Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 664: : It was easily retrieved by a man and thrown on the bed

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

For Mo Jingshen, it takes courage too much to want to stand next to him too much.

It's not that you can't be decisive, just ...

Ji Nuan went to pick up the bag and went out with him. She looked down at the ground while she was in the elevator, and her eyelashes covered the shadow that had fallen from her eyes.

In fact, watching Mo Jingshen returning to the United States also required courage.

In the ten years he never returned, he still has the impression that the United States is equally a big shadow for her, but Shine headquarters is still in Los Angeles after all.

Mo Jingshen squeezed her hand that he obediently put in his palm, looked at her in the mirror of the elevator door, and said indifferently, "Not willing to leave? Want me to stay in Haicheng?"

Ji Nuan froze and raised his eyes: "No."

It is impossible for Shine to move back to the country like the MN group, so that he always flows in Haicheng. This is a very unrealistic thing, she never thought about it.

Mo Jingshen stared at her face, thin lips slightly hooked, and looked at her for a moment before opening up calmly: "I have renovated and rebuilt the entire garden in the past three years. If you want me to stay in Haicheng , On the condition that you and I go back to live in the Imperial Garden. "

Ji Nuan: "..."

She was surprised: "Renovation and reconstruction of the Imperial Garden?"

He looked at her with a surprised expression, and Qingjun's eyebrows moved slightly: "You didn't abandon the decoration of the imperial garden a long time ago. That was the decoration style that Grandpa used to advocate for personal installation when he got married. Neither of us participated. Once upon a time, the former imperial garden was a farewell to the past, and today the imperial garden is the home that has really injected all my efforts, just waiting for your hostess to go back. "

"No ... Mo Jingshen, aren't you going back to the United States?"

Although he couldn't figure out what he planned to ask her to eat before returning to the United States, Ji Nuan wondered strangely that he didn't seem to be returning in a short time, but now he was talking about the Royal Garden, even in these three years Li rebuilt and renovated the wedding room that once belonged to them, saying that the imperial garden was waiting for her to return.

Is he planning to ... stay in Haicheng in the future?

The two went to a western restaurant downstairs of her company and entered the restaurant. After being guided by the waiter to arrange a quiet and elegant location, Mo Jingshen let go and let Ji Nuan sit down.

When ordering, most of them are at the warm season, Mo Jingshen only needs a steak, and the others that are gradually served on the table are all warm by season.

And most of the time, Mo Jingshen was watching her eat.

"This restaurant has very small portions. Can you fill up such a small piece of steak?" Ji Nuan picked up a foie gras with thin bread and looked at the steak that had hardly moved in front of Mo Jingshen.

"I'm not very hungry."

"I'm not very hungry but came to me for dinner?" Ji Nuan silently clamped another piece of foie gras from a plate in front of himself with bread, put some leaves of western food side dishes in it, and handed him: Eat this. "

Seeing her mouth hard and soft, she did not say any reluctance on her face, but she seemed to be afraid of his hungry expression, Mo Jingshen smiled, took it with great compassion, and rolled her with great compassion. Had foie gras.

After that, he continued to watch her eat, and in the end of the season, Nuan was uncontrollable. Fortunately, she ordered a lot, and the same was divided into the plate in front of him, forcing him to eat more.


In the autumn, Haicheng really had many rainy days. The weather was fine when it came out of the company, and it rained after eating.

It was only five minutes' walk from the company's main entrance. The two did not drive or bring an umbrella. Mo Jingshen sent her back to the company. As a result, both of them were drenched in rain in a matter of minutes.

Even if Mo Jingshen was in the rain, it didn't affect his temperament, but was still mercifully allowed by Ji Nuan to take a bath in her rest room. Over men's clothes.

Mo Jingshen took a bath, and his short hair was wiped dry. Although no longer dripping, but still slightly wet before his forehead, it made the man who was originally cold and stern added a bit of sex. It was inexplicable.

He put on a set of black shirts and trousers that she just called the store, which he usually wears. Understanding between each other may not require a bluff on the surface. The small details and habits are enough to show that the relationship between the couple is actually quite peaceful. In addition to the various entanglements and misunderstandings that have occurred, it is not bad if there is no divorce.

Seeing that the man had changed his clothes and came out, Ji Nuan, who had just taken a bath in the rest room of the Deputy General Office's office, glanced at him, thinking about a lot of things for a while.

"The season is warm."

"Uh, huh?"

Mo Jingshen looked at her, and instantly captured her look that was stunning because he was wearing the clothes she bought. He remained calm and had a low voice. ? "

The meaning of going back to the Imperial Garden is to abandon her former suspects and resume their marriage life, and she will still return to his wife Mo.

Ji Nuan sat at the end of the bed in the rest room, picked up a pillow and held it in his arms, looked down at the pillow in his arms, cleared his throat, and said, "Wait for you to come back from the United States, after all, you are American So much, I do n’t know when I can return to Haicheng, and I do n’t think about it now. "

Mo Jingshen looked at her without saying a word.

Ji Nuan coughed again: "You've taken a bath and changed your clothes. Should you go back? I'm staying at the company tonight and I won't leave you."

"The season is warm."

"You also know that this rest room is not as large as the rest room in your office. I live alone is small enough. You must not come up with the idea of ​​living here."

It is not true that she has a rest room, but it is not enough to allow even one ink depth of field.

Mo Jingshen walked over, pulled the pillow in her arms with one hand, and threw it back to the bed behind her. He said lightly, "I am going back to the United States tomorrow. Are you planning to draw a line with me after I take a shower? When the United States comes back, when I come back, I'm afraid that you have already fled to the country of Java and you can't catch it. Don't think I don't know that you are slipping like a loach now. "

Ji Nuan: "..."

His voice was plainly asked: "Will you go back to the Royal Garden?"

Ji Nuan glanced at him: "I said it, and I'll say it when you come back from the United States."

"Are you sure you won't run?"

Ji Nuan felt guilty: "The sea city is so big, where can I go? I can't go back to London again ..."

Before she finished speaking, the man suddenly leaned forward and approached, Ji Nuan's eyes lingered, and he felt subconsciously that he had no plans to leave her tonight, got up and was about to get away, but just took a step, he was The man easily fished it back and threw it onto the bed.

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