Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 458: : Blackout, Darkness, Ink Depth of Field, Strong Kiss (5)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing Ji Mengran, this is the side that directly led the topic to investment. Mrs. Xu glanced at her with a smile: "Since it is also in this industry, why didn't you think about supporting your MN group with your sister? By the way, Ji Dong is too old, and you will go back to inherit your family's industry sooner or later. Now President Ji has the MN Group, which should be inseparable. Later, this Ji Group will fall on you. Right? "

If Ji Hongwen really intends to give Ji Mengran everything about Ji's family, she won't have to follow Sheng Yihan like this every day, and don't have to look for investment everywhere.

The crux of the problem is that after Ji Mengran disappeared and returned more than a year later, although Ji Hongwen still recognized her daughter, she lost her temper because of her intentional disappearance, and because of what she had done to Ji Nuan. Annoyed that Ji's property would rather be divided up in the future, and she would never be destroyed for nothing.

It is estimated that Ji Hongwen also intends to give Ji's care to Ji Nuan. The MN Group is now so large. If one Ji is added, Ji Nuan is afraid that it will be even better.

Think about Ji Mengran's feelings, but Ji Hongwen's side can't do anything right now. Anyway, Ji's is still there, Ji Hongwen's body is fine. When Ji Nuan's life situation is officially exposed, it is estimated that It was not easy for her to take over Ji's.

"Ms. Xu, my dad is only in his fifties. Although Ji has a lot of trivial matters and is very busy, but his body can stay in the company for another ten or twenty years. Now, it ’s time to inherit the family business. It's too early, and if you want to inherit the family business, you have to rely on your skills. You have to spend more years in the business community to practice. "Ji Mengran said," So I just want to start a job Room, so that you can exercise well, so as not to be too rusty when taking over Ji later. "

Mrs. Xu nodded: "Yes, you are right to think so. Although Ji's looks not as glorious as it was then, after all, the business foundation in various cities in China still exists, and all kinds of things are stacked up. It's not that easy to look at, and it's good to exercise more in the business world. "

Speaking of this, Mrs. Xu smiled and looked at Ji Nuan, who had always been quiet and did n’t talk too much: "Ji has very few words. Now you can be regarded as the one who can only take care of the beam at Ji's house, so there is nothing to say ? "

Ji Nuan looked quietly with a slight hook: "It's good to listen to you and Meng Ran. As you said, the MN Group is already under enough pressure in my hands, not to mention whether it is in the business sector. Exercise, even if I have enough opportunities to exercise, I am afraid I can't be separated, so I have never considered the matter of Ji's. After all, the MN Group is involved in many industries, and it is the most profitable at home and abroad. There are several stable ones. If dreams need to take Ji's side with me, I will definitely not grab her. "

In Ji Mengran's words, it sounded like Ji Nuan took a step back, but it sounded carefully, but obviously I could feel Ji Nuan's contempt for her in the line.

Using Ji's side to walk means that her current studio will not open for a long time, and there will be no major development at all. In the future, she will still have to return to Ji's house to live on Ji's property?

Mrs. Xu heard this and chuckled: "It is true that the MN Group is really a dark horse in the Chinese business community in recent years. Ji has always been able to dominate the Internet technology and real estate industry in recent years. You are very accurate in terms of business opportunities. I have great confidence in the MN Group. "

Ji Mengran felt uncomfortable when he heard these words. He took out a delicate square box from the boutique bag that he had been holding and said with a smile: "Ms. Xu, I just focused on chatting and almost forgot. This is my representative. A gift from our studio. "

"Oh? There are gifts?" Mrs. Xu looked at Ji Mengran with a loving smile on her face. "You child are too kind. What do you give me as a gift?"

As soon as Mrs. Xu's words fell, Ji Mengran opened the box, which contained a recently launched Patek Philippe watch, which was very delicate and expensive.

Mrs. Xu only glanced at it, and did not reach out to pick it up. She only looked at Ji Mengran's dress and the bag worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in her hand, chuckling: "Miss Mengran's shot is really generous, the price of this watch It's not cheap. "

"It's not very expensive, but I just want to give you a meeting gift to Mrs. Xu, I hope you don't disapprove."

Mrs. Xu gently looked at her for a while, then raised her hand, gently closed the watch box, did not pick it up, and then turned to see Ji Nuan: "You two came to me today to talk about investment, but this topic was I ’ve been talking about the old days. Let ’s go and take a stroll. The two of you will talk to me by the way. ”

Ji Nun nodded, raised his hand and made a "please" gesture, so that Mrs. Xu advanced the elevator.

Seeing Mrs. Xu did not intend to collect it at all, Ji Mengran followed the elevator and asked carefully: "Don't you like this watch, Mrs. Xu? Or don't you like to wear a watch? I can also send other things, you are Like some antique calligraphy or other ... "

Mrs. Xu looked at her with a smile and said, "I won't take anything, it's just looking at Ji Dong's face to see you two children. I have my own plan for investing, and you don't have to keep sending I am happy with things. Since the studio is so lacking in investment, it ’s worth returning these watches worth millions. Why not embarrass yourself?

Ji Mengran's expression was stagnant.

Ji Nuan glanced at her and said indifferently: "Mrs. Xu means that since you are seeking investment on behalf of the studio, what you should do is to clarify the strength of your studio. Do you think Mrs. Xu will lack such a model? Patek Philippe's watch still lacks antique calligraphy and paintings. With Madam Xu's financial resources, she must have bought what she likes. Naturally, there will not be anything particularly wanted. You don't need to make efforts in this regard. "

Ji Mengran stared at Ji Nuan for a moment, Ji Nuan glanced at her leisurely and coolly, his lips still had a mild smile, and he could not see the slightest sharpness.

However, seeing that Mrs. Xu did not refute Ji Nuan's words, Ji Mengran clutched the bag in her hand, slowly put down her hand, and gave up her plan to continue giving gifts.

Until the elevator stopped on the sixth floor of the shopping mall, the three women went out together. Ji Mengran was talking about his studio at the moment. Ji Nuan always smiled and listened without interruption or robbing. I took the opportunity to talk about my company, only when I had a good time and looked at the passing goods from time to time.

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