Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 172: : What did you do wrong? You dare not lift your head?

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Until Feng Ling was gone, Ji Nuan turned his eyes to Qin Shiting: "Aren't you all your own? Why suddenly broke her off?"

"What about your Ji family, hoping to be heard by more people?" Qin Shiting gave her a cold look, and handed her a thicker analysis report than the last time.

Ji Nuan just reached out to pick it up, but Qin Shiting suddenly paused, and put the analysis report next to her: "Forget it, your hand doesn't move."

Ji Nuan looked down at the report and looked up at him again: "What's the result?"

"It's similar to what you initially guessed. The so-called health medicines returned from abroad, each of which can not detect any toxic components at all, it can be seen that the other party is cautious and thorough. But if you mix these medicines together, It will be a chronic poison that can gradually degenerate human kidney organs. "Qin Shiting said coolly.

Ji Nuan was silent for a moment.

This has been expected for a long time, and now it is not so surprising to hear the results.

"My dad hasn't taken this medicine for a long time. I have seen the medicine in his drawer. He only takes it occasionally when he thinks about it. Has his body affected it now?"

"It depends on how much your father usually takes the medicine. This is a very slow chronic failure medicine formula that is difficult to detect. If he takes it for a short time, it will at most only weaken the body's resistance. Heartburn is prone to illness and other symptoms. As long as the medication is interrupted and you take care of it for a while, detoxification will be fine. But if you take it for too long, the drug will be like warm water boiling a frog, and it will infiltrate the blood into the bone marrow. Resulting in a final inability to return to heaven. "

Ji Nuan looked at him with a cold look, and after a long time, he slowly whispered, "Thank you, trouble, Doctor Qin."

Qin Shiting smiled, and then glanced at the analysis report held by her again: "Since this kind of thing has now been discovered by you, it is also a good thing. It is not difficult to see that the other party is a very precise and careful person. If you want to Debunking this matter still requires some thought, otherwise it's easy to hit the opponent's trap and pit yourself in. "

Ji Nuan nodded and didn't speak.

Qin Shiting didn't care about her any more, leaving her to sit beside waiting for Feng Ling to get her medicine back.

About two minutes later, Qin Shiting sat at the desk in the consulting room, drank, and suddenly asked: "Your stepmother, the ex-husband is the sick man who died early in Sheng's family?"

Ji Nuan also investigated some things about Shen Heru, but did not expect that Qin Shiting knew it.

"What does Dr. Qin want to ask?"

Qin Shiting glanced at her and glanced at her: "Sheng Yihan is her son. Even if their mother and son broke off because of Ji's family years ago, your stepmother once leaned on Sheng's family. She and her Son, is it really unknown whether we have completely cut off contact? "

Ji Nuan looked at him: "What do you mean, maybe the medicine I got from my dad is related to Sheng Yihan?"

Qin Shiting smiled lightly: "It's not impossible, but Sheng Yihan is cunning and good at hiding. This person looks too unpredictable and hard to figure out. After all, your stepmother is a fifty-year-old woman. A woman who doesn't show up outside is very suitable for a peaceful life in Ji's house. If your father is in trouble, Ji's power in her hands will not be of much use unless there is someone behind her. "

It goes without saying that although Shen Heru is clever, he is not yet clever enough to be cautious enough to do things.

Qin Shiting didn't say much, obviously, it was just the end.

When Feng Ling returned, Qin Shiting happened to have an expert consultation and needed to pass. After explaining a few things about Ji Nuan's hand injury, he left directly.

There were only two of them left in the consulting room. Ji Nuan was preparing to leave the hospital first, and suddenly his cell phone rang.

"Hey, boss, I found it. The courier was sent from Los Angeles, but I can only check where it was sent, but no contact person was written, and all other information was missing."

"Any information about the sender?"

"Uh-huh, nothing at all, I couldn't find it at all. People from the courier company said that many people did n’t write their addresses when they sent things, leaving only their names and phone numbers, but this courier did n’t know what went wrong. , They didn't even have their names and phones, and they felt strange. "

United States?

How can I always feel that she is closely related to many things in the United States, but she doesn't know what is going on.

Regardless of previous life or this life, Ji Nuan was pretty sure that she hadn't had anything like amnesia. She remembered everything that happened from childhood to age.

She just studied in Los Angeles a few years ago. What was there that she didn't know?

The purpose of sending a doll in a wedding dress or a dismembered doll is very obvious.

But since it was sent from the United States, it should have nothing to do with Ji Mengran.

Although An Shuyan has returned to the United States in the past few days, she can be an animated personality, so the proud and arrogant Miss Anjia, even if she is very smart and intelligent, has some small means, but she will never do such things. An Shuyan said that those who use this method of vulgar and violent behavior will behave when they are at home, let alone return to the United States so easily.

This method is not like what Mo Jingshen's father would do, and this method is obviously a woman.

Who is it?


In the evening, Feng Ling sent Ji Nuan back to the Royal Garden, but unexpectedly Mo Jingshen actually came back at the same time as her today. She just got out of the car and his car stopped outside the Royal Garden gate.

When Ji Nuan got out of the car, he subconsciously put his hands behind his back and looked at the black Gust, before he got out of the car and went straight to the villa.

Mo Jingshen was making a phone call in the car, and glimpsed Ji Nuan's ghostly appearance. He hung up and got out of the car, closed the door and walked over.

As a result, Ji Nuan was too anxious to go to the door of the villa. His hands wrapped in gauze could not be lifted to open the door. Then he felt that the depth of field of ink was approaching, and his scalp became tingling for a while.

"What bad thing did you do? You dare not lift your head?" Mo Jingshen's voice rang from above Ji Nuan's head.

Ji Nuan quickly stepped back and stepped back from the man: "It's nothing, it's a bit tired today. Why do you get off work so early? Is there no business dinner tonight?"

Ji Nuan said quietly leaning against the door. When the last word fell, Chen Yan had heard the movement and opened the door in it.

Seeing that she could slip into the door one more step, but unfortunately, the man seemed to have some peculiar ability to peel off the brain and gain insight into the human heart. Regardless of how natural and normal the performance of Ji Nuan was, he just said two slowly. Word: "Stop."

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