Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1466: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 33)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

No vocabulary can express the mood of reading the song at the moment. This feeling is full of ups and downs in her heart and has been kept for several days.

Qin Shiting is great too ...

In fact, under the circumstances that the teacher and the monitor Lin Xu obviously wanted to change her seat, if he really didn't like her sitting next to him, he could always keep silent.

But he left her!

In the next few days, Shi Niange kept such a touch of emotion in her heart, remembering that Qin Shiting also took the books in the monitor's hand and put it back on her table. She I feel full of energy.

She must study hard! She can't be dropped by Xueba too much!

When she slept at night for a few days, she had to hold her mobile phone and watch the screen of the phone, and kept saying Qin Shiting's name in her heart. Although he never texted her again, these chat records were enough for her. Aftertaste for several days.

It has been three or four days since the start of the school. These three or four days are calm and peaceful, as if the storm of changing seats has finally passed completely. Many students who have changed seats have officially entered the state of preparing for the college entrance examination these days.

Hao Xiushe and Zhao Xiaoqing did not change seats. The two of them seemed to be sitting together when they were in freshman year. Later, they changed seats and changed back again last semester. This time they did n’t change teachers and did n’t say anything. They were in the last two anyway. The students in the row do not usually pay attention.

Her parents had already gone abroad, and Shi Niange returned to stay at the Villa in Lishui as usual. When Auntie Xiang and Uncle Tai brought her, they prepared a lot of delicious food for her.

The next morning, Shi Niange brought the chocolate that Aunt Xiang brought to her to school. The chocolate was for Zhao Xiaoqing and so shy, and there was a box of fruits she cut herself in the morning in a fresh-keeping box. Intended to give Qin Shiting.

She also does n’t know why she always likes to bring gifts or food to her good friends. In fact, it ’s not too expensive. She always feels that she ca n’t finish eating alone. It's a pity that it was damaged in two days. It's better to eat with friends.

She sat in the classroom for half an hour in the morning. Sure enough, Qin Shiting came to school at about the same time as when he saw him coming in from the door unhurriedly, sitting next to her with a shoulder bag, and thinking of her parents when she went abroad What she said to her before, while young, everyone is still very simple, you can fight if you like, don't miss it, and don't leave yourself regret, so she is almost looking at him with a pair of stars.

Qin Shiting also glanced at her without expression, but did not know why, when he read Song, he felt like he was in a good mood today and his expression was relatively peaceful.

"Qin Shen!" Shi Niange whispered to her: "Good morning ~"

She thought that Qin Shiting would not respond, or just murmured as usual, but he did not expect him to open his mouth and said quietly: "Good morning."

Shi Niange's whole heart suddenly crumbled at this moment.

She quickly lowered her head and pretended to carefully check last night's homework. Her heartbeat was too fast, so she had to find a way to calm herself first.

Qin Shiting told her good morning.

He said happy birthday and good morning.

she's fine! Especially good! very good!

Although I did n’t change the seat, I changed it for everyone, so she and Qin Shiting moved from the row by the window to the row by the other side of the wall and door. It was good behind them Next to the shy is the back door of the class, where the teacher often stands outside to engage in sudden attacks.

This new location also has a good line of sight. At least you no longer need to pull the curtains to block the glare of the sun. There are high walls next to it.

When sitting here, Shi Niange voluntarily asked to be seated against the wall, Qin Shiting agreed, and she just changed the left and right positions, and everything else remained the same.

Shi Nian Ge is actually a little careful, because this way, she can talk to Qin Shiting every time she wants to go out from class to class, such as "Qin Shen, let me go out", "I am back", "I go out to buy one Water "" I'm going to get something from the teacher ", because he is sitting outside, she must tell him if she wants to get out of the seat, so that there is more room for communication, he will now respond more or less, even if It's just a "um" word, and the whole day adds up to several words.

After another half a month, Shi Niange remembered the time when Qin Shiting arrived at the school, kept waiting for the time and went outside the school gate. When he saw that he had come down that road again, he immediately went in the direction of him. Quickly walked over: "Good morning!"

Shi Niange usually wears school uniforms in an orderly manner. It is clear that in the whole senior year, only the girls with a very good family background can say the name, but she does not look for it from time to time like other girls. Opportunity to make up for hair or wear strange clothes when making up classes on weekends.

She wears school uniforms from Monday to Friday. She has three sets of clothes, so she can change them back and forth. She also wears unusual clothes when making up lessons on weekends, and most of them are student models. They look like clean students. There has never been any luxury that fits her family. For so long, the only change in her body was just a new phone, but it was not the expensive one, but a small white and pretty mobile phone. The function is very comprehensive, and she also deliberately tried to keep a short message chat history with Qin Shiting.

She was tangled for a long time when changing the phone, and then Uncle Tuo Tai went to the operator to help her find a way, and then successfully kept the SMS records and saved them on the new phone.

Qin Shiting glanced at her: "Good morning."

Three more words!

I don't know if it was her illusion. If he had asked her to eat for a while, it was perfunctory. Now when he occasionally speaks and responds to her, he is very serious and is no longer perfunctory.

Shi Nian Ge simply stood next to him and walked in with him. She really liked the feeling of being dead and being able to go to school with him and stay up in the class, and because he was sitting outside, he would still stand there and let She waited for her to sit down inside.

This small and small sense of interaction can make her happy all day.

When she entered the school gate, she stood beside Qin Shiting. Seeing that he had become accustomed to following her like this, he was not exclusive at all, and whispered behind him, "I remember that the Qin family should be in The direction on the left, why do you come from the middle of the road every time? Don't you usually go home and live? "

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