Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1541: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 108)

Shi Niange stood behind Qin Siting, looking towards Xiao Luye, and saw that his eyes had already met Qin Siting's.

She felt that this kind of thing didn't seem to be the case when she hid herself. After thinking about it, she decided to stand up and talk about it. But when she was about to move, she felt that the hand on her wrist was using some strength. Didn't plan to let her stand up and talk.

She hesitated, forget it, listened to Qin Shen, and did not stand out.

Xiao Luye's cold eyes moved away from Qin Siting's face, watching Shi Nian Song who had been standing still behind Qin Siting obediently: "Did you spend the night with him last night?"

Shi Niange: "..." I rolled my eyes a little inside, I still worship you for your gift.

"Shi Niange, come over and talk, don't hide." Xiao Luye's eyes became colder because she was standing behind Qin Siting and didn't even plan to face him. "I don't know how to eat. I'm sorry, stand up and speak."

Shi Niange hesitated, and was about to stand out, but was still held by Qin Siting's hand.

"What I said last night should have been very clear. Young Master Xiao has been guarding outside for so long. Now the answer is right in front of you. You are trying to force her to follow you by growing up with her. What to explain?" Qin Siting's eyes were cold and deep, and his voice also revealed a distant coolness: "She doesn't have to explain anything to you."

Xiao Luye's eyes were deep and he looked directly at Shi Niange behind him: "What is your relationship with Qin Siting?"

Shi Niange was stunned, and then suddenly remembered that she and Qin Siting had known each other for so long, and she took the initiative to confess, but she hadn’t determined what the relationship was. If she stayed at his house like last night, it would be seen by others. It really seems to be a bit...that...

It means she despised herself too much.

But last night she just slept in the guest room, and nothing happened with Qin Siting. The two of them ate well, watched the movie, and slept in separate rooms. Nothing happened. They both gave each other a certain amount of respect. It's good for them to know it in their hearts, and they really don't need to explain.

But this person is Xiao Luye after all. He has been strong and assertive since he was a child, and now he has run into him, she seems to be unable to wash herself out of everything... It's not sure that it matters, but it seems that she is actively committing a stubborn situation...

"I, we..."

When Shi Niange was about to speak, Qin Siting's cold voice interrupted her: "I thought Young Master Xiao's eyes were sharp, but I didn't expect to be blind to this point. What's the relationship, can't you tell?"

Shi Niange's heart jumped, and my mother, Qin Siting, who has always been indisputable in the world, would actually have a time when speaking so unceremoniously, so cool!

Xiao Luye's complexion was ugly to the extreme. He repeatedly asked Shi Niange to read songs, but Qin Si Ting repeatedly did not give Shi Niange the opportunity to talk to him, and even practiced straight eyes and did not intend to let Shi Niange come out and confront him.

"You only said that it was her boyfriend last night, can your boyfriend keep her at home for the night?" Xiao Lu looked at the song when she looked wildly: "You stand up for me, don't hide, Shi Nian Song, carry I don’t care if I fall in love with someone else, are you still spending the night at his house?"

Shi Niange's brain had already been blown up by the three words of her boyfriend, and she couldn't hear anything for a long time.


Qin Siting said he is her boyfriend?

What did he say to Xiao Luye when he came out to open the door last night?

Ah, so Xiao Luye knew she was here last night?

So Qin Siting said last night that she would live here...

Her head couldn't turn around a bit, until she heard Xiao Luye say her name coldly again, she suddenly recovered, raised her head carefully over Qin Siting's shoulder and looked at the anger so much as if she wanted to The man who came over and smashed her head: "Uh, I...just last night..."

"Last night was just a normal process of love between two adults." Qin Siting interrupted her again.

Xiao Luye: "..."

Shi Niange: "..."

It's like she did him last night... Oh no, it's like what he did to her last night.

This is easy to misunderstand!

But Shi Niange has all kinds of shyness and sweetness in his heart at this moment.

Yes, she is over eighteen years old. They have grown up a long time ago, and they are not children. Although nothing happened, they are capable of taking responsibility for their actions even if they really happen. There is really no explanation. .

Hmm, Qin God is right, Qin God is awesome, Qin God is mighty, Qin God Balabala...

I have been in unrequited love for more than a year or even almost two years, and finally got a formal response and results in this situation. Shi Niange was full of heart at this moment, and I didn’t even go to see Xiao Luye at this moment. The face was just full of words that Shensi Qin said that he was her boyfriend, and the sentence he said, the process of normal love between two adults.

He said they were in love.

Xiao Luye saw that she had been sticking there for a long time like a idiot, and she still had a beautiful expression. She didn't know what she was thinking about, and her anger was aching, so she rolled her eyes upwards. Grinding her teeth, she suddenly reached out and was about to drag her out of Qin Siting. Just as Qin Siting moved to block her completely behind her Luye's cell phone rang .

Shi Niange seemed to hear Xiao Luye cursing something lowly, and then answered the phone impatiently.

I don't know what was said on the phone, Xiao Luye's eyes changed from being angry and angry to suddenly cold and quiet. His eyes were also much colder at this time, and he said coldly: "I know, go back now."

Is there something wrong with the Xiao family? Or is there something urgent for him?

Although feelings can’t be forced, she still hopes that everything is okay for Xiao Luye, but now that she suddenly stands up and asks something, it’s too white. If you pretend to be counseled, let’s go to the end. He scolded for a few more days, and later apologized to him again after looking for opportunities.

Xiao Luye put down the phone, his eyes fell on Shi Niange again, Qin Siting always stood in front of her coldly and calmly, never giving Xiao Luye a chance to come over and do anything to her.

Xiao Luye sneered, and turned away with a cold face. The rose that was still on the back seat of the car when he opened the door seemed to pierce his eyes. He glanced at the flowers behind, for a moment. Shi Niange felt that he would directly take out the flowers and throw them on the ground and step on them.

But he didn't do anything, just turned his back to them, stayed in front of the car door, put one hand on the car door, after a moment of thought, ignored the flowers behind, and went straight into the car, "bang" The door was closed with a loud sound, until the engine started, and the black high-end sports car left.

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