Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1485: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 52)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Just thinking of this, Shi Nian's little heart is about to pop out.

Seeing that she was still standing in a daze behind her, Qin Shiting looked at her again. The uninjured right hand suddenly stretched over, holding her wrist and taking her to the direction of the villa in the water.

Shi Niange stayed straight for a while before returning to God, and his heart beat violently.

When she found that she was pulling her, she was still in place, Qin Shiting looked back at her, frowning slightly: "Are you going to help me bandage?"


He really wants to go to her house!


"That's not going yet? I don't have a medicine box or anything to use at home," he said.

Before she answered, he glanced at her again: "Aren't there any aunts and drivers in your family? Is there no one else in the family now?"


Should she say yes or no?

Normally, there must be no one in the family, but she feels that he feels that there is someone in her family, so she doesn't need to mind anything, just go and bandage it.

If she said that there was no one in the house now, he might not go.

But after a while, he will find no one.

Regardless, respect her own heart, anyway, she wants him to go!

She didn't answer, just looked at him and said, "You're right, I have a medicine chest at home, so go."

Then on the way to the house, Shi Niange looked at the wrist he had just held, and then looked at the figure of Qin Shiting walking next to himself, feeling that the amount of information was a bit large, the brain capacity was not enough, and it was about to explode.

He actually said he would go to her and agreed to let her bandage him.

In other words, he allowed her to see the wound on his hand, and he did not take her as an outsider to take precautions.

When she returned home, Qin Shiting saw that the lights in her villa were off. Only a row of automatic sensor lights in the front yard of the villa turned on because they were approaching.

"No one at home?" He said.

"Uh, it was originally there. Aunty Xiang and Uncle Tai often come here. Tonight ... maybe there is something in their house, and I thought I was not going to school at 9:30, so they are not here right now." She lied hard, but she instinctively felt as though she couldn't lie to him.

Qin Shiting only glanced at the dark window inside, and didn't continue to ask anything, only when she pushed open the carved door in front of the villa and went back to look at him, looked at her back, and came in.

Quickly walked into the villa, picked up the remote control in front of the door and turned on all the lights in the whole villa, and the light was shining in an instant, and she didn't want to delay the song for a long time. She wanted to see his hand. What hurt?

"You sit down." She was pointing to a small bar near the dining table, which was designed by the original owner of the house during the renovation. She could occasionally sit there to drink juice, because she hadn't drunk it at home anyway. liqueur.

Qin Shiting passed on without a word.

Shi Niange hurriedly went upstairs to the bedroom and pulled out the medicine box. Then he held the medicine box and came over to the small bar. While opening the medicine box, he said, "Put your hands on it. There is no need to disinfect and apply medicine. I see blood leaking out. Didn't the blood stop when you went to the hospital? "

"It's over. It should have been left-handed when I took something in the afternoon, so there was some blood." Qin Shiting was calm at this moment, as if she really asked her as a doctor.

Shi Niange now doesn't care too much about any mood. He lowered his head carefully and untied the gauze on his hand, and then saw that his slender fingers were still stained with dried blood, in his palm. There were several wounds, and it really looked like they had been scratched by glass shards.

"How could it be so?" She frowned suddenly, lowered her head and looked carefully, then took out the disinfection cotton from the medicine box to wipe the blood and wounds in his hands.

Qin Shiting seemed as if he could not feel the pain during disinfection. He sat there without changing his face, looked at her with a serious look, and said, "I crushed the glass this morning."

"Ah?" Shi Niange's brain was a little messy now, and he raised his eyes sharply to see him, seeing that he didn't seem to be telling lies.

Glass, this is not a TV show, how can you say that you can crush it with your bare hands?

Unless he is really angry, or if something happens that will endure all his strength to his hands, how can it be crushed directly? Looking at the extent of the injury in this hand, it should be that the broken glass is in his hand, and he did not release his hand.

She couldn't believe it and asked, "Why? When it's broken, it's broken, don't you let go of it? Still in your hands?"

Qin Shiting looked directly into her eyes: "It's just a skin trauma. It should be the arteries on the hand that hurt the bleeding, but it's not very painful."

"Isn't it painful? This is a hand, even a small scratch on the fingers! Do you have no painful nerves?" Shi Nianqi gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, I didn't hurt the bones and nerves. When I was inexplicable, I thought of his beautiful hand. If he was a doctor, how good it would look to pick up a scalpel. Don't even want to study medicine.

Why did you think of studying medicine again?

She held her breath and continued to sterilize and clear blood, but she was really good at such things as bandaging. When she was a child, she often practiced with the old maid at home, and even the gardener at home accidentally scratched her hand. They took the initiative to help bandaging. Over time, the technique of bandaging was really better than many internship nurses.

But it ’s Qin Shiting ’s hand, no matter how good she packs, but she also has tremors visible to the naked eye. After sterilizing, she goes to the medicine box to find the medicine suitable for him. Qin Shiting ’s gaze Then he looked at her face.

Realizing that he was looking at himself, his heartbeat began to speed up again.

There is no one in her family now, it's so late, the sky outside is dark, and she suddenly remembered who the lonely man and the widow who said ...

The hand looking for medicine turned around in the medicine box. After searching for a long time, I suddenly forgot what I should look for, and finally picked up a cold film, and then stunned God.

He was injured in his hand. What cold film did she take? Hurrying back again, Qin Shiting was seeing herself in a blink of an eye, and he was clearly aware of that stupid move she had just made.



Really killed.

But now he still has a wound in his palm.

She now felt that the hand in front of her was extremely precious, and quickly found the wound medicine, and then carefully applied it to him.

Ah, what to do, she was shaking her hands. Is she obviously very professional? What is she shaking?


(On the first day of the beginning of the month, I came to ask for a monthly pass again hahaha!)

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