Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 291: : Mo Shuang felt the lightness and softness on his legs ...

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Ajib was about to pull his fingers. Ji Nuan saw that there was no one else in the cabin, not even the old woman who had been protecting her before.

I thought it might be dead this time, but fortunately, it didn't drag down the depth of field of ink.

She felt a chill in her heart and closed her eyes slowly, but the sweat from her nose clearly revealed her fear and nervousness, which was not a reflection of the instinct of a trained informant or base personnel.

Ajib gave her a hesitant glance again, but this kind of person still couldn't stay, and was about to kill the person. Suddenly, Dali ran in from the outside.

Dali didn't know what was being said, and it seemed like he was anxious to hear.

Ajib paused with his gun. He glanced back from Dali and looked at Ji Nun coldly again. He said in English, "Control is a VIP who we've invited," he said. If you do n’t eat or drink, no matter how strong your mind and body ca n’t hold it, now people have fallen and they will die at any time. ”

Ji Nuan's expression still looked at him blankly, and he could not hear anything.

Seeing that she was always this frightened look, Ajib suddenly took the gun impatiently, turned back and said a few words to Dali in Cambodian, and went straight away.

Ji Nuan's heart has been playing drums, and she did not expect that she would escape from the dead. The reason for her escape was that Mo Jingshen did not eat or drink for four days. It was because he put Ajib on her by pouring it down Part of his attention.

Ajib said that Mo Depth is now down.

What does it mean?

Is he fainted?

What happened? !!

Ji Nuan did not dare to put his worry on his face, but looked at Dali standing in the room with a look of fear, and Dali signaled her to get out of bed and follow him.

Ji Nuan bit her lower lip and pointed to her hand still wrapped in gauze, which means that she can no longer deliver meals or do anything like this.

Dali, on the wooden bed under her, was impatient, knowing that she was dumb and could not hear anything. He even murmured a few words, and impatiently urged her to follow him quickly.

Ji Nuan had no choice but to get out of bed with a faint expression on his neck, and followed his neck with a fear of death.

Dali took her to the wooden house surrounded by layers of Mo Depth. Ji Nuan was a little worried that the order given by Ajib last night was still going to be implemented, and was thinking about how to continue to avoid this death. Innings, suddenly, Ajib motioned her eyes to the stone table over there to send the bowl of water in.

Ji Nuan looked at him unclearly. Ajibu pointed to the water and then to the wooden house where Mo Jingshen lived. The meaning was obvious, to let her go in to send water.

Do n’t deliver meals, but change to water? What do you mean?

The door of the wooden house was opening at the moment. She remembered that Mo Jingshen had not seen any traces of her **** before, but he didn't come out. Should she really pass out?

Ji Nuan slowly moved to the door of the wooden house and glanced inward.

Seeing Mo Jingshen's long and straight figure leaning against the wooden wall near the window of the wooden house, his eyes closed, his face pale, and his lips cracked and whitish. He was obviously in severe water shortage and was in a semi-coma state. Instead, insist on sitting there, resting with eyes closed.

It turned out that their purpose was to let her go in and feed Mo Jingshen with water.

After Ji Nuan glanced, his eyes turned to a bowl of water on the rough stone table outside, and walked over, holding the bowl of water under Dali's cold eyes.

She didn't know if Mo Jingshen had refused to eat their food and water because she was worried that they would be poisoned, or she was just resisting, but she was still not sure whether there was any poison in the bowl of water.

While holding the bowl and walking towards the wooden house, Ji Nuan suddenly felt as if not holding it securely so that some of the water in the bowl spilled out, all splashing on the back of her hand that was burned last night. She didn't hold the bowl when it hurt. The water spilled out instantly.

Dali saw her clumsy look and was about to kick her, and even wanted to pull out his gun and crash her.

But I remember Ajib explained that Control was a complete rejection of everyone here, but the woman who was arrested was not theirs. And women are more attentive than their men. Now let her take care of Control, let her find a way to feed him water, find a way to let him eat, and save his life.

Otherwise, if Control is really dead, let alone the secrets have not been obtained, if he is dead, the ace in their hands sufficient to threaten XI base and the US police will not exist.

Must keep him alive!

Dali put up with his temper, and after cursing, he asked Ji Nuan to get a bowl of water again.

Ji Nuan trembled and stood up, nodded to him again, and then trot to the artificially dug well near the cooking tent to get a bowl of clean water, and then carefully held it over.

Dali glared at her and warned her not to harass her, so she hurried in to feed the water.

But after she went in, Dali and several others were guarding the doorway and the window, staring at the situation at the same time, and always looking at Ji Nuan's expression of depth of field and not missing any suspicious clues.

Ji Nuan walked in, quickly walked to Mo Jingshen, and tried to make the trembling motion of her lifted hands smaller, but her tremor would not be regarded by them as excited and nervous. It is estimated that she would be afraid Afraid.

She carefully sent the water to the slightly cracked mouth of Mo Depth. Even if the man did not eat, drink, wash or sleep for four days, his breath was much thinner than usual, but the breath was still warm when she drew it by her hand , Qing Qing, the atmosphere that belongs to the depth of ink alone.

Ji Nuan raised his bowl and tried to feed him water, but the man's lips were closed. Although he was not tightly closed, he could not feed it just by closing it gently.

She had no choice but to speak, but to pat his shoulder gently.

Mo Jingshen's pale Qing Jun's eyebrows narrowed, without opening her eyes, but just feeling the bowl of water near her mouth, she just opened her head.

Ji Nuan was really anxious this time. He pressed the bowl firmly against his mouth and patted his hand on his shoulder. It was useless, and he raised his hand and patted him on the face.

On the other hand, Mo Jingshen will surely smell the familiar atmosphere on her, and he will surely know who she is.

But for four or five consecutive days of torture and torture, even if his sense of smell has not failed, he may not be so sensitive in his current state of lack of water and weakness.

Ji Nuan saw that he never opened his eyes nor opened his mouth, and simply pressed his outstretched leg firmly, and then sat on his knee with a strong butt.

At last, Mo Jingshen noticed the lightness and softness on his legs, his eyebrows knotted, and slowly opened his black eyes.

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