Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 648: : He's crazy, he must be crazy!

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

While Ji Nuan was almost crying, Sheng Yihan was bewildered by her fragile appearance for a moment. For a while, he did not notice Ji Nuan's legs bent while he was not paying attention.

Until the lower body was suddenly hit hard with her knees, Sheng Yihan suddenly snorted with pain and stiffened to her.

Ji Nuan's tears in her eyes looked at the man whose face was a little pale, and pushed him away as hard as possible, and when Sheng Yihan put up his hand to catch her back to the bed, he rolled over to the bed again, slamming into On the ground, slowly stood up little by little, and while he was in pain, he couldn't get up so fast for the time being, he tried to move to the door as quickly as possible.

But when he got to the door, Ji Nuan's hand hurriedly tugged the lock in the door, only to find that the door was really locked by someone outside!

Locked out?

She forcibly calmed down and regained a little sense.

The heat on Sheng Yihan's body just now was unusual, and the door was locked outside, indicating that she was sent in without his knowledge at all.

He was also prescribed medicine.

Even if the door could not be opened, Ji Nuan's hand was released from the door lock at once, leaning against the door stiffly, and did not even shoot the door for help.

The man in bed slowly got up, looked back at the flushed and shocked woman who was leaning against the door, looked at it, and laughed mutely, his voice hoarse: "I said, the door was outside. Locked, you don't believe it. "

Ji Nuan heard his voice, shuddered instinctively, and suddenly turned to look at him: "Is Ji Mengran?"

"The person who understands my thoughts on you and wants to destroy you by my hand, except for her, will never have a second person." Sheng Yihan said, slowly getting out of bed, still in his eyes It was Gu Gao, who was able to devour her, and walked towards her step by step: "Even if the door can be opened now, it cannot be opened. You should guess that there may be reporters calling her at any time outside this door. And the media, once you and I were in the same room, they were all disheveled, my face was red and my face was stained with a huge green hat on the head of Mo Depth. "

Ji Nuan saw him approaching himself, leaning against the door, but his heart seemed to be empty for a moment.

Mo Jingshen just said in front of the media that she is always Mrs. Mo. The news is still very hot. Almost everyone who has read the news is saying that the dog food distributed by Mr. Mo is too delicious. For those who are Mrs. Mo Ji Nuan is envious of too many people who are jealous and hateful.

If at this time, she was photographed out of a man's room.

Even if Mo Jingshen could not save her, he would even drag him into the water.

Just when Ji Nuan's hand was fisted into a fist, Sheng Yihan had already come over, breathing the smell of the man, Ji Nuan shuddered again: "You have just been prescribed medicine, haven't you? You are in a sober state You will never do such a confused thing, are you willing to be used by people like Ji Mengran? "

He chuckled, leaning down, holding his hands on the door panel behind her, and staring at her crimson, guarded face with a low eye: "Of course I can't let her use it, but I was sent to The woman in my bed is you, so I can only accept her 'goodwill'. "

Ji Nu raised his hand in front of him as he approached him as he spoke. Almost all the intermingling consciousness in his mind almost made her out of control to hold the man who had brought her countless nightmares in front of her. The urge to tear open her clothes made her heart fall to the bottom.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, forcibly kept her mind, and pushed her hard again.

However, not only did not push it, Sheng Yihan simply turned the arm that had just been supported on the door panel behind her and turned her around her waist, and put her whole person in his arms, and fell down and kissed on her neck. After that, Ji Nuan's sweaty hairs and goosebumps all got up, and he kept resisting, but was pressed into his arms by his death.

"Ji Nuan." Sheng Yihan hugged her tightly, her voice was around her neck, and she was hoarse and almost intoxicated and obsessed, "You have been my love for many years, but you ca n’t get your heart. Take away everything that Ji's family belongs to you, at least you will always remember to hate me, at least you can still have an inch of my heart, at least no matter how many years have passed, you will never forget me. "

"You lunatic! Let go of me!"

"But you're right in front of me right now, even if you don't have this medicine, I can't let you go like you are lying on my bed, let alone how it is now, how could I let it go You? "Sheng Yihan's voice was hoarse and dumb enough to make her flustered, but her hot hands still clung to her waist:" Since it is dragging each other into the water, even after tonight ... destroying you, also The same as destroying me ... I don't regret it ... "

"Sheng Yihan, sober up!" Ji Nuan thought he was crazy, he must be crazy!

However, the man stuck her ears at this moment, and the burning hot air from her mouth entered her ear socket: "I'm sober, the seasons are warm, and I'm too awake to know how you have become these years. A terrible nightmare has always existed in my dreams, making me feel disgusting to other women except for my hands against you in the dream. Now that the real you are in front of me, how can I not enjoy it? ? "

Sheng Yihan's words seemed to be more affectionate, but Ji Nuan became more and more trembling as she listened. When did she become his nightmare?

Obviously he was her biggest nightmare many years ago!

As soon as she heard that she had been beaten by his hands in his dream, she felt sick and terrible, raised her legs and attacked him with her tricks again. This time, Sheng Yihan took precautions and held her legs in one hand. , The other hand directly penetrated into the back of her zipper that had been unzipped, and just touched her clean and white back, Ji Nuan was about to explode, and suddenly trembled, screaming, "Don't touch I--"

It was probably that Ji Nuan's voice was too harsh and the calendar was too sharp. Sheng Yihan's hands paused. Ji Nuan was about to wave a person while he paused. As a result, there was a sudden pain in his neck, and Sheng Yihan suddenly bit his neck. Took a sip.

Ji Nuanqiang endured the pain, but it was precisely this kind of pain that could keep her awake higher, and she glanced violently in the direction of the surroundings, glancing at the table frame not far from the window, showing A transparent crystal ashtray.

She took a deep breath, and according to her memory, Feng Ling had taught her acupoints and pain points in her body, raised her feet without shoes, and used her heels to pinch him in the middle of his calf. Go on.

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