Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1522: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 89)

"Hey! What's the matter! Quickly separate them!" the policeman behind him angrily said.

Shi Niange hurriedly rushed over in fright: "Qin Siting, don't fight, have anything to tell the police, don't fight..."

Several people had already surrounded him and couldn't pull him away. It can be seen how hard Qin Siting had put his fist on the man's face, and Shi Niange pulled his arm hard, but it was useless.

"Don't fight, don't fight Qin Siting...You can't beat people, let's talk hard..."

Qin Siting couldn't hear her at all.

Shi Niange is very afraid that if this kind of trouble goes to school in the end, the school will punish him at that time, which will definitely affect his future results. Even if he is studying medicine, the future should be brilliant, and it should not be like this! And he looks a bit scary now!

Qin Siting seemed to have faded away from his usual gentle and quiet appearance. He was beating people fiercely. The blushing eyes were like the way he had just fallen from the car door on the road and walked towards her, even too late.

He made a transcript just now, and the police must know what happened to him. They turned around with red eyes anxiously and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

Looking at the police's expression, it seemed that the person who had been beaten deserved, but after all, he couldn't just look at him. He called the two front guards to come and pull him away.

Shi Niange was afraid that they would hurt him, and took up her own as a girl. These people didn't dare to use the advantage of her. They covered Qin Siting's back with their arms. After persuading him to hear a few words, she was helpless. Xia could only hold Qin Si Ting forcibly, but Qin Si Ting threw her away, she went forward to hug her, and this time she was swept away by his arm before she did it.

She staggered backwards pushed by gravity, and her entire back hit the edge of the glass door behind her, and her entire face turned white when it hurt.

She didn't care about the pain on her back, she just wanted Qin Si Ting to return to normal. Seeing him like this, she was really afraid.

"Qin Siting...Qin Siting..." Shi Niange didn't know what to say, so he could only call his name.

She was thrown away again, and when she came forward to hug someone, because of the pain on her back and the tossing back and forth on her legs, she was a little weak. Just as she stepped forward, her legs became soft and suddenly fell forward. , Almost rushing to the person on the ground, Qin Siting's fist about to hit the person directly hit her shoulder severely.

Shi Niange was directly knocked to the side by a strong blow, and fell to the ground, unable to speak.

All the movements of Qin Siting stopped at this moment, and the police took the opportunity to pull him away, and then pulled out the half-dead man on the ground that was about to be beaten.

Qin Siting stood on the spot and looked at Shi Niange, who was lying on the ground and clutching his shoulders. The scarlet redness in his eyes finally faded away, and the expression on the last face was indescribable.

Shi Niange looked at him after a while, reluctantly sat up, took the hand on his shoulder, and said dumbly, "I'm fine..."

Her voice was hoarse and too obvious. After saying this, she felt that the bone head on her shoulder was about to split.

The police took the person who had just fallen to the ground into the interrogation room first, and sent two people outside to look at them, but at least they were polite to Qin Siting, and they didn’t come over to force him or something. .

Qin Siting came to her, looked down at Shi Niange's eyes, raised his hand and touched her shoulder, his fingertips seemed to tremble.

She felt terrible pain in her shoulder only when she was touched lightly. She resisted, but looked at him with a blank face: "I'm really fine... I blamed myself for not standing still... I know you didn't mean to of……"

Qin Si Ting's hand finally fell on her uninjured shoulder on the other side, and suddenly he fished her whole body into his arms with a slight effort, and hugged her tightly.

His eyes were scary red just now.

But she knew that he must have been forcibly calm now.

The moment she was hugged, she closed her eyes and her whole heart settled down at this moment.

She knew he was all right now, he was calm.

That's it.

It's just that he held it so tightly that she felt that she was suffocating, but she didn't say anything, just let him hold it.

Afterwards, the police called a female doctor to help her look at her shoulder, and after confirming that the problem was not serious, they sent them back to school for class.

Shi Niange still doesn't know what happened to Qin Siting. She tried to ask the police uncle, but they only replied that the problem was not with Qin Siting. Anyone who encountered such a thing would almost do the same. , He has tolerated enough, but this time he was really provoked, saying that if she is his girlfriend, she usually accompany him by his side, let him put those knots away, and live in school or outside. Don't go back to Qin's house recently.

In the mist when Shi Niange listened to it, they were inconvenient to say what was the matter, but they said that the problem was not with Qin Siting.

This is a messy morning.

When Shi Niange and Qin Siting left, she glanced at the black trot parked outside. He obviously had no plans to drive at the moment. She just pulled his clothes gently: "Let's take a taxi. Well, let’s not go to school today. Let me tell Grandpa and ask him to find a reasonable reason to ask for a vacation for both of us."

Qin Si Ting did not answer.

She called her grandfather on her own initiative. Grandpa didn’t believe it because she said that something happened temporarily. She asked her again and again. She said that she only met a friend halfway. The friend was in the police station. Something happened, they came to take a look, and they went back to school when the solution was over. In short, they said a lot of things to avoid the importance, and the grandpa was busy, so they did not continue to ask, but they agreed to ask for leave for her and Qin Siting~www After putting down the phone, Shi Niange turned his eyes to Qin Siting, leaned close to him and whispered: "Qin Siting, did you hurt just now? He didn't fight back when you hit him? You didn't. Are you injured?"

That man is obviously very vicious, and he has been pretending to be innocent in the police station just now, which is disgusting.

Qin Siting just looked at her, but still didn't speak.

Shi Niange touched her shoulder and smiled and said, "I'm really fine. You just saw a doctor who came to check and said that there was nothing serious. You were actually squeezing your strength at the time, you just got hit. It hurts a bit, I don’t feel anything now."

As she said it, she thought about it, digging out a mint from her bag, opened it and handed it to his mouth: "Come on, eat a mint to wake up?"

Qin Siting glanced at her again. She thought he could not eat, and when her expression was a little dry, thinking that she could not eat it by herself, she saw him open his mouth and ate the candy on her fingertips. Going down, his lips still rubbed her fingertips lightly, and her whole heart was burning instantly. The warm wind is not as deep as you

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