will be too hasty. After the child is born, the six elderly people will hold the baby together to attend their wedding. That scene was more perfect and happier, and at their wedding, because of the presence of children, Feng Ling's loved ones could have one more.

Feng Ling has too few relatives. In the future, their children and him will be the most important and closest people in her life.

It is precisely because Feng Ling is pregnant now that all things Li Nanheng have let her. Now she is pregnant, what she said is what, her wife said to go east, the boss Li does not care about the past prestige, who dares to let him go Xi he was anxious to anyone.

Feng Ling said that the two of them have been in the United States for so many years, and there are too few peaceful days. Since they have returned to China, they have to take a walk around the country to see the great country in the country.

So Li Nanheng took Feng Ling to Mia to watch the sea view, to Sichuan to eat hot pot, to Qingzhou to eat ramen, to Jijiang to eat raisins, to the northern desert to see the grasslands, and to go to Changbai Mountain to eat dumplings.

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