Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1460: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 27)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Before the mid-term exam, Shi Niange continued to cook for many days like everyone else, and when she got down, she could really see that she was working hard.

She used to be in middle school and high school in her sophomore year. When she was in high school, she could understand a part of the course, and she could work hard to follow up the class. The teacher is very satisfied with her current grades. She is encouraged to continue working hard and continue to make up lessons while the current time is available, so that all the courses of senior high school and senior high school are stopped. In this way, if the ranking can continue to rise during the final exam, the teacher Even if she is not ashamed of her grandfather.

There is no doubt that Qin Shiting's grade is still the first in the school year. I heard that he was the first in the school year long ago. No one can shake this first place. According to Shi Niange's observation of him, he found that he had Can listen to lessons, but it is not as overly focused as other school fighters, nor is it the type of concentrating on studying. He seems to be uniquely capable of absorbing knowledge in all aspects, plus he is also Very serious. Unlike other rich children, he lives bright and clean with a precise direction. Gradually, it also seems to be her weathervane in school every day.

"Then, you see, the overall score is 185 points worse than you." Shi Niange unfolded his mid-term report card in front of Qin Shiting: "When you borrowed me to take notes last month, I said If you can get above the pass line and be at least 50 points higher than the expected score, then give me your mobile phone number. You see, I'm a lot more than that. "

Qin Shiting did not answer.

Although she proposed the proposal at that time, he didn't speak and didn't agree, but he didn't refuse.

Shi Niange had to compromise: "Well, when the final exam, if my score is more than thirty percent higher than now, you give me my mobile phone number?"

Qin Shiting didn't look at her as if she didn't hear it.

Shi Niange didn't want to be discouraged, but she still felt a little hurt. Obviously he didn't refuse at the time, she just had a mobile phone number, and she wouldn't bother him ...

After the exam, it happened to be a rare two consecutive weekends. The time in the school is too tight recently. Only Sunday can be taken for half a day, and it is rare to have two days of vacation.

Zhao Xiaoqing went out shopping while reading a song, wearing a beautiful little floral skirt and holding her arm to walk: "Aren't you doing well in this exam? The teacher said that you were a jumper and you were ranked one hundred and three hundred years ago. Throw away the tails of our cranes, why are you so stingy? Who provoked you? "

Shi Niange smiled reluctantly: "No, presumably my current situation is only the ability to point out the ability to throw off the tail of the crane, but the hundreds of people in front of me still need me to continue to admire, want to catch up really too Difficult, think about it, it makes sense for adults to chat and talk. "

"What is it?"

"Students are the most tiring. The exhaustion after growing up is only because of endless responsibilities and burdens of life. However, in the student years, it was a combination of mental and physical exhaustion, innumerable assignments, inexhaustible exercises, and catching up. Endless results. "

"Well, I said you haven't been very outgoing, why are you suddenly depressed?" Zhao Xiaoqing laughed. "Did you fall in love again?"

The so-called broken love in Zhao Xiaoqing's mouth is already the normal state of singing songs. For example, Qin Shiting ignored her, or what she said was ignored by Qin Shiting, or Qin Shiting went to a student cadre for a meeting and was not in the class. In class, these can be collectively referred to as Shi Niange's broken love stage.

"Almost." Shi Niange sighed.

Zhao Xiaoqing couldn't help laughing: "I think you should change your target, a lot of boys in our class like you."

Shi Niange didn't say anything, just glanced down at the mobile phone. The class leader just sent her the application form to be submitted on Monday. The temporary vacancy in the tutoring class just filled her in. She picked up the mobile phone and Start filling out the form.

Her real-time chanting's views and practices on many things are candid, but she found out that she was actually quite persuaded by this little hidden courage to Qin Shiting.

After filling out the form, the monitor asked her where she was. She said that she was shopping with Zhao Xiaoqing outside. The monitor asked if a man was needed to come and help them with two bags. Sorry, I wish her a pleasant shopping and spend less money, the SMS chat is not over.

After walking for a few hours in the street, I didn't buy anything. After all, I usually wear school uniforms for a longer period of time, and I don't lack daily clothes. There is really nothing to buy.

Niange was listless when she saw her. Zhao Xiaoqing invited her to a dessert shop for a chocolate donut, and the two went home.

During the rare two-day holiday after the mid-term exam, Shi Niange's mood was a bit unreachable. After a day on the street, I went home and stayed in the house, closed the house and didn't go out, and occasionally reported to the public by phone Grades, and then occasionally look at some of the learning materials sent by her grandfather to her. When you are OK, look at the human skeleton in the study, and observe the position and composition of each bone. I didn't feel sleepy when I came down, but there was something in my heart that weighed on myself, and Qin Shiting always had a look in her mind that she didn't care about after seeing her results.

She can only blame her for not working hard enough, or dare to show off before him in the middle-to-low grades. It is already very good without his ridicule. What more encouragement can she expect, and he does not owe her, it is true There is nothing to encourage her.

On Sunday night, Shi Niange packed up her study materials and books. She will have to go back to school tomorrow, lie in bed after bathing, close her eyes, and Qin Shiting is all in her mind.

She raised her hand and knocked her head.

She should probably find time to go to her grandfather's lab for a few days to help distract her.

I also thought that my transcripts had not been shown to my parents. After my parents returned home a while ago, they returned to the United States without staying at home for half a month. Now it ’s daytime in the United States. She got up and took pictures with her mobile phone. A photo, and then sent it to parents.

A few minutes later, she went to warm herself a cup of milk and came back to drink. She heard a short message alert sound from her mobile phone on the bed in her bedroom, thinking that it was the information her parents gave her when she saw the report card.

She didn't care much about drinking the milk first. After a long time, she returned to the bed and lifted the quilt to lie down. Then she picked up her mobile phone and slid openly.

In the next instant, the expression on the face of the song fell into an unprecedented hollowness and loss, and even forgot to breathe, after taking a deep breath, he took a deep breath and stared at the strange number on the phone screen. And the text message I sent, I saw only the indifferent words above—

Qin Shiting.

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