Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 801: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (64)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Nan Heng had just taken down the person, and heard the complaint in Feng Ling's mouth, and let go of her directly.

Feng Ling took a big step back quickly, as if he was afraid he would kick her hands again.

Nan Heng's deep eyes looked at her defense-like expression, his eyes went cold little by little.

Feng Ling is a man. He is already in love at the age of sixteen or seven. It is not surprising that a beautiful and lovely girl of the same age will like it a bit. Even a cold person like Feng Ling was just facing Mrs. Feng. That little niece obviously had a lot more patience.

This is perfectly normal.

Nanheng relentlessly walked in the direction of the commercial street where their car was parked, Feng Ling followed directly, and did not go to look at the Qin Shuke who was looking at her straightly behind her.

After all, he quickly walked behind the man with a tall leg, and suddenly heard the cool voice of the man, "The base also has clear rules and regulations for members' personal affairs, and I should not need to remind you."

The man's voice was so cold that Feng Ling wondered if Li Boss was really interested in Qin Shuke, and thought he was in the middle of getting in the way ...

"Cough." Feng Lington apologized after him and said, "I haven't really read the rules about personal affairs. Which one is the boss referring to?"

The man did not look back: "Under the age of eighteen, you cannot fall in love, and you cannot have any emotional disputes with anyone outside the base except your parents."

Just such a cold word came to Feng Ling's ear, Feng Ling froze, looked up at the indifferent back of the man.

Nan Heng did not care about the guy who was thrown away far behind him and walked directly back to the commercial street.

It was not until ten minutes after returning to the car that Feng Ling finally came back. After opening the door and sitting in, the man in the driver's seat didn't say a word and started the engine directly. The throttle of the Hummer is usually not loud, but at this moment Because the man immediately increased the firepower and instantly made a loud throttle sound, a bang sound soared directly from the parking lot of the commercial street.

"Fun for ten minutes, what did you do behind?"

The man looking at the car looked ahead without much sound.

"My phone rang, and A's call was not answered before, and he called again. As a result, Qin Shuke chased me over, grabbed my phone directly, and called her with my phone. Phone, and then wrote down my number. "Feng Ling replied bluntly:" Because she is a girl and her personality is a bit difficult to handle, I took some time to get her phone over and delete my number. This It took a while. "

When he heard Qin Shuke robbed his phone and saved his number, the man with a cold eyes could almost freeze the air in the car into ice.

Then I heard Feng Ling said that the number was deleted, and this only eased my eyes.

It was already more than ten o'clock at night when returning to the base. Feng Ling was ready to return to his residence after saying goodbye to Nan Heng.

The man behind him said coldly, "Wait."

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"We live on the same floor. When we come back later, we will go to the base meeting room first."


Seeing Feng Ling's official look, whether outside or in the base, Nan Heng glanced at her again. Feng Ling's eyes were looking at him, but since he accidentally heard his affirmation of her, The look of this guy is no longer so indifferent and indifferent, but he is treated as the respected boss and the base leader.

Nan Hengbian walked in the direction of the conference room of the base and turned his head to light a cigarette. At the same time, he said lightly: "Five of you will train for another month. After one month, you can perform real long-range sniper training if you have a good long shot. Training, what do you think of the other four people? "

Feng Ling walked beside him and said, "My opinion?"

"Five of you will conduct such separate cross-examinations. Although five of them form a sniper team, they are also equivalent to enemies of one stage. Only when they are truly better than the other four will they be valued, and there will be separate One team and one teaching, not everyone can easily control this aspect of long-range sniper. The reason why you haven't officially touched the sniper rifle is because you have to wait until all five of you have reached the passing line. Get in touch. "

Speaking of which, Nan Heng put the space between his fingertips and put it between his lips, so he put it between his lips, squinting his eyes and unbuttoning his cuffs, and pulled up the sleeves of the black uniform up until a lot. A faint, not too clear, but large area scar appeared on the inside of the arm.

Feng Ling hadn't paid much attention to it before. The scar at this location was not easy to find. This was the first time that he saw the scar on the inside of his arm. I didn't expect it to be so large.

"This is the consequence of arbitrarily picking up a sniper rifle to incapability when you are not proficient with the spear and various indicators." Nan Heng just showed one arm, took the cigarette down with the other hand, and walked quietly: " When I was twelve years old, I thought I grew up in the XI base and played very well with everything. When I wanted to play a sniper rifle, I did n’t practice the marksmanship, and I did n’t know how to prevent it. The danger of fire behind the sniper rifle led me to go to the arsenal to take out my master's sniper rifle. After firing two shots, the back of the gun body caught fire. The fire was sprayed directly from the back, which burned my arm and the butt. position."

Nan Heng casually lowered his sleeve again, and said indifferently: "At first I could only say that I was lucky, because I would not play a sniper rifle, but I accidentally shot the bullet from the front, otherwise if the bullet did not Insert it correctly, it will penetrate into my arm directly from the rear, which is equivalent to an arm being destroyed directly. "He also coldly lip:" Burn is not like other trauma, even if Li family has the ability, please the world Doctors from all over the place treat this scar in my arm, but in the end, they can only clean up the sores on the surface of the scar, but if you look closely, you can still see the newly grown meat and the original skin. There are obvious differences in color. Even if the surface is flat and has no effect so far, I will never forget the lessons of twelve-year-olds who used large guns because they did n’t understand.

Feng Ling glanced again at the arm on which he had lowered his sleeve: "So the boss, you usually train us strictly, but you are actually responsible for the safety of our lives. You do n’t want us to suffer even an unnecessary injury. Training, a little increase our physical endurance, do not want us to make unnecessary sacrifice at a certain time or a certain task in the future. "

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