Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1458: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 25)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Zhao Xiaoqing stayed for two nights in Lishui Villa. After the relatives left, he immediately said he would go home to sleep. There was absolutely nothing dare to go to sleep with her human skeleton.

Early in the morning two days later, Shi Niange went to school by herself. When she was outside the school gate, she received a call from Uncle Tai to inform her about the time when her parents would return home, and to tell her the specific day to come to pick her up. Everything at home.

Shi Niange was talking on the phone, and suddenly saw Qin Shiting coming down the tree-lined road opposite her, and she walked towards him uncontrollably.

After all, this was the first time I saw him before entering the class, and he could see the direction he came from.

Before, she only saw the black business car driven by his mother and the driver of the Qin family, but she never knew whether Qin Shiting lived in the Qin family or lived outside herself, or whether she had a good relationship with the school. Brother's brother lived outside, and she never knew whether he drove to school or had a car to pick him up. Today I finally saw him and found that he actually walked to school.

He's 18 years old, should he be able to drive legally with a driver's license?

The clean boy has a temperament between men and boys. He is quiet and quiet, and he seems to be wearing fairy under his long legs. No matter how much, in her eyes, Qin Shiting is wearing fairy. !!

She hung up the phone quickly, rushed to say hello, ran faster, and saw him a dozen minutes earlier than every day. Of course, she was very happy.

"Qin ... Ah ..." Shi Niange ran right behind him when he ran past, reached out and was about to pat on his back and wanted to surprise him at the same time and greet him, but Qin hadn't touched his shoulder yet. Qin Justin turned around and gripped her wrist.

There was a sharp pain on her wrist as if it could be pinched off by him instantly.

When she saw her, Qin Shiting let go of her hand, but Shi Niange was covering her wrist with her hands in pain. It felt that he could crack the wrist bone just a little harder just now, and the sweat on the tip of her nose that hurt just now All spilled a thin layer.

She held her wrist with one hand, raised her eyes and looked at Qin Shiting, and said bitterly, "I'm sorry, I should say hello to you before I touch you ..."

Qin Shiting's brow frowned slightly, and at the same time she saw that her wrists had already turned red at that time. The expression on her face was obviously not very pleasing, and she did not know whether her wrist was pinched red because of his excessive defense, or what .

"You go first, I won't touch you in the future, I will go after a while." Shi Niange felt the pain on her wrist. She knew Qin Shiting's strength was not small. Although long and pure, but Such a tall boy must be very strong. When she was in the library last time, she only flew him in a hurry. In fact, he wanted to avoid it easily. She later wanted it. Today, it is finally confirmed by Qin Shiting. With a gentle appearance, he is actually a strong boy.

It is the price of this proof.

"After you ..." Qin Shiting's voice sounded a little dumb. I don't know if it was her illusion. It felt like he didn't sleep last night. The voice sounded not only dumb, but his eyes were cold and cold. Tired, but seeing her aggrieved and unable to blame him, Qingqing's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she looked at her wrist again: "Suddenly call me before approaching."

Then, he suddenly reached over and pulled her wrist again. He flipped back and forth and determined that it was just pinching red. It was probably just a pain in the flesh, and there was no other major matter. Then he let go.

Shi Niange was relieved from the pain in the wrist just now, and was fixed by another temperature left on the wrist.

She blinked, before she calmed down, and heard him ask, "It hurts?"

She saw Qin Shiting's eyebrows frowning because of his unprepared actions just now. At this moment, Niange thought that her wrist was even broken ...

"It's okay, it just hurt a little, now it's okay." Shi Niange hurriedly turned his still red wrists behind him.

Qin Shiting still looked at her with a serious expression.

Shi Niange smiled at him dryly, and took a closer look at his expression and eyes by taking the opportunity of looking at himself: "Did you not rest last night? It looks like you are in a bad mood and not in a good state it is good?"

Qin Shiting stopped looking at her, turned and walked towards the gate of the school, and heard that she came along with her, and the voice answered quietly: "Huh."

Shi Niange doesn't feel wrist pain at all now, even it feels wonderful!

Qin Shiting didn't ignore her words anymore, even if it was just a humor, at least it was a positive response to her chat!

When the two walked into the main entrance of the school, the eyes of nearby students turned to this side again. Shi Niange felt that he was bright and fair, and there was nothing to avoid. His eyes were calm and his steps were calm. Qin Shiting ignored him completely. Those eyes can be said to have never looked at anyone passing by, and went straight in.

Until entering the class, Qin Shiting went to the podium to put the papers, Shi Niange went to the seat alone, and when he lowered his head and put the bag, he saw that his wrists were still red, showing how strong the lethality of his grip was.

It stands to reason that even if Qin Shiting was so strong, he would n’t suddenly use such great strength early in the morning because he suddenly came to shoot him. The state of defense he had just made, and he did n’t seem to have last night. How she slept, she had to wonder whether the Qin family, one of the so-called four big families in Haicheng, really did, as others said, there were too many secrets in the giants, and everyone was not so easy on the surface, At least Qin Shiting seemed to have a lot of things she couldn't guess, but he clearly looked like he was in the sun, which made her even more confused.

Qin Shiting came over, Shi Niange quickly set his tables and chairs straight, so that he could be more comfortable when he sat down, and then thought that it was still early, and the teacher estimated that it would be half an hour before At that time, just stretch out the curtains next to you and pull up a little, just to block the sunlight from Qin Shiting's table, thinking that he might be able to rest on the table for a while.

When Qin Shiting came over, she saw her move, and then glimpsed her other careful movements. At the same time, she saw the trace of her wrist that hadn't faded when she pulled the curtains. She didn't say anything, she only turned back to the life committee member in her class. I didn't know what to say, the members of the life nodded in surprise, got up and went out, Qin Shiting walked back to the table and sat down.

In less than ten minutes, the Life Commissioner brought an ice pack from the infirmary to bring it back to Shian Song, saying that she should put it on her wrist.

Shi Niange looked at the sudden ice bag in front of him, and looked at Qin Shiting sitting beside him in surprise, seeing that he hadn't looked at her while turning over his notes, but his heart was full and instantaneous.

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