Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Before we could ask any more, the plane had already landed.

The cabin door opened quickly, Feng Ling picked up the phone and didn't know who to call, but many people came out of the plane in an instant.


Even when getting off the plane, Mo Jingshen held Ji Nuan's hand all the way and did not let go. Ji Nuan did not find another opportunity to ask him, and they were taken to the hospital by such a group of people.

Mo Jingshen's back wound at the Cambodian hospital was not particularly satisfactory. The doctor arranged an exclusive passage for him and went to the surgery as soon as he arrived at the hospital.

The operation did not end at 6:30 p.m. U.S. until 10 p.m. because of general anesthesia, Mo Jingshen did not wake up all night.

The police and people at the base left after the operation was successfully completed. Nan Heng was also convinced that Mo Jingshen's injury was okay before returning to base.

Ji Nuan was supposed to stay in the ward to take care of him, but because she had just had surgery, tonight Mo Jingshen needs to rest in the sterile ward for one night, and only allow people to enter tomorrow morning. She ca n’t go in now, standing outside the ward. Looking at the man through the huge glass window, although he was a little pale, he still had a clear face.

In her mind, Mo Jingshen looked at her eyes before the plane landed.

is it him?

Was that Mo Jingshen, the man who was covered with blood, who was accidentally rescued by the Los Angeles River?

Feng Ling went out to buy some of the daily necessities that Ji Nuan needed temporarily. When he returned, he saw Ji Nuan leaning on the glass window and never walked away. He went to persuade her and said that Mr. Mo has recovered a lot, but the relationship between the anesthetic and the I need to sleep for a day. I will wake up tomorrow and nothing will happen. Then I will take her to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

After the inspection, Ji Nuan's physical condition is not bad, but there are no problems, but the mood has fluctuated too much in recent days. In Chinese words, it is that the fetal gas has been affected. It is not very stable. She needs to rest in bed for a few days, plus her. Those scalds on her hands also needed to be handled properly, so a warm room was arranged for Ji Nuan on another floor so that she could not only rest but also stay with Mo Depth here.

After all, you can lie down on a bed with peace of mind. The sound of guns or explosions will no longer be heard in your ears, and you will no longer be threatened by life.

Ji Nuan suddenly couldn't sleep.

After turning it over and over for a long time, I picked up the mobile phone and saw a few missed calls and a few text messages from Xia Tian a day ago.

[What about people? What happened if I didn't answer the phone? ]

[Not planning to come back yet, there isn't even a local souvenir in Cambodia. Where is it worth your time to play? Hurry back, hundreds of millions of orders are waiting for you, boss Ji! ]

Ji Nuan went to Cambodia as soon as he returned to Haicheng. He only took the time to make a phone call with Xia Tian and said that he had taken a vacation in Cambodia. Xia Tian thought that she was under too much pressure to study in T City in the past few months, so she was just fine. After her vacation, let her play happily.

This so-called vacation is truly an unforgettable experience.

Ji Nuan smiled and called Xia Tian back.

At night in Los Angeles, it was already morning in the country. Xia Tian was having a meeting in the studio. Ji Nuan told her briefly about the recent trip and the other party yelled that the meeting was going on and then hung up.

Put down the phone, lie back on the bed, pick up the color Doppler test sheet placed next to the bed, and look at the small blurry image on it. When I went to check just now, the doctor said that the cute oval-shaped one displayed in the middle. Smaller, what a baby looks like when he is an embryo.

After watching this for a long time, Ji Nuan gradually calmed down, and finally got some sleepiness.

But this sleep was not long, and after only a few hours of sleep, I suddenly woke up.

In the dream, Mo Jingshen was covered with blood. In that cabin, Da was pointed at his forehead with a gun. Ji Nuan rushed in like a mad man. He screamed at the sound of the gunshot, but she couldn't even yell Come out and watch the blood splattered ...

She didn't even see how Mo Jingshen fell down after being shot. She only saw the blood dripping from the ground. The hot blood seemed to have flowed to her feet, and she was shocked by the cold sweat and opened it suddenly. Opening my eyes, I sat up and froze.

The nose is the smell of disinfection water. This is the ward in the Los Angeles Hospital. The surrounding area is white, quiet, no Dali, no gun, and no blood.

Ji Nuan closed his eyes, raised his hands and rubbed his sweaty horns, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was just a dream.

Ji Nuan lifted the quilt and got out of bed. The light blue brand new hospital uniform was soft and comfortable. Two delicate bags were placed on the accompanying sofa in the ward. Inside was Feng Ling's clothes for her before leaving. Those who wore back from Cambodia were of course thrown away, leaving no trace.

In my dreams, Mo Jingshen was injured. Ji Nuan couldn't sleep. Even though he had taken a bath before going to bed, he still used a bath to relieve the pressure and went directly into this luxurious single ward. Small bathroom.

By the time the shower came out, white fish had appeared outside the window, and the time had already pointed to six in the morning.

The doctor said last night that she would not be able to enter Mo Jingshen's ward until six o'clock. After looking at the time, she quickly wiped her hair, and simply brushed her back with **** and walked out.


In the early hours of the morning, Los Angeles in this season is also attacked by cold winter air like Haicheng. Even if there is air conditioning in the corridors of the hospital, at this time, the cold weather in the empty aisles makes people feel cold.

With the permission of the doctor, Ji Nuan gently opened the door of the ward and walked in by the light of the light in the ward.

The curtains in this ward were closed tightly, and it was very quiet. The breath of a man could be heard quietly.

She went to the bed.

The light in the ward is not very hot, and it is a relatively mild kind of cold light, but it is also enough to see the contours of the man's face. Although it is half bright and dark, it is not very real.

He was much paler, and had lighter bruises on his chin, which was a bit thinner when he was at home. The less obvious bruises on the brow bones had not faded yet, but he was still beautiful and unmatched.

America's bustling city, by the Los Angeles River.

The young man was lying straight on the white bed, he slept heavily, his face was calm, his hands were on both sides of the quilt, and there were blood on his back that had been treated with medicine.

He was lying here alive.

Outside the window of the ward was the dawn that gradually rose in the morning. He was lying quietly here, with light lights falling on his face.

At this moment, Ji Nuan really realized that the man in front of him really walked out with her in that damp cabin, from Cambodia to the United States, and returned safely to her.

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