Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1468: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 35)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Shi Niange saw Qin Shiting under the tree at one glance, but he was standing there looking at the cell phone. I do n’t know if the cell phone suddenly rang when I walked there, so I stood there and looked at it because I found her. Did not arrive, so stood there waiting for her.

But he was at least really there.

"Uncle Tai." For fear that this is just an illusion, Shi Niange quickly said, "You help me ... do me a favor."

"Go to the hospital first, and wait until you have a fever." Then, Uncle Tai will drive away.

"No, I can go to the hospital. You can help me tell the guy who is standing under the tree, and say that I am taking a leave today. I do n’t need to tell him that I am sick. I just ask me to take a leave temporarily and let him help me. Keep your class notes, I'll pick them up tomorrow ... "

Shi Niange now felt that he was struggling to say such a long series of words, and closed his eyes and relaxed for a while after he finished speaking.

Uncle Tai turned and looked in the direction that she said. When he passed by there just now, the good-looking guy seemed to be standing there. Why didn't he leave?

He turned to look at the song again, as if thinking of: "Are you here with him?"

"It's not an appointment ..." Shi Niange didn't have any thoughts to explain. He just wanted to say to Qin Shiting before entering the school, but didn't want to say he was sick.

She was very confused now, but she subconsciously felt that he might be waiting for himself, so that he should not wait any longer, but he had to wait for himself once, and she really wanted to see him.

Good grievance.

Tears are about to rush out.

She pressed her face to the window, and said helplessly and helplessly, "Uncle Tai ... just help me ... talk to him."

Seeing her anxious look, Uncle Tai sighed, "Yes, wait." Then he got out of the car.

Uncle Tai glanced at the time again, remembering in his heart the time when Niange had just taken the antipyretic medicine, lest the doctor ask him again when he went to the hospital, he couldn't remember it clearly, and then went all the way under the tree to see the guy At this time, I looked away from my phone and walked directly to it: "Hello, I'm the driver of Shijia."

Qin Shiting put down his hand holding the mobile phone, and Wen Yan gave him a firm look.

"Miss my family today ... something, maybe take a day off, she asked me to tell you, don't wait for her, by the way, please help me to back up her class notes, she will take it when she comes to school tomorrow "After Uncle Tai said that he felt his mission was over, he turned around and left.

Qin Shiting first said nothing, then looked at the direction where Uncle Tai was going and the car parked not far away, and said, "There are only more than 100 days left for the college entrance examination. What kind of leave does she ask for?"

Uncle Tai paused. Although I remembered that the young man seemed to be from the Qin family, after all, Shi Niange was feverish at the moment. Listening to his tone seemed unreasonable, and he turned back displeasedly. "She doesn't want to ask for leave, but who can do nothing urgent all year round?"

"She's in the car?" Qin Shiting had already walked past without any extra expression on his face, but his voice was calm and firm.

Uncle Tai's expression froze: "How do you know ..."

Hearing this seemingly default sentence, Qin Shiting did not answer, and looked at the car in front.

If she wasn't in that car, how could it be that he would stand here waiting for her?

Qin Shiting walked directly towards the car, and Uncle Tai hurried forward: "I think it's very close to your early self-study. You should go to school."

"Is he ill?" Qin Shiting ignored his words at all and just jumped back to the question.

Uncle Tai paused before saying, "It's probably flu, and you're having a high fever."

"The door is open, let me see." It was a faint command, not talking to him.

Probably because this one is from the Qin family, so Uncle Tai didn't think there was anything wrong with his tone, but Shi Niange just explained that he couldn't let him know that she was sick. Now he not only said it, but Qin Shiting had to look at it again. She, if she opened the door, she was afraid she would be irritated when she was singing, and she would be ill now.

"If I remember correctly, you are the youngest son of the Qin family. After all, he is the prince of the four major families in Haicheng. I am not offended, but our lady does not want to see anyone now. The girl is not in a good state when she is sick. Well, it ’s understandable that you do n’t want to see anyone. You should go to school. She was going to go to school, but she was a little confused. I ’ll send her to the hospital right away. You still have to wait for her. OK, goodbye. "

Uncle Tai's words are not humble or overbearing. Even if he is the Prince of the Qin family, his family is not a small role, even if there is any ambiguous relationship between these young people, but as an elder, Now when you see Shi Niange being sick, you can't be too laissez-faire.

Qin Shiting was still standing still, his eyes were very cold and cold: "I just looked at her and made sure that I would leave without any problems."

Seeing Qin Shiting's seemingly indifferent attitude with a certain persistence and indifference, Uncle Tai hesitated again, thinking that just now when Niange had been anxious to get out of the car and looked up at the move outside the window, it might be really very I like this kid, maybe I just want to take a look at it and feel relieved. It seems that it is not good to stop myself in the middle.

After hesitating, Uncle Tai said, "You wait."

After that, Uncle Tai turned his head and opened the door behind him a bit, looking at him leaning in, his face getting redder and hotter due to the high fever, and leaning against the door without any movement, said the song: "Nian Nian. "

no respond.


Still didn't respond.

Uncle Tae was worried about what happened because she burned too much, and quickly opened the door and explored her forehead. This frowning frowned even more, and when she turned around, she saw Qin Shiting. Already came over: "The burn was too severe, and two calls didn't reflect, so you have to go to the hospital quickly."

Qin Shiting was outside the car door, and he leaned down slightly to see that he was sitting and singing in the car when he was still singing, and his neck had become reddish, which did not reflect anything.

Uncle Tai will close the back door directly and drive to the hospital.

At this moment, Qin Shiting raised his hand and pressed the door to prevent him from closing the door. "The hospital opposite the school is only a small clinic. There are too many unknown causes of high fever. Do n’t go to the small hospital and go directly to the city hospital. Fever and emergency. "

"Ah? But the city hospital is too far from here, miss her behind ..."

"I'm driving, you take care of her in the back." Still a cold commanding tone.

Uncle Tai didn't know what he thought. An adult in his forties was shocked by the aura of a child less than 20 years old, and gave him an electronic car key subconsciously.

Qin Shiting took the car key, threw the black shoulder bag into the car, and then used his eyes to signal Uncle Tay to get in the car and sit back to support him, singing, bypassing the car and opening the door on the side of the driver's seat. .

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