Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 680: : Mo Jingshen's eyes are silent and red ...

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

In this case, she planned to return to Haicheng as he wished, but did not want to drag him down, but she did not expect that these people were lurking in the cabin.

Don't let him be threatened because of her, otherwise Mo Jingshen still doesn't know what kind of danger he will face.

If she was able to escape alive in the thieves' nests in Cambodia three years ago, she was not afraid of such a life-and-death calamity, and she would not let these people succeed even if she died now.

Ji Nuan never spoke and made no sound, but closed her mouth and turned to avoid the mobile phone that had been stuck to her ear.

A Tutai's eyes flashed: "It's a bad temper, why? I don't want your husband to save you?"

Ji Nuan didn't answer, just opened his eyes, staring blankly at the eyes full of murderous men. The gaze in her eyes was obviously saying to him: Don't think about it!

Mo Jingshen said on the other side of the phone: "Ji Yuannuan, speak."

Mo Jingshen's voice was right in his ear. Ji Nuan resisted his torment and the fear in this environment. In any case, she didn't want to be a burden on him. She still looked coldly at that moment and almost wanted herself The man whose scalp was ripped off, her face became whiter and whiter because of the pain, but she still gritted her teeth firmly.

A Tutai suddenly let go of her hair, but slap her directly on her face. The sound of slap was so loud that the bottom of the ink on the other side of the phone showed a stern look. ! "

The whole person who was beaten by Ji Nuan was planted to the side. She was so strong that she bumped against the wall next to her. She had a hot pain on her face. She banged her head hard against the wall. Hissing, but only a small wheeze, still no more sounds.

"I wanted to accompany you for fun, but your grandfather, I hated a woman who is so stubborn and uncooperative like you!" A Tutai stepped forward again and pulled her hair, dragging her out of the two meters directly Many distances, when Ji Nuan was so painful that she forcibly swallowed the screams, she threw her to the ground fiercely: "Don't you speak? I have a lot of ways to let him see your tragic situation now, do you want Let him see in the mobile video how you were beaten by me 躏. 蹂? "

As Tutai said, he kicked him fiercely against Ji Nuan, who was almost paralyzed on the ground, and kicked him directly on her stomach. Ji Nuan immediately fell to the ground with pain, almost instinctively curled up. He raised his body to cover his stomach, but he still refused to make a sound until he bit his lips and bleed.

Although Mo Jingshen couldn't hear Ji Nuan's voice on the other side of the phone, Atu Tai's motion was too loud, while Mo Jingshen looked cold and looked at the signal position of the continuously rotating instrument on another computer, and died. Holding the phone dead, the five fingers became tighter and tighter, and the slender knuckles were pale.

"Reluctant to talk?" A Tutai looked at the woman who had fallen to the ground, dragged her up again, and slammed her face on the face she had just hit to the swollen half, meanwhile Kicked her to the ground, Ji Nuan was kicked backwards, and then slammed into the corner of the metal frame next to it. I did n’t know how sharp the metal frame was, but I did n’t know what was behind the shoulder. She stabbed in, and her whole body was shaking as soon as it hurt, and her back was instantly red with blood.

"Yeah, it's bleeding." A Tu hummed and looked at the woman who was embarrassed and fell on the ground with eyes closed. She had tears on her face, blood on the corners of her mouth, and a bloodstain behind her shoulder. Her face was almost pale. Like the dead, he still refused to shout.

He narrowed his eyes, suddenly winking at the two men who came in from the door.

The two men nodded, turned around and went outside to find two pots of water with ice dregs directly on Ji Nuan. Ji Nuan suddenly opened his eyes from the semi-coma with ice, but his eyes were still dark. He was in pain all over his body, and at this moment it was so painful that he didn't even have the energy to shout out.

Seeing her awake, A Tutai walked step by step, slowly crouched beside her, looked at her condescendingly, as if looking at an ant who would be stepped on by herself at any time: "If you don't speak again, I These brothers will let you know what is really worse than life, and do not know how a woman who has been slept by Mo Jingshen tastes. The skin is white and tender, and it will become red and swollen after two hits ... "

With that said, A Tutai's hand touched her face twice.

Ji Nuan suddenly turned his face away and tried to avoid his hand. At this moment, Aitu handed her phone to her, gesturing her with her eyes, and let her speak.

A man as wary as Mr. Control, if he still cannot hear the woman's voice, I am afraid that even if he believes that this woman is indeed his wife, he will not act rashly.

You have to make this woman sound, you have to make sure that she is his woman, and you have to let Control, who has always been calm, mess up. Otherwise, their plan will only stagnate, and they will never be in Los Angeles. Nothing is better than Cambodia, and there are too many dangers to want to act here.

Ji Nuan glanced at the cell phone he handed over and still didn't speak, but his eyes seemed to be hesitant, and he slowly raised his painful and stiff hands and tried to pick up the cell phone.

A Tu stared at her too coldly, and did not give her the phone directly, but still kept the gesture of handing her.

Just when Ji Nuan raised her hand and felt the phone, she didn't know where the strength came from. She slaps her hand from his hand with a stern force. The moment the phone landed, the screen broke instantly. Cracked, but the call was not hung up as she wished.

"!" A Tu shouted suddenly, raised his foot and kicked Ji Nu's body again.

This time Ji Nuan was choked up and couldn't hold back, and groaned. Although the sound was very low, the phone landed next to her, and the sound passed into the ear of Mo Jingshen through the phone's loudspeaker.

Mo Jingshen's eyes were silent and scarlet, and the mobile phone was already in the state of hands-free sound amplification, and everyone behind him could hear it.

"Mr. Mo." Under such tense anger, AK looked at the signal fixed on the computer screen and whispered suddenly.

Mo Jingshen turned his eyes sharply to see where the signal was, cut off the phone instantly, picked up the electronic car key and went out.

A and other people quickly followed, and anxiously notified Nan Heng, who was already on the way, but when they hung up, they saw the black off-road vehicle that Mo Jingshen had just stepped on in a terrible way. Speed ​​rushed towards the position of the signal point just now!

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