Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 398: : Something was really taken from the drink

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Ji Nuan really doesn't like the occasion that Xia Tian deliberately arranged tonight. Although it is indeed based on cooperation and negotiation with BGY, she deliberately gave her and that Mr. Vinse ambiguous space from the beginning. This purpose allows Ji Nuan can't stay in this box.

Although she knew that Xia Tian wouldn't really go out and send her photos so impulsively, she really just wanted to make her happy or change her mood, but Ji Nuan didn't have much affection for that Mr. Vinese and his secretary. .

After talking with you for a while, Ji Nuan wanted to go out and get out of the air to help everyone get a drink list. Pick up the bag and go straight out.

She has always been very lucid about things between men and women. In the past life, no matter how irrational she was, she would not be associated with men he didn't like, especially in her life.

Ji Nuan had just stepped out of the box, and was about to go to the front desk of the club for another wine list. Suddenly, a woman's low voice rang out in the corridor of the box which was supposed to be relatively quiet: "Let go! I let you go!"

It sounds familiar.

Ji Nuan's footsteps paused, and he turned to look behind him. He just heard the sound and felt like Shi Nian Ge. At this glance, it turned out that Shi Nian Ge was desperately trying to shake off the two wearing black clothes beside her. Man's hand.

Shi Niange is usually a very mild beauty. Ji Nuan heard her sharp voice for the first time.

The corridor was very quiet. Already others in the boxes around looked out in this direction, but everyone just looked at it indifferently and closed the door.

Ji Nuan saw that the two men lowered their heads and looked cold and didn't know what they were saying to Shi Niange, but Shi Niange was eager to break his hands from those two people, and his eyes were resentful and astonished. There was also a hint of fear and helplessness.

Ji Nuan frowned. She and Shi Niange's friendship was not particularly deep, but anyway, she had known it, but even if it was only in the face of Qin Shiting, she seemed to have to help.

The important thing is that in her opinion, Shi Niange's face turned red, and the red one was abnormal.

"Let go! I haven't promised your boss a deal!"

"Miss Shi, I encourage you to be more acquainted. A young woman like you who wants to take over the Shida Group must also see that our boss does not agree to let you go to that position. Your father's company has been in control from a long time ago. The power is in the hands of our boss. Your father also intended to marry you. Now that you have called you back from the United States, you know what he means. You ca n’t hide from the palm of our boss after hiding for so many months. It's better to obey. "

The two men didn't try too hard and didn't mean to hurt her, but just didn't let her go away and kept pulling her to block her.

Shi Niange's glance became more and more anxious, and his gasping voice became heavier when he said, "Originally, he planned to step on our family's head from the beginning. At first, my dad shouldn't hold most of the rights in his hands. Give it to him, what boss? Have n’t they devoured everything in our family step by step through the cooperative relationship, and now hold the things that belong to me in front of me, who gives him the qualifications? Who gives him the courage? Fighting Is it possible for your own house to be so kingless? "

"Miss Shi, you still have to be rational, go in and talk to our boss!"

"I'll let you go!" Shi Niange said angrily: "Let go! Let go of your hands! I won't let go anymore, I really call the police ..."

"Miss Shi ..."

"Get away!"

"Miss Shi, you still hurry in with us. If the boss is angry, you will not have any good results yourself."

"Let go! Don't touch me!"

Ji Nuan walked over and said quietly: "Two sirs, I'm sorry, I may not be quite clear about the situation here. I saw someone calling for the police, so I called a police officer by the way, I didn't know if it would It won't cause you any trouble, but the police station is not far from here. The police are already on their way. "

What she said seemed to have accidentally called a police officer, but her tone was cold and obviously full of warnings.

The two men then let go of Shige ’s hand, but they looked at Ji Nuan with a very unpleasant look, disgusting her.

Ji Nuan walked over, stood in front of Shi Niange, glanced at the abnormal flush on her face, and felt like she had been given medicine by somebody, and wanted to escape but was stopped by these two people.

"Miss Shi." One of the two men looked at Shi Niange with a cold expression, and said vaguely, "I advise you to follow us. I'm afraid you won't go anywhere like this What's going to happen, after all, our boss is an old acquaintance with you, after all, if you meet any stranger like this ... "

Shi Niange's hand was raised with a tremor at this moment, and she caught Ji Nuan's wrist. Ji Nuan felt the hot heat next to her wrist. Sure enough, she guessed it right. Prescription.

"No need ... I'm here with her, wait for the police to come over ..." Shi Nian's voice was a little trembling, but her tone was resolute.

Hearing that she also threatened the police, the two men hesitated, and finally gave her a warning look: "Miss at that time, please take care of yourself. If you leave like this today, in case our boss is unhappy, We cannot guarantee what the future of the Shida Group will be. "

Ji Nuan felt the stiffness of Shi Niange at this time, and she subconsciously held her hand to prevent her from being threatened by this unconscious and irrational situation. .

The two men stared at them again for a while, seeing that Ji Nuan was trying to manage his idle affairs to the end, and then turned away with discomfort.

It wasn't until the two men went far and entered a private box that Ji Nuan took the opportunity to help people into the bathroom not far away: "Miss Shi, are you all right?"

Shi Niange smiled barely: "It's all right."

"Are you unwell? Or ..." Ji Nuan raised her hand and probed the temperature on her face: "Did you drink something unclean?"

Shi Niange was a little embarrassed, and he hesitated before answering: "The medicine that I drank before was indeed given some medicine. I don't know much about the medicinal properties of this kind of stuff. It is really uncomfortable now. Sorry, Miss Ji, you can Can't take me back to the hotel? I'm afraid I can't go by myself now. "

"Okay, I'll send you." Since there are many hotels near this entertainment club, Shi Niange said that she probably lived near this place.

Ji Nuan was preparing to help her out. When Shi Niange was uncomfortable at this time, the whole person leaned on her. When she felt the heat in her body, Ji Nuan was holding her out, while hesitant to give it. Qin Shiting called.

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