Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1530: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 97)

Qin Siting really replied to her: [Preparing to take a bath. ]

Shi Niange was surprised, now it's just past seven o'clock, taking a bath so early?

But then he blushed.

Take a bath?

He said he was going to take a bath.

I remembered how he walked out without clothes after taking a shower in the hotel last time...

Shi Niange took a deep breath, and then slowly sent a few words, and at the same time felt that his shame was about to explode: [I miss you a bit. ]

Ah ah ah ah, Shi Nian Ge, you shameless, sending text messages here while thinking about Qin Shen taking a bath, so shameless.

But it's exciting.


After she finished sending it, she threw the phone far away, ran out of bed and went to Zhao Xiaoqing and said she was out for dinner. She didn't dare to look at the phone anymore, and she didn't dare to pick it up to read text messages anymore.

Until she and Zhao Xiaoqing had already gone downstairs, she still couldn't hold back, and took the phone out of her pocket again. There was only one word in the text message interface, which was in line with Qin Siting's style. ]

Shi Niange originally felt very ashamed, but when he saw Qin Siting's response, he instantly felt so satisfied and satisfied inexplicably and strangely.

Although I don't know what he meant by um, I always felt that it was a positive response. This um... can also be analyzed as, is he thinking of her too? Hehehe!

While being dragged by Zhao Xiaoqing, she bowed her head and poked on her phone seriously: [Then you...also? ]

Wouldn't it be too direct to ask?

But she still sent it out.

After sending it out, I felt that the phone was hot again, so I quickly put the phone back in my pocket.

Feelings are so terrible, they can change a person completely beyond recognition. Shi Niange feels that she is now particularly imagining a female rascal, a shameless one.

It took more than ten minutes for Qin Siting's text message to return. Shi Niange thought he would not return again, so he went to the school gate with Zhao Xiaoqing to find something to eat.

She had already sat in the position of a beef noodle shop, and she felt the phone shake and picked it up.

There is still only one word on the screen.

[Ok. ]

Shi Niange felt a sense of loss at first, but then suddenly became a lot of sweetness.


Ok! ! !

She was asking him if he was thinking about himself, but he actually answered yes.

This is Qin Siting's response to her!

He should have been taking a shower for more than ten minutes, so he didn't look at the phone. Did he reply to her as soon as he finished washing?

Zhao Xiaoqing asked her why she blushed when she was sitting here. Shi Niange hurriedly put the phone back in his pocket, picked up the menu and ordered a bowl of noodles, and then sat absently, filled with the word on the phone just now.

What to do, my heart is sore and painful, I really like it.

Shi Niange felt that her little heart was about to float.


The extremely anticipated holiday is here.

Grandpa was also considered humane, and at least he gave Qin Siting a week off before letting Qin Siting go to his laboratory to help.

But this week has been a torment for Shi Niange, okay? Fortunately, I was helping my grandfather, and I was more at ease here, in order not to make myself appear too deliberate, and to prevent my grandfather from discovering that she actually gave up her winter vacation for Qin Siting and took the initiative to come to the laboratory, so She ran over by herself on the first day of the holiday.

Grandpa also asked her why she was so active this time. She only said that she is now in the medical college after all. She used to come here because she was bored and there was no one to accompany her. Besides, she liked this. There are a lot of things that really need to be learned. In short, what she said is very official, and grandpa listened to it.

On the day Qin Siting came, Shi Niange deliberately hid in the laboratory not to go out, in fact, to prevent Grandpa from discovering who she was waiting for...

It was not until I heard other staff in the grandfather’s laboratory that a male student had come to help, she quietly glanced through the window inside, and saw that Qin Siting had put on the staff to help him prepare. A good new white coat is really like a handsome doctor who is alive and well. Although he has not graduated and is still young, he is not serious at all like entering such a professional laboratory for the first time.

After all, the school is all experiments for students, and Grandpa here is a place where you can really do medical research.

Two female students of my grandfather who have worked here for many years are also standing by the window, brushing the experimental equipment in their hands while screaming with emotion: "Oh, the young guy is so handsome now, how old is he? Listen to Yang The professor said that he was a freshman, so he was only twenty, right? If I were seven or eight years younger and the same age as him, I would definitely chase him..."

Shi Niange's eyes turned directly towards that sister, and then she smirked.

Hey, I'm sorry two sisters, he has been chased by me.

Well, although it hasn't succeeded yet, it's coming soon.

Shi Niange has never felt that she can act so well in her life. Probably the **** of love gave her blessings. She took out the information she had just prepared with the two young ladies from the inside, as if she hadn't seen anyone outside. While saying: "Grandpa, the results of the few pages of data just now have been..."

Then she didn’t finish her words, so Grandpa laughed and said, “Let’s let it go first, Nian Nian, come, and Grandpa will introduce you to you. Actually, there is no need to introduce, right? Xiao Qin is in the same department as you. You should be familiar with the same class."

Shi Niange turned to look at Qin Siting, and Qin Siting also looked at her. Of course she was not surprised, but Qin Siting didn't seem surprised at all that she would appear here.

She was surprised to say something that she had prepared, but when she saw him, she suddenly couldn't say it. She felt that she couldn't make any pretends, she just blinked instinctively and smiled directly at him. I got up: "Hi, God Qin~"

Qin Siting nodded: " I am familiar."

What he said was to answer her grandfather, and then he glanced at her again, nodded to her, very polite, but not very outsider, naturally made Shi Niange a little bit blooming.

But why is he not surprised at all?

She jumped from Grade Two to Grade Three because she often helped her grandfather’s laboratory. She also won awards for participating in many projects and also got the opportunity to skip grades.

So, Qin Siting knew from the beginning that she was likely to come to her grandfather's place frequently during the holidays, right?

Then he promised his grandfather's request for him to help so easily?

The more Shi Niange thought about it, the more she felt like she was about to fly, and she glanced in Qin Siting's direction. At this moment, they were all wearing the sterilized white hexagrams specially used in the laboratory.

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