Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1496: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 63)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Qin Shiting looked at her, and suddenly twitched his lips a few seconds later, laughing at the song.

When he laughed, his eyes were very gentle, and the street lights fell into his eyes, as if there were stars and the sea.

At that moment, I was singing and thinking, what other people's rumors and rumors, it does not matter, I just like to follow you, as long as I can see you smile once every day, I am very satisfied.

But she ran too fast just now, and he couldn't help but cough twice before and after him.

Qin Shiting raised her hand and patted her on the back.

Shi Niange looked at Qin Shiting's gentle eyes, held back the cough, raised his hand and patted his own face as if to slow himself down, then smiled and said, "Why did you come here suddenly? Isn't it rare to attend such an event? "

Qin Shiting said: "It really is not to participate."

"Then you are so late, why are you here suddenly?"

Speaking of which, she suddenly pointed at the KTV behind her: "Yes, Zhao Xiaoqing is so shy, they are still inside, would you like to go in and sit for a while? Anyway, come here, what are you doing outside? If you do n’t want to sing If K, you can just sit and rest for a while, sit down and chat, eat something, and you must not go out for a meeting with the school leader during the day. "

Qin Shiting still did not speak, but his eyes were looking at her.

Shi Niange wanted to say something, and suddenly the phone rang.

She quickly answered the phone: "Hey, grandpa?"

"Hang out with classmates?"

"Well, outside, didn't I say yesterday, a good friend had a birthday tonight." Shi Niange looked at Qin Shiting in front of him and said to the phone, "Did you go to my place? ? "

"No, I'm still in the laboratory. I glanced at the time and remembered that you said yesterday that there was an event. Make a call to make sure you are safe."

"Haha, I'm sure it's safe. They are good friends who are usually together, rest assured!"

"When is it going back? Do you need to send a car to pick you up?"

"No, I'll take a taxi and return. Hang up, grandpa, I'll go to you again at the weekend."

She put down the phone, put the phone in her pocket, raised her eyes to see that Qin Shiting was still looking at her, and she also looked up, her eyes bright: "Qin God, did you pass by, or did you come here on purpose? So late Where are you going? "

Qin Shiting said: "It's not passing."

"Oh, it's not the way ..." She nodded, and suddenly had something to say.

Not passing by, meaning he came here on purpose?

What did he ... come here on purpose?

She looked at him again, but Zhao Xiaoqing's text message came at this time and asked if she was away or outside. She took a look at her mobile phone and replied: [Wait for a while, I didn't leave. ]

Then she said, "Qin Shen, are you going in?"

"Who is there?" He asked.

"The ones in our class, you also know that I jumped up the grade, and the relationship with the boys and girls in the class is also very general. After all, I have been missing classmates for two years. I can recognize you and Xiao Qing is so shy. I ’m already very lucky, I ’m not familiar with the other people, but Xiaoqing ’s birthday, I played with them for a while. ”She said that she was going to pull his arm and wanted him to go in with him. .

But when he just met Qin Shiting's arm, he stopped quickly. What is his relationship with him? It is usually at the same table, and it is normal to accidentally hit the arm or something. When his hand is injured, it is normal for her to hold his hand to help bandage, but this night, it is still at the KTV door, for no reason. Pulling him, it didn't seem to be the case, she smiled again: "Hey, would you like to go in and sit?"

Qin Shiting's beautiful eyebrows moved slightly and looked at her hand.

After two seconds, he raised his arm slightly, and brought his arm to her palm.

It's almost summer now, and the weather is not cold at night, but it is always a little bit colder than during the day. He is wearing short-sleeved T and casual pants. When he came close, she touched his skin. With a slight coolness, this temperature passed into her heart in an instant through her palms.

Shi Niange suddenly remembered Qin Shiting's feeling of holding her hand several times before.

That inexplicable throbbing.

Now even more, because he took the initiative to hand over the arm.

She put his arm directly in his arms, and the two walked together to the door of KTV. Then she was still hesitating when she was holding his arm, whether her hand should be on his forearm, or she should be raised to be polite. distance.

It was too late to come up with an answer myself. At this moment, several drunk men who came out of the door of KTV came out very hurriedly and ran directly into her. The one who was hit by her was leaning in the direction of Qin Shiting. Not to mention that his hands were completely attached to him, and he almost bumped into his arms when he turned over to take her with him to make way.

Qin Shiting apparently looked at the people who had shaken away a little, and looked down at her: "Is there anything wrong?"

Yes! Of course something happened!

She actually leaned into his arms again!

Shi Niange retreated from his arms calmly, and continued to keep his arm in his arm: "It's okay, those people drink too much. It's too common in this kind of place. It's okay, let's go in."

Then when he walked in, Shi Nian's hands were holding him, and the palms of his hands were not released against his arms.

In fact, the main entrance of KTV is a little distance away from the box on the second floor. In fact, you can take the elevator up, but after all, it is only on the second floor. Shi Niange didn't want to shorten the time to walk together, so he was with him Go up the stairs in the middle of KTV.

As the two walked up step by step, Shi Niange looked down at Qin Shiting's casual pants.

Why is his leg so long ...

Usually wearing school uniforms knows that he is tall and has long legs, but the school uniforms are not so special after all. Now I see him wearing such casual pants, which really looks good.

The Qin family is too strong. It should be impossible for Qin Shiting to make his debut as a star. Otherwise, if he is dug out by a scout, he will definitely be a particularly handsome and popular star.

But if he really becomes a star, then there will be too many her rivals, and she will feel particularly nervous.

Qin Shiting's arm moved, and she raised his eyes to see him, only to see that he stopped after walking up the second floor, and looked down at her: "What's wrong with your hand?"

She just tightened her hand suddenly, coughing, because she thought of her love rival in case of too much, but did not expect her body to make a response first, she actually tightened her hand first.

Shi Niange blinked and shifted the topic: "You haven't said it yet, why did you come here suddenly?"

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