Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1630: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 197)

Qin Siting didn't reply. He just picked up the phone and answered the call. The signal in the elevator was not very good. After listening for a while, he heard the other party's words more coherently, and said indifferently: "I know, I'll be over in five minutes. "

After speaking, he hung up the phone, but didn't look at her again.

Shi Niange is standing in the elevator now. After so many years, this really counts as the closest distance between her and him, if it doesn't count as if he just grabbed his wrist.

The words he had said to her in front of the emergency room this morning were still echoing in her ears.

Every word and every sentence poke her heart like a knife.

She has no conscience.

She fate.

She deserves it.

Yes, she really deserves it.

She was already in the elevator anyway, and she couldn't do anything in the middle, so she didn't say anything at all.

Until the elevator reached the sixteenth floor, Qin Siting took the lead to go out. She still stood still in the elevator, and Qin Siting dropped the words without looking back: "The female president of Shida Group, she is full of embarrassment. It’s not easy to walk with blood or even legs and feet. If you plan to go back to the company and let people see it, I won’t stop you."

Shi Niange paused, thinking of the eyes of the directors in the company, and expecting to see her return to the company in this image, no matter what happened to her today, she would be labeled as disregarding the company's image.

Qin Siting had already walked far, she hesitated before going out, and saw him walking around the door of the clinic over there, pushing the door open with one hand, but standing in front of the door did not go directly in, and did not look back at her. But it is indeed waiting for her.

The little nurse at the guidance desk found Shi Niange and was looking at her direction curiously, thinking that it was the patient from where, but this person seemed to have come up with Qin Siting, and Qin Siting was standing there again. As if waiting for her, the nurse didn't dare to ask more, so she stood at the consultation desk and stared at Shi Nian Song curiously.

Shi Niange hesitated at first, and then became a little uncomfortable because of the little nurse's eyes. He didn't want to be stared at by a stranger all the time, so he quickly walked over, and after Qin Siting, he directly Push the door completely open: "Enter."

Shi Niange glanced at the consulting room inside.

The last time she accidentally heard the conversation inside here at night, and looked inside again, it looked like this, clean and tidy.

Two computers are placed side by side on the desk. On the desk are two computers with their backs facing away. There are a few casebooks. There are a lot of materials or things put together on the side of the desk next to the windowsill. The light brown fabric sofa, and a black leather examination bed, the others are the tall bookcases around the corners. The cabinets should also be filled with materials from the hospital or other medical-related books.

Qin Siting did not make any special cases in the hospital because of his family background, and his consulting room was no different from that of other provincial experts.

It's all here, and there is no need to argue in front of the door, she walked in without saying a word.

Qin Siting didn't close the door after entering. He just threw his own mobile phone on the table and then turned and walked out. In less than a minute, I didn't know where to get some disinfectant cotton and a clean towel. , Put it directly on the table next to her after entering.

"I went to the ward to see the patient's family. There is a separate toilet in the consulting room, so I can go in and clean it up by myself."

After speaking, he picked up the phone again and checked the case records on the table. After a glance, he picked up one of them and left directly, closing the door when he left.

Shi Niange stood alone in Qin Siting’s consulting room, looking at the sterile cotton and clean new towels that he had just placed next to him, then glanced at the door closed by him outside, picked up things and went into the bathroom. in.

The toilet in the hospital consultation room is very simple. There is only a simple sink, a square mirror, and a toilet. However, the toilet in the consultation room is not open to patients. There is a public toilet outside. Although it is very simple, it is also very simple. clean.

She turned on the faucet and washed her face. She wiped the blood on her arms and legs. Today, she is wearing a suit on the inside and a thin sunscreen coat that she put on temporarily. The blood is all on the coat. She will take it off again. After washing away the other blood stains on the body, he looked less embarrassed.

While Qin Siting was not back, she rolled up her trouser legs and checked for herself, but there was a bruise on her calf. Although the trousers were separated from her knee, she was bruised and torn in the car. The kneecap was also bruised, and the bruise was so large, no wonder it hurts to walk so hard.

She quickly took the disinfectant cotton and wiped her legs. After the treatment was clean, she walked out of the clinic and looked for it in Qin Siting's office. Later, she opened the drawer and found a medicine for traumatic injury. She treated it herself and waited. After the potion on the legs penetrated into the skin, he put his trousers down again, returned to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror to tidy up the messy hair scattered behind his shoulders, so that it no longer looked so messy and awkward.

It was already dark. After Shi Niange cleaned up, she slowly moved her legs and walked back to the sofa in the consulting room to sit down, looking at the place where Qin Siting worked, and remembering why he studied medicine in the first place. There are mixed flavors, but thinking of his current attitude towards himself and the reversal today, those emotions gradually calmed down.

She sat there to rest for a while, picked up her mobile phone to keep in touch with the people at the company, and at the same time called someone to take care of Wenke and them.

About half an hour later, the door of the consulting room was suddenly pushed open. Shi Niange raised his eyes and saw a male doctor with half bald hair in front of his eyes came in. The male doctor came in with his mouth. Still humming: "Old Qin..."

When the words came to my lips, I stopped abruptly. I was surprised when I saw the song in this consulting room. Then I looked outside the consulting room and then looked at her again. After repeating this for a long time, I was surprised and asked: "Beauty, you Is it a patient?"

Shi Niange answered honestly: "No."

"Not a patient? Old Qin actually let you be in his consulting room?" The male doctor was surprised.

At this time Qin Siting just came back and saw Lao Zhou who was in the emergency department outside the door, and said directly: "What are you doing in the doorway?"

Lao Zhou quickly stepped away, and after seeing Qin Siting in, the pretty girl was still sitting on the sofa. Qin Siting glanced at her, before speaking, he suddenly heard Lao Zhou saying in surprise from behind. The sentence: "Old Qin, have you fallen in love? Have you learned how to hide in the golden house? Yes, you have a good vision, this girl is very upright! Seeing you have been a monk for so many years, there are women!"

Qin Siting paused, then looked back at him coldly: "Are you sick?"

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