Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1487: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 54)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Ah? This book?" Shi Niange snorted. "Is this ... medical?"

Qin Shiting nodded, then took the cup of fruit tea on hand and took a sip. It seemed that he was satisfied with the taste, so he took another sip.

When he saw that he liked to drink, Shi Niange felt in his heart that he should tell Aunt Xiang tomorrow and let her make more and put it in the refrigerator so that Qin Shiting would be able to drink it later.

He has an injury on his hand now, and he is very satisfied with her bandaging, maybe he will continue to come tomorrow.

"If you want to read the book, take it back. Anyway, I borrowed it from the Provincial Library. We can return it together in two days." She said this, and felt that she said it well, and gave it to each other again. The opportunity to go to the library together, silently boasting in my heart that he is really a clever ghost.

Qin Shiting looked at the little clever ghost in front of him and didn't say anything. He didn't seem to feel much about the passage of time, but Shi Niange was worried that he would leave immediately after the end of each topic.

But it's so late, how long can she stay?

"Qin Shen, it's a little early to end my self-study tonight. I still have two sets of papers I haven't finished. You haven't written the assignments I copied for you, have you? You see that my grades are so bad that it is just fine now Otherwise, do the two of us do our homework together? I can't solve the problem, and you can teach me. "Shi Niange's sincerity.

In fact, she was a little shy when she said this. After all, it was time ...

Qin Shiting looked at the time. It seems that it was only ninety o'clock every day to end the evening self-study. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the two people doing their homework so late. Answer: "Yes, write. "

Shi Niange has never been so proactive and so happy in writing homework once, he didn't hesitate, and hurriedly took his bag.

Although this small bar is not big, it is enough for the two to sit opposite each other to do their homework. She must be embarrassed to call him to study together. It was originally that they got along alone in the middle of the night, at least here is the living room, opposite There are also floor-to-ceiling windows that look pretty bright.

If she went into the study together and the space was quiet, she would be so anxious that she couldn't write her homework.

She glanced at his hand again, took his homework out of his bag, put it in front of him, and gave him a wink that was ready to start.

Qin Shiting took the pen and looked at her again.

Usually, two people are at the same table. Although they are sitting close together, they are sitting side by side. Now they are facing each other like this, as long as they can touch each other ’s eyes, they feel really ... ... too exciting and nervous.

Shi Niange felt his sight and lowered his head to make a serious assignment.

And the thought of some of his current assignments was copied by him for himself, it felt even more wonderful and intimate.

The surroundings are too quiet, and the questions on the papers are really too difficult. Shi Niange gradually put his mind on his homework. Only the occasional rustling sounds of the two people when they wrote and wrote were heard in the air.

The problem is difficult, there are many assignments, and time passes by little by little.

When the last big question of the last paper was written, Shi Niange lifted the neck that was just sore because of lowering his head. He raised his eyes to see that Qin Shiting had already finished writing, and he had n’t been sitting opposite. Talking, it looks like she's reading her writing.

An instant on her face: "How long have you looked at my homework ..."

"It didn't take long." Qin Shiting indifferently said, "But it's only like this for twenty minutes, and you can see that the way you solve the problem is still in the senior year mode, and the problem-solving thinking has not changed.

When Shi Niange was accustomed to his academic scum attributes when he faced this Xueba, when he heard him say that, his face was not flushed and he was not panting: "So did I answer the question right?"

"The answer is right."

"That's OK. Teacher Zhao also said that my problem-solving ideas were a little behind everyone, but fortunately, I could finally get the answer right in the simplest way. Anyway, when I got the college entrance examination, I mainly looked at the answers. She wo n’t check the ideas one question at a time, no matter how rigorous the idea is, she wo n’t add points. ”She said while lowering her head and continuing to solve the last question.

She did write all the questions correctly, but it was very slow. When she finished writing, she saw that Qin Shiting's eyes still fell on her paper, and she was patiently watching her write.

Shi Nian Ge suddenly felt that her heart was hot and hot as if the liquor had been poured. She squeezed the pen in her hand and put it down again: "Okay, I'm done."


Then she glanced at the time.

It's half past ten.

Qin Shiting was actually at her house and had not left at half past ten.

"It's so late ..." she whispered.

"Well, the homework is finished, the fruit tea is drunk, and the hands are wrapped." Qin Shiting slowly counted the reasons she tried to make him stay tonight: "I can go?"

Shi Niange looked at him: "..."

Seeing her timid, but dare not say, he did not give her the opportunity to stay here for one night, put the German doctor's book in his bag, and carried it back Go on the black shoulder bag.

Shi Niange thought that she was very big here, and there were several guest rooms on the upper and lower floors. If he wanted to avoid suspicion, he could sleep in a guest room farther away from her room. It's so late now. Clicked?

But Qin Shiting did not give her the opportunity to speak at all, and just left.

She quickly got down from the bar and followed quickly: "That, Qin Shen ..."

Qin Shiting had come to the door and looked back at her: "It's not early, take a bath and go to bed early."

When she reached her lips, she was choked back, and suddenly she had no courage to say it.

I would like to say that you sleep here for one night, tomorrow we will go to school together.

But when it came to the mouth, it still turned into: "Well, okay, then you must pay attention to your hands and don't touch the water when you go back to take a shower."

"Um." He responded and pushed the door away.

Seeing that his back disappeared outside the villa, Shi Niange just stood in front of the door and looked at his back. He pursed his lips and gave up.

Qin Shiting did not look back. If she walked out from the lane of the villa in Lishui to the outside, it would be a big road. She could easily get a car. She did n’t need to worry about a boy going home. child.

But when she closed the door and looked back at the empty living room where she was alone, she looked at the counter and felt panicked.

But she also knew that even if she really spoke, Qin Shiting would not stay.

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