Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1463: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 30)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Qin Shiting: [Just went to the bath. ]

Then, within two seconds, another text message came in: [Happy birthday. ]

happy Birthday!

Ah ah

Ah ah ah ah ah--

Shi Niange held the mobile phone directly on the bed and played several times in a row. He couldn't calm his inner joy. He repeatedly looked at the two text messages on the screen. He also checked the text on the text messages naively, ten word!

These two have ten words!

Happy birthday to her! !! !!

Life seems to be fulfilled at this moment!

She forcibly endured to send a string of ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah smile on the face is about to get to the ears, but the fingers are poking as if calmly stamped very calm words : [Hey, good night. ]

Good night was added in front of him, mainly because she really couldn't express her inner joy, he should always know that she was happy.

After sending it again this time, I thought he wouldn't return, but the result was still returned soon: [Good night. ]

I really can't sleep now!

Shi Niange put the phone aside, remember to charge it, then lay back to the bed, open his eyes and looked at the ceiling and the beautiful chandelier above him, always thinking about what he looks like in what kind of state She texted him. Was he just going to take a shower? Returned to her before taking a bath, and returned to her after taking a bath.

what! So what is he wearing?

Wait, what is she thinking?

Shi Niange raised her hand and held her blushing face, and leaned on the pillow for a long time to calm down the feeling of being soaked in a honeypot.

Later, although the phone was charging, Shi Nian Ge held the phone in his arms all night. Until midnight, I felt that the phone was hot because I was holding it because of charging. Then I put the phone back and turned over to continue. sleep.

She also had a dream.

I dreamed that Qin Shiting came out of the bathroom and wrapped her body around a white towel. She picked up her mobile phone and saw her picture, then her beautiful lips slightly twitched and sent her four words-happy birthday.

How could such a wonderful dream, she knew she was unwilling to wake up knowing it. In the dream, she watched the good-looking boy carefully, watching his back, and when he put down his mobile phone and turned around, she quickly covered it. He closed his eyes, but at this moment Meng Jing was woken up by the noisy alarm bell.

She opened her eyes violently, raised her hand and pressed the alarm clock of the mobile phone indiscriminately, and then pillowed back to continue the dream, at least to finish the dream, but it was useless to close her eyes.

Shi Niange opened his eyes helplessly, then picked up the phone and looked at the time, it was more than six in the morning.

Every year after her birthday, she will go to the homes of several relatives with her parents, because it is still in the first month of the Spring Festival. These days of moving between relatives are estimated to last another two or three days.

The home of two aunts and aunts is far away. In the next province, because it is a nearby province, it is not necessary to fly there, so you have to drive early.

She was about to put the phone back, and suddenly remembered what happened last night, took it over again, carefully opened the text message page, and saw the few text messages of yesterday.

His words and her words were in it, lined up, as if chatting continuously.

During the day, I went to the next door with my parents to sing songs, and sometimes I took out my mobile phone to read this SMS chat record, and I was even afraid that I accidentally deleted the record by hand slipping, so I had to carefully turn it off after watching it for a while deleted.

For a few days in a row, any unhappy thing seemed to be a cloud of sight. As long as she glanced at the text message record, she would be happy immediately.

School will start in a few days. She really misses the days when she can sit beside Qin Shiting every day.

Two days before school starts, parents have to return to the company to start their busy schedule. This time, instead of flying to the United States, they will go to a branch in Singapore for two months, and then continue to the United States. It is estimated that until she Before the college entrance examination, you may not find time to come back.

In the evening, Niange, while packing his schoolbag at the beginning of the day after tomorrow, thought about seeing Qin Shiting again, with a smile on his lips, completely unaffected by his parents' going abroad.

Even if she knows that because she rarely accompanies her, she has long been accustomed to the situation where they are not in the country, and her parents will not be able to touch the switch of her anger and sorrow, but she has never seen her. I was so happy before the start of school that there was a smile on my face all night, even when I was eating.

"What are you silly all night?" The lovely old mother Shi Shinang, Ms. Yang Zhenzhen really couldn't hold back anymore, so she didn't spend time with her daughter, but she still wanted to take good care of her before leaving. She is studying in her current life.

Seeing her mother push the door into her bedroom, Shi Niange's smile didn't go away: "Nothing, it's going to start school soon. I think I can see my good friends and classmates right away. I feel good."

However, Ms. Yang Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a very keen sense of smell and asked: "You have always had a good relationship with those classmates before, and I have never seen you so happy when you started school, and this is a senior year Didn't you still shout that you were pulled from heaven to **** overnight? Why are you so happy? "

Shi Niange thought for a while: "Maybe because of growing up, I feel that I can save a year of learning time compared to others, just like stealing a year, a bit ecstatic."

"You can get it." Ms. Yang Zhenzhen sat next to her bed, held her unfinished schoolbag, and glanced again at her mobile phone next to the bed: "I recently saw you silly holding your phone every day Le, obviously there are no calls and text messages, no sound on the mobile phone, you can stare at the screen and be happy there for a long time, say, are you in love? "


"My dad and I have never objected to what you should do at a certain age. When Tang Shao chased you before, didn't we also object? Just tell you to protect yourself, and you all grow up yourself Now, you can think for yourself, what else can you hide? "

"... It's not a relationship."

"Not counting?"

Shi Niange found that at the time of Tang Shao, she could always be very calm, just as her parents said, at what age would happen to happen at this age, 18 years old is not considered early love, but After all, they are still students, so some emotional things can only be buried under the surface, and many peers will not be embarrassed to share with others.

But in front of her parents, these things did never need to be concealed.

But for Qin Shiting.

She suddenly noticed.

There is actually a sense of shyness, and I don't know how to describe that kind of shyness. Even if she mentioned Qin Shiting's name in front of her mother, she would have a faster heartbeat.

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