Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 266: : Back to Haicheng tomorrow night, can't I clean you up tonight?

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Ji Nuan froze a bit and moved backwards subconsciously. As a result, this action was captured by the man's eyes. He held her waist in one hand and took her into the dressing with the envious expressions of several shop assistants next to him. between.

The door was closed by the man, and then a familiar breath was approaching. Seasonal warm conditions reflected back. When the reflection came, the man's tall body had pressed her directly to the door of the fitting room behind him.

Although the space here is large, only her and him now, Ji Nuan's inexplicable face warmed up, his eyes searched around, I don't know if there is any monitoring in the fitting room.

"What are you doing here? I want to change my dress first ..."

The man's fingers shuttled between her long hair scattered behind, looking at her black and white eyes, and kissing her lips.

Ji Nuan: "???"

"It's so beautiful, I want to kiss first," the man said dumbly on her lips.

Ji Nuan: "…………"


Drive, go home and enter the door.

Mo had no time to turn on the lights in the living room, Mo Jingshen directly held her face with one hand, bowed her head and kissed her lip fiercely, and continued the unfinished things in the fitting room.

After kissing for a while, Ji Nuan reached out his hand against his chest, and was able to breathe through the gap between his lips. However, the next second, her face was forced by the man again, and he kissed at the corner of her lips. The endless dark color in the splash-like eyes almost devoured her: "Still hiding?"

Ji Nuan blinked his eyes: "How do I think you are going back to Haicheng tomorrow night, so today is particularly anxious, as if going straight to the battlefield."

No matter what time in the past, Mo Jingshen was extremely patient with her, and every time she came naturally.

And now ...

After changing the dress, he was forcibly taken out of the store, forcibly brought into the car, and pressed back directly on the wall when he returned ...

Mo Jingshen looked down at her, and said faintly, "You really are right, I really intend to go straight to the battlefield and return to Haicheng tomorrow night. Can't I clean you up tonight?"

Ji Nuan: "... It's too cruel. Please invite me to dinner at night, take me to buy a dress, it's so straightforward when I get home, I almost doubt that I'm not your wife, but that it's rare to get together to steal. Huan's Little love. People. "

The man smiled dumbly, but ignored her words, reached down to her waist, pushed the zipper of her skirt down, and stripped her skirt neatly.

Ji Nuan hurriedly held down his hand, and his face was scared with a scarlet face that was scarcely necessary for the front. The drama was about to start with a rhythm: "Ink depth of field!"

He lowered his head and kissed her cheek, and murmured, "You were obviously unable to bear it in the fitting room just now, and now I need to call again when I get home?"


"Isn't it ready already?"

This man!

Ji Nuan's head looked like something was about to explode, and blushed and yelled, "You shut up, Mo Jingshen, I was in a hurry to change clothes just now, I didn't ..."

She didn't finish talking, the skirt had been peeled off, the man's hand was lifted, the skirt was thrown directly by an arc, and finally fell on the carpet near the sofa.

Then she pressed her directly into his arms, and her lower body was tightly attached, and she could clearly feel that he really needed to go straight to the battlefield at this time ...

Ji Nuan: "..."

How could she ever feel that this man was very unmotivated?

Forbidden. Fear is an illusion for outsiders to see!

The man's hand stripped her blouse again, and Ji Nuan busily raised his hand and grabbed his hand.

Mo Jingshen's eyes narrowed, and his hoarse voice seduced low in her ear. Coax: "Let go, eh?"

Ji Nuan raised his eyes, looked at his face, Qingjun Yongyong, and looked at his inky. Sensual eyes, the scorching focus spreading from his eyes, and with an eagerness that was hard to see in him, he suddenly let Ji Nuan's heart gave birth to an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

It can make it difficult for people like him to control themselves. In addition to their physical habits and longing for each other, there is a sentence he once said that he is a very loving person, and his feelings are so deep that Mrs. Mo can not express everything.

He belongs only to her.

As soon as this idea got into his head, Ji Nuan instinctively stomped to kiss him.

Suddenly, the man who had to take off her clothes first gave up this brief pull, and instead hugged her horizontally without hesitation. When Ji Nuan whispered, she bowed her head and sealed her lips, straight Run to the bedroom and press her into the big soft bed.

A shattered kiss rolled back to her ear, and a low-pitched voice hit her eardrum: "Are you afraid you don't know, just in the fitting room, how much restraint did I use to not directly You ripped that gown, and hit you there once hard. "

Ji Nuan didn't know how beautiful she was when she put on the dress, so that the man couldn't control herself, but she had an inexplicable intuition now that she might die under him tonight, and she would die if she did n’t die. Going to half-life.


For Mo Jingshen, the short separation that is about to come again, from a week to a month, everything lays down tonight tonight.

And every time this man's physical strength didn't plan to let her off easily, she could finally make her cry till she screamed.

However, every time she cries like this, she can get a new round of fierce bullying.

In the end, she could not open her sweaty cheeks, biting the quilt just pulled by her weakly, holding back the sound of the rulelessness in her mouth, so as not to stimulate him again and again, that night It's really endless ...

Late at night, Ji Nuan was exhausted and had no strength to raise her arms. The man took her to the bathroom to wash her body, and then helped her put on a comfortable nightdress.

Sleeping beside her, hugging her to sleep.

Ji Nu was lying in his arms, tired enough to keep his eyes open, but his fingertips couldn't help but grabbed his arm and kept his eyes open slightly, staring at this familiar face.

The man ’s lips are thin and moderate, the bridge of the nose is straight, and the thicker eyebrows are too heavy, and the lighter ones are too light, especially the eyelids of this man, which seem to be thicker than many women ’s. His face was a little lazy because of his lameness, and the same shower gel scent emanated from him.

Perceived her sight, Mo Jingshen's hand was stroked on her head, knowing that she was tired but not willing to sleep. After all, although he will return to Haicheng tomorrow night, she still has class tomorrow, which is equivalent to tomorrow morning. To separate.

Ji Nuan couldn't hold it by touching his hair, and closed his eyes.

She found that she was becoming more and more obsessed with this man, and more and more unable to bear any separate day. Was she really spoiled by him?

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