Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 469: : Catching people to catch dirty, catching-rape also in bed (3)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Well, she said that she could shake his boss out.

He used to be ambiguous with his secretary, and was found by his wife. It seems that Ji Nuan knows it, so Ji Nuan is really not interested in him. From the beginning to the end, she was for this contract. It is specifically to take this opportunity to raise prices.

Coupled with the ambiguous smile she just gave him outside the KTV door, it was easy for people outside to see what was going on inside.

If Ji Nuan is more attentive, it is estimated that his wife is already on his way.

If you think about it, the person who deliberately disclosed the news to his wife before that is estimated to be Ji Nuan.

Equivalent, the only person who can keep him now is Ji Nuan.

In other words, the two of them can only protect each other. If she spreads her hands and does not explain, it is estimated that his wife must have done something today.

But Ji Nuan was right. The three billion yuan profit is really just a small favor for the MN Group, and it is not a big deal.

She really didn't need to use her nasty method in exchange for this 15% improvement point.

Mr. Zhang has been in the business world for so many years. For the first time, he was put on by a 24-year-old girl. In the end, he couldn't get angry, he could only hold his face, and had to smile on his face.

"I'll look at the contract again, I'll calculate it, and see if we can talk again if possible." President Zhang gave a step, but did not completely say the words.

Ji Nuan put the contract on the coffee table like this: "OK, you always look at that one and call me when you are sure, or say to my assistant, I will go to the bathroom first."

"Okay, President Ji, please."

Ji Nuan got up, Xiao Ba and several other secretaries and assistants sat on the sofa without moving. After all, I do n’t know what Ji Nuan was doing today, but they always felt cold behind, and felt that Zhang ’s wife would kill at any time. come.

"Xiao Ba, bring my bag." Ji Nuan said.

Xiao Ba is busy giving Ji Nuan's bag to her, and then she sees Ji Nuan holding the bag indifferently and enters the toilet in the box without any nervousness.

As soon as the bathroom door was closed, there was a sudden noise outside, and Xiao Ya and several secretaries sat on the sofa and looked at each other.

Mr. Zhang frowned when he heard the movement outside. He got up and opened his face with a guilty conceit and quietly opened the slit. After looking out, he called the security guard outside the door and whispered, "The person who is in trouble outside is my wife , Don't let her know that I am here, even if you come here, you will say directly that I have just left! "

The security guard nodded his face, the noise was louder outside.

Mr. Zhang thought that he might have been counted by Ji Nuan today, and he was gritted. He wanted to take advantage of their company before the MN Group had a firm foothold in Haicheng. More profit. In the end, not only did he not take any advantage himself, but in the end, it made Ji Nuan take advantage of the scandal.

"Where's my husband? Didn't someone just shoot him and that little fox with the last name Ji flirting outside this KTV? People? Let them get out of me!" Mrs. Zhang outside sang a cigarette Shouting and rushing in under the security barrier.

Hearing the full-bodied voice outside, the two colleagues sitting next to Xiao Ba were close together, and asked behind him to worry: "What to do, it seems really tough ... ... "

Xiao Ba glanced at the direction of the bathroom and whispered, "Ji should have a way. Let's watch it first."

Although she is also very nervous, when I think of the boss always being confident, I feel that there should be no problem here today.

Mrs. Zhang is still shouting outside, there are security guards rushing to stop, but who thought that Mrs. Zhang actually brought a lot of people over, men and women, rough or a little skill, one by one is not good He could only hear her growling loudly as she rushed inside.

"Zhang's name! Come out for me! You are all in front of me. You really don't take your mother seriously, don't you dare to come to a place like KTV!"

"Zhang Dahong! Get out!"

"Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Zhang, don't be excited. President Zhang really isn't here with us now. He just left. You can't find anyone here. President Zhang has already ..."

"Get off! What the **** is your mother, dare to lie in front of my mother! I obviously saw his car still outside!"

"Mr. Zhang had a drink and left in another person's car. Mrs. Zhang, don't go any further. There are other guests in each of our KTV boxes. This really affects our business!"

"Get away!"

"Mrs. Zhang ... you ..."

"I'll let you get away, don't toast or eat fine! Get out!"

"Oh, Mrs. Zhang, why are you beating people ..."

"Go! Don't roll your mother off your legs!"

The security guards outside suddenly calmed down, and the two colleagues sitting next to Xiaoba sighed.

Sure enough it's a shrew.

Let's take a look at President Zhang's pacing back and forth in the box. It's enough to see how afraid he is of his wife. No wonder he always looks at them, even though he looks long and pale, but For a long time, he has a thief but no thief. Today, President Ji has led his thief out of the way. He also attracted his wife.

"Sister Xiaoba, will it be life-threatening."

Xiaoba didn't say anything, she lowered her head and was preparing to pick up the mobile phone from her bag. She thought about whether to report a police first, if it really hits in a while, if the police could get there in time.

As a result, she just flipped through the bag, and suddenly saw that the warm baby sticker she had prepared for Ji Nuan was in it.

Xiao Ba suddenly felt a flash of light, as if he understood the meaning of Ji Nuan.

Instead of holding the phone, she slowly closed the bag, and then looked at Mr. Zhang: "Mr. Zhang, your wife sounds really good."

Mr. Zhang suddenly tilted Xiaobayi with an unpleasant look, and said meaningfully: "You are also very good at Ji." When he spoke, he also gave a thumbs up, but he acted a bit harshly, and gritted his teeth. Obviously, even if he was furious, he was very anxious.

Xiao Ya smiled with narrowed eyes, and didn't speak again.

"Zhang Dahong! If you don't get out, the old lady will burn your company for you! Come out!"

Mrs. Zhang had already approached this box at this time, and when she heard the approaching sound, even if Xiao Ba knew that nothing should happen today, he couldn't help but still got goosebumps. President Zhang suddenly turned around and turned to Taking two steps back, looking to the left and right, it seemed like I had committed a trance all of a sudden, and wanted to find a hiding place temporarily.

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