Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 693: : Mr. Mo is accurate, they will be wrong?

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The face held by Mo Jingshen's face turned blue and white, his throat was choked, he could not speak, and he could not escape.

Seeing other people around him apparently didn't intend to kill the person, only holding a gun to the depth of field of the eye, full of defense, but because he wanted to get what they wanted from him, he couldn't kill him directly. .

During this moment of stalemate, the people who are full of hesitation and fear are naturally this group of people, and Mo Jingshen is just the opposite.

He sneered, and suddenly raised his arms. The people present only heard a bang—

A string of crystal lights on the ceiling of the corridor of the hotel was accurately passed by bullets, and various crystal glass lights were smashed and shattered.

There are only two windows at the end of the corridor, left and right, and the middle section is in darkness because the lights go out instantly.

The first person who rushed out of the door of the safe passage was A K, because firing a shot after capturing the gun is a historically unchanging secret sign of the XI base. When the sound of the gun sounded, he rushed directly at the fastest speed. When it came out, there were other members of the base who were quietly climbing to the top floor along the stairs that followed the safe passage.

The light in the corridor was too dim. Before the Cambodians reflected what was going on, they were suddenly knocked down. The guns and everything that could be used as weapons were instantly taken away. All the progress was very quiet. Except for the first shot that Mo Jingshen fired, all subsequent actions did not make any extra sounds. Even when those people were knocked down, they all fell to the ground instantly, and they couldn't be heard at all.

The person who was always strangled by the ink depth of field was the only one who was not knocked down, but after gradually adapting to the dark light, he saw the surrounding scene and the XI base, his face changed greatly, and he immediately wanted to shout loudly to remind the room It was holding those who were warm in the season.

Just as he was about to speak, the man holding the gun in front of him remained calm, his muzzle aimed at his eyebrow, as if he had not been threatened in any way because he was about to speak.

The depth of the ink scene remains unchanged, and it is still the indifferent word: "Open the door."

The man looked at him, his lips moved. After all, he didn't dare to make a sound because the muzzle was facing his brain, and he was about to whisper, and the door not far behind him was already opened at this time.

Although there was no movement afterwards, after all, their gun was not a mute gun. The movement of Mo Jingshen when shooting was not likely to be heard by the people inside, but it was only a short while that the gun was fired by their people. It was still opened by somebody. After all, if Mo Jingshen can really enter this hotel, it should be searched and it is impossible to bring a gun in.

But the people who came out did not expect that as soon as the door opened, they would see more than twenty XI bases standing in a row in the dark, and all the muzzles were aligned in the direction of the door.

The man had a stunned expression, his pupils tightened, and he was about to step back, but the pestle that was shocked by the muzzles did not dare to move in front of the door. There was a moment of silence in the entire corridor.

From the beginning to the end, the depth of the ink scene is indifferent.

The man in front of the door saw Mo Depth in the dark, almost unclear light, and then saw his brother's fainting fainting, and one who was held in his hands, turned sharply and rushed back.

The moment the man moved, A K took the lead to fire. With a bang, the man's shoulder was shot in an instant.

The room was already in a state of preparation, and the head of the person had already pulled Ji Nu from the bed. At the moment when A-K rushed in, he saw that several of them were fighting Ji Nu on their shoulders. , Standing in the direction of the balcony, each with a gun in his hand outside the door.

They have few people and their bullets may not be sufficient, but their biggest ace is Ji Nuan.

Seeing that the seasonal warmth that had not officially passed the dangerous period was so resisted by them, leaving the hospital and encountering such changes, I wonder if I could survive it.

Ak looked at them with a frosty face, and the gun in his hand was aimed at the head of the person who was facing Ji Nuan.

"The Los Angeles Police and members of the XI base have completely surrounded the hotel. They don't want to make it to the point of death or injury. They immediately let people go." A sentence overflowed from the throat of the man behind AK: "Give you the last thirty Chance of seconds.

The person headed by Ji Nuan gave a sneer, and suddenly looked back under the balcony, only to find that there was a Los Angeles rescue team under the balcony who did not know when he arrived. It was already paved below. The huge air-cushion with high floors, even if threatened by throwing this woman down, there is no room for threats, and even if they jump now, they will be surrounded by those below instantly. Press and hold.

The expressions of these several people were panicked, full of unexpectedness.

They have been with Aitutai all year round in war-torn countries. Rescue teams in those countries will never come to rescue people in such a timely manner. They are not familiar with all aspects of Los Angeles. They usually just follow Atutai and listen to the decisions After obediently doing things, I did not expect to want to do a big vote myself, but I was so miscalculated ...

Mr. Control, is it true that they will be wrong?

AK was about to walk up, and the guns in the electric light flint suddenly shifted their directions and directly stuck to Ji Nuan's body.

The strength of the members of the XI base is not weak, and they are even better than many members of the special forces in the United States. They are even superior in military value. As long as they are in normal fighting situations, they will not lose money, but now Mrs. Mo is in these Cambodias. People don't say in the hands, what's more important is that Mrs. Mo's physical condition is not very good at first. She was rescued in the hospital, and there can be no difference, so they can't do their best.

But even at this point, people at the XI base did not tend to fall behind.

Just when those people were cautiously staring in the direction of A, fearing that they were not threatened and intended to shoot, Mo Jingshen struck the muzzle in his hand with a clever force on the rib of the person being held by him. The moment he stooped down in pain, he kicked him forward with one foot.

Ak heard the movement and looked back at the moment when he saw the scene. At the same time, he raised his foot and kicked the man forward again. This man was too dark, thin and short, and the whole person almost flew not far after being kicked twice. On the balcony at the end, they fell heavily at the feet of those people, and blood spewed out of the mouth instantly.

Mo Jingshen walked forward, and Ak followed his brothers.

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